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What are you doing today, II

However, those kids were educated to believe the Gubmit, and our society, owes them a living equal to those who earned one.
Actually the latest generation of kids are conservative, it the few before that, The participation trophy generation being the worst.
the sex allure of robotic burger flippers will wear off right soon. a totally automated line that does every from getting patties from the freezer to wrapping the burger and putting it on a shelf ,,,, is all possible (today, even) but the fast food joint will need to be about three times bigger. if the bot system does not do everything from freezer to shelf, a person is required to feed the machine.

and the same bot line is not going to multi-task and do Egg McMuffins with/without sausage, and french fries, and onion rings, and all the other misc. food items sold....

and the tech - who has to be on hand during all open hours - is not going to work for $20/hr. and that's after the company/franchise pays for 3-6 months schooling & training.

and then they'll need a cleaning crew for the machine line . . .
There is a semi automated McDonalds in FortWorth Texas, for now its a hybrid operation with automation doing away with the order takers both at the counter and drive thru. Some of the operation is automated and some still done by employees. Its smaller than a regular McDonalds with no inside seating.
Actually the latest generation of kids are conservative, it the few before that, The participation trophy generation being the worst.
Sorry but, I have yet to meet any of those kids.

20 years ago, come High school graduation time, I had a line at my door looking for a starter job to get paid and acquire experience and a reputation for landing a better job or a career. I live in a very conservative county, in a conservative state. And yet, I have not seen that group of eager HS kids at my door for some time.

I know what they teach kids today. I was once an aspiring teacher. Went to college so I could be one, teaching history. That was 1970 and this liberal/woke crap was in the curriculum. The mantra then was "America owes you a good standard of living." Couldn't do it. Couldn't change it.

Now we have kids getting degrees in Special Elegant oils and Ancient Greek mythologies. No one willing to hire them to catch off a printing press. And frankly, they are too special to do such menial work. None have an appetite for competition much less for the pursuit of excellence.
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Sorry but, I have yet to meet any of those kids.

20 years ago, come High school graduation time, I had a line at my door looking for a starter job to get paid and acquire experience and a reputation for landing a better job or a career. I live in a very conservative county, in a conservative state. And yet, I have not seen that group of eager HS kids at my door for some time.

I know what they teach kids today. I was once an aspiring teacher. Went to college so I could be one, teaching history. That was 1970 and this liberal/woke crap was in the curriculum. The mantra then was "America owes you a good standard of living." Couldn't do it. Couldn't change it.

Now we have kids getting degrees in Special Elegant oils and Ancient Greek mythologies. No one willing to hire them to catch off a printing press. And frankly, they are too special to do such menial work. None have an appetite for competition much less for the pursuit of excellence.
I have a 19 year old horse trainer, who is very professional. Already has a business training and rehabbing horses employing a couple other nice young women. So I have met a few.
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Article goes on to say they are the most conservative group since ww2
I know lots of kids, often seems like the girls skew toward the liberal side of the spectrum, boys seem more conservative. But both sexes have their exceptions to that observation. I would say overall I’m optimistic.
I have a 19 year old horse trainer, who is very professional. Already has a business training and rehabbing horses employing a couple other nice young women. So I have met a few.
He was lucky, had a good mentor.

I have a 21 year old grand daughter who won a lot of stuffed toys on CLEWEY virtually for free. Then she got the bright idea to sell them on the internet. Now she has a very successful internet business selling Japanese figurines and fashions. As well as stuffed animal toys she imports from China and Japan.

She works ten to twelve hours a day, much of it in the middle of night because she constantly interacts with her far east suppliers. She is not at all like most of her peers.
He was lucky, had a good mentor.

I have a 21 year old grand daughter who won a lot of stuffed toys on CLEWEY virtually for free. Then she got the bright idea to sell them on the internet. Now she has a very successful internet business selling Japanese figurines and fashions. As well as stuffed animal toys she imports from China and Japan.

