Well-known member
Little project in the garage this morning. We had a metal gate to stop the dogs from going downstairs. POS fell apart yesterday so I built one.
AWESOMEI just got back from East Rochester NY.
Specifically Leo's Bakery.
Where a machine I sold "as is" to a broker, a longtime friend, who sold it to another broker who sold it to a Bakery Equipment Supply Company who sold it to Leo's Bakery. But, they didn't back it up with service.
This was the last machine I ever built. It was customed and tooled for a customer that went belly up before they could take delivery. It sat in a warehouse for two years. I put my name on every piece of equipment I build so Leo's Bakery, in desperation, called me.
They wanted their money back. They paid more than twice for what I sold the machine. The bakery supply company reneged.
Legally, I have no obligation. But my broker friend's reputation was on the line.
Try as I might, I could not solve their problem over the phone,
Therefore, at my personal cost, I drove there, for three days, to fix the issue.
It could have been many things. There was a possibility that things had been done making repair impossible in the field. It took me a full day to check it out. I prepared the new owner for the worst case scenario. I might have to ship the machine to my shop for repairs. Two weeks and $2,500 freight at his costs.
My charge would be zero.
He flipped out.
I told him I had never had a failure in 35 years of the business. Our definition of "quality" was the delivery of a customer's expectations. Obviously, this was not the case here. Therefore, I would fix it. PERIOD!
After a thorough review, I realized someone along the chain of buy and sell, had changed one sprocket in the drive line between the front and back of the machine.
It may have been my guy.
Not likely but;;;;
It was simple and stupid.
I ordered a new, proper sprocket, from Granger, to come in the next day.
However, these people had no training on the machine and had set tooling up improperly. So, I spent two days training and making proper tooling for their product.
Something the Bakery Supply had refused to do.
The sprocket arrived noon Thursday. I installed it and within the hour we were running product at twice the speed promised.
They expected a 40 PPM machine. It went at 95 PPM.
Despite success, I would not accept a cash payment. After all, they owed me nothing.
So, when I got back to my truck, it was filled with baked goods.
And that, is what I did today!
I will be putting this story, and more, in a special thread, once I cook dinner for the kids.
Here's a picture of former Congressman Steve King and me at the Christmas potluck dinner:Not doing much today but this evening I will see former Congressman Steve King at our annual Christmas Potluck for the Iowa Great Lakes Patriots. I already have his signed book, Walking Through The Fire but he will bring a few copies to sell. It's always a good time and meal and I always look forward to chatting with Steve.
Lenny, I swear you are the only person I've ever known from forums who has actively been involved in politics and met people.Here's a picture of former Congressman Steve King and me at the Christmas potluck dinner:
Thanks for the recognition. I was brought up do do things, rather than just talk about them.Lenny, I swear you are the only person I've ever known from forums who has actively been involved in politics and met people.
I dont envy that, my last dogs were a pitbull and a staffie, both great dogs individually but a couple years in that started fighting and had to keep them separated. They both were 80# dogs and there last fight I got bit by one of them trying to separate them and my had was screwed for the better part of a year, couldn't even move my fingers for 2 months. Anyway its been my experience that once they start fighting its only going to get worse and you will have to keep them separated from now on until they are no more.Went to home depot again and picked up more material to build another doggy gate to keep these two separated for now as 99% of the time they are fine together but recently a dominance issue has arrived. Cooper walks by and growls at Honey. Honey is like...yah, you wanna go? And it's a vicious fight. My wife's been scratched trying to keep them apart. My daughter was in between them and got bitten. Like I said they normally got along great and run around together outside. Cooper's eye is currently all bloodshot and he's got bites and scratches on his neck from honey. She doesn't back down when challenged.
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Bummer about the back, good luck with the dogsThing is, when they aren't fighting, they are the best of friends and would love to chase each other outside in the yard and lay beside each other in the house. It's not one or the other. The other day, I left the house to go to the truck to get something. Cooper started barking at the door. Honey walked by and Cooper lunged at him. Then the next day, Cooper was under the desk at my wife's feet (she works from home 2 days a week and has an office in our bedroom) and honey jumped from the bed and attacked him without warning. Very frustrating. We're working with a trainer to see if we can do something.
Back to the thread at hand. Not doing anything today apparently as I was up half the night with a burning back. I wasn't even able to get out of bed this morning and my wife was calling in to work to take over my driving duties for the kids.
Pictures or we won't believe it. . .
Our kitchen cabinet doors are finally being installed.
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