• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

I gave a buddy a hand to tarp up his hot tub enclosure for the winter. We had to go to home depot for some lumber to build a fence section on one side. They'll have 2 entrance spots to utilize it during the winter.

Just been a day of puttering on small projects around here. Still healing up, moving slow and awkward.
Got the snowmobiles serviced, quads also serviced, furnace filters changed, water filters replaced, lawn mower serviced and put away, snow blower is pulled out and I started it up, runs great.
Did a little more prep work todays the movie I plan to make in 2025. Checked on my stocks. Double checked my seed and fertilizer orders for next year.
Called my good who lives in Oslo, and another good friend in Moscow, to say hello to them.
Spent a while asking myself why I didn't pick another career early in life, and also buy a farm long ago.
Time to light the wood stove, and think about what to make for dinner. The girlfriend should be home from work in 3 hours, and might be hungry.
depending on where you live, they're either taking circles/round abouts out - because they're "bad"
putting circles/roundabouts in - because they're good.

I think it's the same research group that did the egg studies . . .
Fought the war on leaves today.

When we first built our house, there were no trees in the yard. I planted plenty of them. Only a 1/3 acre lot.
That was back in 1977-1978.

I planted a lot of native species. All small saplings. Oaks, Ash, Redbuds, Maple & Walnuts. I also planted some European Honeysuckle which will grow to a large bush or small tree.

I remember the first fall when we had a small pile of leaves under the Maple and Ash. I was so excited.

That was then, this is now. I have a Black and Decker vacuum/shredder that sucks them up and fills a one-bushel shoulder pack with the grindings. Back yard patio and walkways alone was 8 bushels. Front porch, deck and walkways will be another 6-8 loads.

Those on the new lawn will get sucked up in the mower bag.

All of it goes on top of my flower beds or in the 6'X6'X4' compost bin.
All day on the back yard today. Sunday I'll do the front.
I feel you pain I have 6.5 acres of oak trees, and somehow the leaves from all of them end up in the yard and rain gutters. Today I planned to remove the gutters and repair the facia. After getting up there for a good look it appears the tile roof is over the fasteners that hold the gutters on.
I feel you pain I have 6.5 acres of oak trees, and somehow the leaves from all of them end up in the yard and rain gutters. Today I planned to remove the gutters and repair the facia. After getting up there for a good look it appears the tile roof is over the fasteners that hold the gutters on.
You should be able to cut them off with shears or tin snips, leaving part of the aluminum hanger in place under the tiles.
Not easy work but do-able.

I seldom hang gutters opting for long overhangs instead. Still, you get runoff issues.
Started the day with Tramadol + 3 Advil, my back has been sore for several days. Probably from lifting drywall, lumber, bookcases, etc? I just know it's been hurting. Using the "tens" unit to electroshock my back muscles for the past hour. Got to get rid of the pain, it is making me very crabby.

I need that because in about 30 minutes I'm leaving the house to go pick up 4 of my high school fencers to take them down to Purdue to attend the Sunday university practice. 3 of the 4 I'm taking with me are experienced fencers, 2 have earned national ratings. 1 is a very solid FOIL fencer but without a national rating, she has competed in several national events, and is in her 3rd year of high school competition, so clearly plenty of experience. 1 is a newbie. She was invited to give her some experience, but also because she fences SABER. I need more female saber fencers for practices, for both the Purdue girls and for this girl, so taking her to a Purdue practice helps both a lot. The other 3, bring quality fencing to challenge the top Purdue fencers, and the top Purdue fencers need to be challenged by others to widen their experiences.

Should be home about dinner time tonight.
What's the saying? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? I spent the afternoon yesterday helping my buddy with his hot tub enclosure. Today, he came and gave me a hand to do the final adjustments and get my plow working. It now goes up down left and right. But I have a leaking hose that needs changing.
I bought 100 emergency blankets for a total of $71 and that includes shipping. I bought some last year and gave them to all the cops and firemen. I gave some to the sheriff's department this morning. They can keep use them in case of an emergency. Everyone appreciates them. I also hand them out to people in wheelchairs and using walkers. The police chief said one probably saved a homeless man's life last year...that makes it all worthwhile. Now to a Kiwana meeting and then physical therapy for my neck.
Yesterday I took these 4 to Purdue University for fencing practice.