She works ten to twelve hours a day, much of it in the middle of night because she constantly interacts with her far east suppliers. She is not at all like most of her peers.
Its a she and grew up in foster care, no one helped her much. She works off her board for her horses at a riding ranch near me by retraining there lesson horses when they blow up from kids mis handling them day after day, She has a couple other girls 17 and 19 that work for her, its yes sir and no sir when they address you. Very professional and respectful kids that I am very impressed with. I found her thru my Ferrier, he is also a nice young man of maybe 25 years old with his own business. Got him because he was the only one that called me back out of 4-5 others because I only have 2 horses. Her Boyfriend is the same, Has a full time job but has been bugging me to work in the shop on the weekends for extra $$. Your granddaughter had a good idea and went for it. Good for her. The kids coming up right now are different than the previous group that want everything given to them. At least around here.
I work with a 17yo girl, raised right, works hard, "dropped out" of school to get her GED through homeschool because the school system wasn't challenging her enough. She will succeed. Not a brilliant kid, but a hard worker who focuses on real things and works to achieve.

There are bright examples out in the real world.
The absolute worst group is the Milennials. Thats the group my son is in, born in 1990, the participation trophy group. Not many of his friends from school have went anywhere. He was raised under live fire, the only thing he got for free was a beat down when needed. He bought his home while still in his 20's, saving most of the downpayment himself with me matching what he saved. Works everyday and will be taking over the construction business in another year and a half when I quit.
The absolute worst group is the Milennials. Thats the group my son is in, born in 1990, the participation trophy group. Not many of his friends from school have went anywhere. He was raised under live fire, the only thing he got for free was a beat down when needed. He bought his home while still in his 20's, saving most of the downpayment himself with me matching what he saved. Works everyday and will be taking over the construction business in another year and a half when I quit.
My daughter Melen, born in 1995, part of the same group as your son. She works hard, she is a "quiet" conservative, won't speak up about her values (unlike me!). I think she is semi-inflicted by the 'entitlement' generation into which she was born, but she has good head on her shoulders and is willing and able to work hard . . . even if occasionally we, as parents, shake our heads and help put her on the right path every now and again. She pushes her bosses, has seen her pay double since graduating law school only 3 years ago, is being groomed for a promotion, so honestly can't complain about her ability to work hard.

Adopted Dasha, born at 22 years old, is more openly conservative, she questions the liberal stupidity more openly. Some of that may be because her early years were lived in Russia and they take no bullshit there. Dasha takes no shit, works hard, plays hard, generally sets a good example for others.

I know plenty of gender fluid types who probably still have their T-Ball participation trophies on a shelf. But there are more than enough good examples of hard workers
Its a she and grew up in foster care, no one helped her much. She works off her board for her horses at a riding ranch near me by retraining there lesson horses when they blow up from kids mis handling them day after day, She has a couple other girls 17 and 19 that work for her, its yes sir and no sir when they address you. Very professional and respectful kids that I am very impressed with. I found her thru my Ferrier, he is also a nice young man of maybe 25 years old with his own business. Got him because he was the only one that called me back out of 4-5 others because I only have 2 horses. Her Boyfriend is the same, Has a full time job but has been bugging me to work in the shop on the weekends for extra $$. Your granddaughter had a good idea and went for it. Good for her. The kids coming up right now are different than the previous group that want everything given to them. At least around here.
My granddaughter took after her grand-Pa. I am so proud of her!!! (y) (y) (y)
What a day. I failed my colonoscopy. Prep did not do the job. Only drank 64oz instead of the 128oz. So i have to do it all over again.
Then get home an have a gas line leak. We have our own well an gas so i am the gas man. Had to find the leak an repair. Ended up getting close to where the leak was an just replaced 60 ft of the line. No more gas smell an we have gas at the house again. All good.
Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite humorous.....

A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:

1. 'Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!

2. 'Find Amelia Earhart yet?'

3. 'Can you hear me NOW?'

4. 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'

5. 'You know, in Arkansas , we're now legally married.'

6. 'Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?'

7. 'You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out...'

8. 'Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!'

9. 'If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!

10. 'Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.'

11. 'You used to be an executive at the Bank, didn't you?'

12. 'God, now I know why I am not gay.'

And the best one of all:-

13. 'Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?'
One of the reasons I stopped flipping houses was because of the wife. Her inability to commit on a design and then follow through drives me crazy.
It is one of the reason our current house is still under construction some 45 years after we moved in.
Four years ago we settled on a design for the master bath. I dug a 7 foot deep by 8 feet by 6 feet hole for the foundation.
Since then we remodeled the master bedroom. Made some minor changes that one wouldn't think effected the bathroom design.

I was wrong!

I forgot to mention, The hole I dug (by hand BTW) is still empty.

…and it is still empty. ;)
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I'm in pain,specifically my lower back/hips are in pain.

