Went up to Melen's condo in Chicago today. She got some new light fixtures for her hallways so I swapped out the old and put in the new. Leveled her dishwasher. But the main reason I went up there was to put shelving inside her office closet.
Stopped at Home Depot yesterday, bought the materials. Asked her to measure 3 times before I made the cuts.
She now has a closet in her office that converts it from a hanging closet into linen closet with 4 shelves. Far more practical for her. Install was simple since I had pre-cut the braces, pre-cut the shelves. Took up a 4' level and a 12" level. Took up a battery powered nail gun. Borrowed a pencil to make the marks on the walls and the whole thing was put together in under an hour.
Got into the city before lunch, got all the work done, ate some Korean BBQ tacos from Taco Maya at lunch and was out of the city before 2pm.
On the way home I stopped at Walgreens, picked up 3 rolls of 35mm color film, a photo album and a birthday card for Dasha. Printed off a bunch of photos for the photo album, it is about 1/3rd filled with family photos, but the remainder if for Dasha to fill. The lovely Mrs_Bob & I are going to Notre Dame tomorrow to take her out for a birthday dinner. Got her a daddy/daughter necklace and a gift certificate too.
With any luck I'll get up early, go to the fencing club and remodel the bathroom, or actually just add some stuff to the bathroom. I got a new toilet paper dispenser, new toilet paper holder for extra rolls of TP, a mirror for over the sink (because the club secretary took down the soap dispenser, damaged the drywall, and it is easier to put up a mirror over the damaged drywall than to patch, prime and paint the drywall). Got a new towel dispenser to install too.