We have a cold front coming in this weekend. So, today I had to refurbish the greenhouse and bring in the "tenders."
The greenhouse is a structure of 4x4 timbers with screened storm windows on all sides. The roof is clear corrugated plastic. This suffices under most weather down to about 20%F with one small 110V portable radiant heater. So, to beef it up, I staple sheets of 1/4" bubble wrap to the timber frames. This creates a 3 1/2" air space yet let's in all the sunlight. It also diffuses the sunlight spreading it more evenly about the 16 ft high X 18 foot long greenhouse. Built a a lean-to against the south side of my house, it has worked well for some 40 years.
Come every summer I have to take much of it down so the building will ventilate.
I started on this yesterday, finished this morning and began moving some 25 potted "tenders" (from palm trees, to a Banana tree, Hibiscus, to planters with ferns and other tropical flowers. Many hang from the rafters.
I finished just as the rain started and the cold front arrived. It is pretty full to capacity; however, I have some space for winter tomato and cucumber plants. Perhaps some leaf lettuce.
This adjoins my study which had become our granddaughter's bedroom. Last week Crumpy evicted her into a larger, more private room with a door that closes. And then set me back up with my office, computer and files. I was therefore "evicted" from her artist loft.
So tonight, I am listening to the rain patter on the roof of my clean and well-appointed greenhouse, in the comfort of my old office. The view is of Hibiscus and inpatients in bloom. A fresh coffee on the desk, a bottle of 21-year-old Glenfiddich on the shelf, and my favorite Forum upon the screen.
Life is good.