Been sitting around a lot due to covid. I get up and do stuff, but then I sit again. Honestly I think i'm in pain from being inactive. And the big easy chair in the living room is a great place to sit, sit and sit some more. But I can't do that today. I'm feeling better this morning just from moving around a little bit. I might force myself onto the treadmill.
I'm in pain,specifically my lower back/hips are in pain.

Been sitting around a lot due to covid. I get up and do stuff, but then I sit again. Honestly I think i'm in pain from being inactive. And the big easy chair in the living room is a great place to sit, sit and sit some more. But I can't do that today. I'm feeling better this morning just from moving around a little bit. I might force myself onto the treadmill.
I feel your pain litteraly!
My abltion last week got rid of the stabbing 8-9 pain when I move in my lower back sofar.
But theres still a constant pain of 4-5 they said it could take 5-6 weeks to see if that pain go's away.
It didnt help that I was bear hunting sunday and I had my chair propped up on a couple stones to level it up and the stones moved and I went ass over tin cup on my side in the chair, self inflicted pain in the upper ass litteraly :(
I'm in pain,specifically my lower back/hips are in pain.

Been sitting around a lot due to covid. I get up and do stuff, but then I sit again. Honestly I think i'm in pain from being inactive. And the big easy chair in the living room is a great place to sit, sit and sit some more. But I can't do that today. I'm feeling better this morning just from moving around a little bit. I might force myself onto the treadmill.
You got the no energy going on, first go for me lasted 2 months, second time 2 weeks.
Had brunch at Hills restaurant with my oldest son before he sat off for his Dad's in Celina- then he's headed for State College, PA to be with my eldest Granddaughter for Thanksgiving, then I decided to put my tree.
Ty and the family are already in the Carolinas for Thanksgiving.
Tomorrow afternoon, my best friend Jules and I are having a shared feast from our mutual nursey friend Pam before we both go to work on night shift.

Thursday, we are having a rather non- traditional Thanksgiving meal. There is just the four of us.

Two of us cannot eat Pork. One cannot have peanuts or Pumpkin. One will not eat chicken or Turkey. MSG is also banned.


Crumpy is doing a large top round roast of beef. Creamed Cauliflower. There will be green beans without the onion topping and mashed taters with gravy. Some steamed Asparagus's is planned as well. With Madison, I imagine Mac and cheese, with ketchup, will be on the menu, as always.

Pumpkin pie is out so dessert will be Vanilla Ice cream with chocolate syrup

You all have a good time.
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Happy 'merican Thanksgiving everyone. Just another regular day for me.

My oldest son was in a rear end collision a few months ago. He didn't have collision insurance as it's just too damned expensive up here for new drivers. So I looked at it and it's repairable with the right parts. I compiled a list and ordered everything needed. Still waiting for a hood and radiator to arrive but I decided to get a start on it to see if there are any surprises in store. Turns out I have one more bracket to order.


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I didn't do much today as they temperature fluctuations are taking a toll on my back. Nonetheless, I did get a snowplow offloaded off my flatdeck trailer. I picked up another snowplow yesterday with an electric solenoid pump meaning electronic controls vs cable controls on my current setup. After working on it for over 10 hrs, I still can't get those cables set right so I abandoned it and picked up an old rusted plow with a good pump. Now to install it and the wiring harness
Saw the doctor for foot surgery in 2 weeks, that went well, left and went to grocery store across the street, the office called back and said another doctor needed to see me, so I left the grocery store to go back to the doctor’s office, but driving there I hit a curb and popped a tire on my truck while avoiding a crazy woman driver, should have just rolled down my window and shot her to keep her out of my lane

Left the truck and went to the doctor, got cleared for surgery but it took another hour

Then went to change the tire on the truck, that took another half hour. So wasted the whole morning.

Tried to fix the tire at home, but couldn’t. Went to the tire store, it will cost $300 and they can replace it tomorrow.

Then went to grocery store because I had to leave the store earlier without any of the food.

Got home and Zelle’d $$$ to a guy who works at one of my apartment buildings but I locked up ALL my bank accounts because they are a mix of commercial accounts and personal accounts and Zelle doesn’t work with commercial accounts so they froze everything. 40 minutes on the telephone with the bank to get that all fixed.

Now I am just SORE, probably from working on the truck tire, lifting it into and out of the truck bed, jacking up the truck with the crappy cracker-jack quality jack that came with the truck, blah blah blah. I'm really killing it as a crabby old man today.

Poured a bourbon. Get off my lawn, I'm not in a mood to put up with anyone today!
  • Haha
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