• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

Still on light duty as I recover, so not much of anything.

Had a good Thanksgiving, and ate too much turkey though.
Went up to Melen's condo in Chicago today. She got some new light fixtures for her hallways so I swapped out the old and put in the new. Leveled her dishwasher. But the main reason I went up there was to put shelving inside her office closet.

Stopped at Home Depot yesterday, bought the materials. Asked her to measure 3 times before I made the cuts.

She now has a closet in her office that converts it from a hanging closet into linen closet with 4 shelves. Far more practical for her. Install was simple since I had pre-cut the braces, pre-cut the shelves. Took up a 4' level and a 12" level. Took up a battery powered nail gun. Borrowed a pencil to make the marks on the walls and the whole thing was put together in under an hour.

Got into the city before lunch, got all the work done, ate some Korean BBQ tacos from Taco Maya at lunch and was out of the city before 2pm.

On the way home I stopped at Walgreens, picked up 3 rolls of 35mm color film, a photo album and a birthday card for Dasha. Printed off a bunch of photos for the photo album, it is about 1/3rd filled with family photos, but the remainder if for Dasha to fill. The lovely Mrs_Bob & I are going to Notre Dame tomorrow to take her out for a birthday dinner. Got her a daddy/daughter necklace and a gift certificate too.

With any luck I'll get up early, go to the fencing club and remodel the bathroom, or actually just add some stuff to the bathroom. I got a new toilet paper dispenser, new toilet paper holder for extra rolls of TP, a mirror for over the sink (because the club secretary took down the soap dispenser, damaged the drywall, and it is easier to put up a mirror over the damaged drywall than to patch, prime and paint the drywall). Got a new towel dispenser to install too.
Soon came up from Miami to fab stainless headers and exhaust for a good friend. So today, broke out some stogies.
Son went back after finishing the car.


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Those are some SKILLZ there.

My welds look like I did them :yum: But so far I've not broken any of my welds. Ugly but strong.

Those are serious pro-grade welds your son does!
Finishing up the install of the new used plow pump on my plow truck. The old one was an electric solenoid controller version. I picked up this pump which was the same as the old but the older cable controlled version so that meant cables and a new controller in the cab. I have the cables all connected and the pump filled with fluid. Only thing left is mounting to the dash and connecting 3 cables. Fingers crossed that it works. 🤞 Unfortunately I ran outa time this morning as the rest of my day will be taxi driver for my daughter again.

Plans for the day went south.

Woke up with a cold, feel like crap. Cancelled birthday dinner with Dasha at Notre Dame. Staying home, in bed, just had some homemade chicken noodle soup. Hoping this is just a 24-48 hour bug. I have an appetite, but head congestion and body aches.
Plans for the day went south.

Woke up with a cold, feel like crap. Cancelled birthday dinner with Dasha at Notre Dame. Staying home, in bed, just had some homemade chicken noodle soup. Hoping this is just a 24-48 hour bug. I have an appetite, but head congestion and body aches.
Get rested and get well
3:42 am

Awake and talking to Dasha

She is not our actual daughter. She is not even legally our adopted daughter, but her mom gave us legal custody of her at age 16, while maintaining financial custody over her. We accept her as our own and love her dearly. She calls me 'dad' when she is frustrated with me. She calls me Bob most of the time.

She is clearly a bit troubled. Upcoming graduation in May from NOTRE DAME and not sure of her future.

We are, in real terms, her family and her safety net. She understands that but I'm not sure she actually believes it. Her mom is good mom, but there are issues with other kids, and she is literally a war refugee from the Russian bombings in Kiev. And mom has special needs child and a younger daughter too. She can't give Dasha some support, psychologically that Dasha, as her daughter needs. That falls upon us.

So I'm up in the middle of the night, sick with a head cold, trying to provide support. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Driving West in the pouring rain and blowing wind. Trying to get to a buddy's place to go on an elk hunt Tonight and tomorrow. Supposed to get up to 2 ft of snow in the high country today and tonight. Should make excellent hunting down low.
I've been running my butt off for 2 days as my wife has been out of town for work. Yesterday alone, I spent a couple hours working on the plow truck then drove to the city at lunch to get my daughter for an appointment followed by driving her to her placement for the afternoon then returned home for a couple more hours doing the installation of a different plow pump and controls for the plow. Then back to pick her up from placement, a quick stop at home and off to her piano lessons. Then home to start supper, back to pick her up, home for a quick meal then back out for the evening to the city to bring her to a campfire with her guides group. I'm beat. Today should be a little easier as no appointments during the day but still have to drive. 25 minutes each way every day to go to the school and get her.
Waiting for my electrician to come and install a new ceiling light, wishing I had bought three new electric bulbs for my other platform light, instead of expecting his call that is yet to come and might not due to distance, illness, or family, until later today, or Monday. I screwed in new lightbulbs in my previous flat for ten years before relying on others to do it for me. I'm going to learn how to do it myself, with my electrician's help. I appreciate his efforts, but I believe we can't always rely on others. Sometimes, we need to take care of things ourselves.
Just got home from the dentist, was eating ribs and bit into a piece of bone, my tooth exploded and I swallowed the whole mess. Seems the filling leaked and had some decay under and thats why it exploded, they couldn't save it and I had to get an extraction, plus replace a filling while I was there. God I hate that chair.
Just got home from the dentist, was eating ribs and bit into a piece of bone, my tooth exploded and I swallowed the whole mess. Seems the filling leaked and had some decay under and thats why it exploded, they couldn't save it and I had to get an extraction, plus replace a filling while I was there. God I hate that chair.
When I was a kid, I had an upper tooth growing up, instead of the correct way, down. It was approaching my sinus. They strapped me to the chair and dug it out.
Ya, I hate going to the dentist.
I was just at the dentist for a cleaning. Last cavity according to them was 2015.

I had an appointment this morning in the city then drove over to the school to wait for my daughter. I basically sat there for 40 minutes to have her come out and tell me that she doesn't have her job placement today and is staying at the school. It's been cold and rainy all day so I drove home and parked my butt on the recliner and may or may not have lost a few minutes watching TV. 😅
Busy morning. Electrician is at the house running a line up from the panel to the closet I built. I have pink eye. My daughter has strep throat. Brought her to a walk in clinic for prescription for meds. Picking up our other daughter from school at lunch for her work placement this afternoon. Scouts this evening.