Today Kobe and I went to school. His grandpa picked him up after school and he will stay there until we pick him up on Friday. We sang PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON the whole way there (it was on 'repeat' so it was an endless loop for 40 minutes!)

Yesterday I took these 4 to Purdue University for fencing practice.

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Today Kobe and I went to school. His grandpa picked him up after school and he will stay there until we pick him up on Friday. We sang PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON the whole way there (it was on 'repeat' so it was an endless loop for 40 minutes!)

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that little guy is growing up fast
We, at the American Legion, gave a Veteran's Day presentation to about 200 grade school kids. Showed them uniforms and other military stuff. Told them about some experiences in the Military and then they all gave us high fives on the way out. We all high fived the 200 kids. It was fun.
Chiropractor appointment for the second time this week.
By the time Dr. Lorenz got through the adjustment phase of working on my lower back, which always sounds like crushing a bag of walnuts, then my right shoulder which I was sure I was facing rotator cuff surgery, I was ready for the TENS at highest frequency on both areas.
Came home, took my two mile walk.
Yeehaa lol
My Grandbugs.
They're growing like weeds.
They go to private school, which this Granny is paying for.
I don't want them out there exposed to all the crap that's going on in the world, not saying they don't experience and know about those things.
They have to dress conservatively pretty much.
They have kitties for pets when they are at their Mother's house.
This is them waiting for the school bus.
The picture was taken about a month or so ago.

I spent the better part of the day yesterday out in the shop with a buddy who is a heavy truck mechanic trying to diagnose the cables on the plow truck. We can get it to go up and down fine but can't get it to turn both directions. It's not a pump issue. We wanted to give it our best shot at making it work before abandoning it altogether.


I have a line on another complete plow with newer electronic solenoid controls and a rebuilt pump for a very good price. We'll see what it looks like in person but the pictures look good. Just the plow. Not the truck. We'll have to torch it off the truck as the truck is going to the scrap yard.

Colonoscopy prep for me today. The action starts at 3pm. I've eaten very light the past couple of days but I'm still dreading it.

That's the worst thing about the whole procedure. That and the drive to the hospital the next day, wondering if you are going to make it without embarrassing yourself in the car.
Coached at Indiana University yesterday. It was a "dual meet" for fencing.

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue, University of Michigan and Xavier University were the fencing teams at the event.

My girl's saber squad was the 2nd strongest at the meet, pretty amazing given that one of the girls has only been fencing since the start of the semester.

I was coaching Purdue, but one of my best/former students is on the Michigan State team so I was also helping them in my spare time. My former student, Quillan, in the photo with his mom and me, was one of the best fencers on the floor yesterday. The rest of his team, not so much. My boys squad beat his squad, but he beat 2 out of 3 of my boys. The top boy on my team is the 2nd best fencers in our collegiate conference (he has been fencing for more than 1/2 his life)
Im wrapping our screened back porch in plastic my wife turnded it in to a summer kitchen and wants not to freeze this winter doing her cooking out there. our house is all electric except heat I put propane stove and griddle out there a few years ago and she loves cooking on the gas appliances.
Yesterday was remembrance day up here. Our local legion hosts a monthly breakfast every second Sunday of the month my scouts troop volunteers at cleaning tables. They hosted a remembrance day service including the playing of taps on trumpet and the laying of wreaths etc. We were there with 10 kids busing tables and stood guard as different representatives of government brought in wreaths to lay.

My back is done with the cold dampness so the rest of the afternoon I'll be planting my butt in the recliner.
Im wrapping our screened back porch in plastic my wife turnded it in to a summer kitchen and wants not to freeze this winter doing her cooking out there. our house is all electric except heat I put propane stove and griddle out there a few years ago and she loves cooking on the gas appliances.
I will be doing the same thing next weekend. However, I will be using 1/4" bubble wrap as it has an insulating factor and diffuses the light.
You cannot see thru 7 mil poly, so line of sight doesn't really matter. I will be using the area for my Tenders ( subtropical and Tropicals) on a deck that has a roof.

Only the deck roof is not yet installed so that is on the list as well. I may only have the rafters installed when winter shows up. If so, I'll tarp the structure.
This is right off the kitchen so; an open window and a space heater should keep it above freezing.