• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

Getting my ass kicked with work again, with no relief in sight. I have been pricing out a big job removing and scrapping out an industrial oven. its 150' long 12' wide and 20' tall, with a big conveyor that runs through it and 4 exhaust stacks 3' in diameter that exit through a 30' roof and extend 20' out the roof. Huge fans,Duct work, piping, catwalks with a dozen ladders and electricaI, im up to 598K and still adding. They want it gone before the first of the year. There is 20K in crane costs just to remove the stacks. Like I said I'm already busy and will have to hire from the union hall for help. Thats always a scary proposition.
Drove the lovely Mrs_Bob to the doctor for some tests, then to the auto shop to pick up a vehicle, then to Home Depot, and then up to Chicago to install drawer & door pulls on Melen's cabinets. Back home now, signed a contract to coach at Purdue University for this upcoming season. Getting ready go give private lessons at fencing.
That time of year again. I put close to 200 km on the side by side so far. I limited out both yesterday and today.

Still digging alongside my street curb to place a 24" gravel shoulder next to my lawn.

I have removed and then installed 280 feet of black vinyl edging. Broken up the gravel and will add new on top.

The Side yard gets roto-tilled today and hopefully planted in seed by next Tuesday.
Sometimes it pays to know the area where you live. Case in point is today. I woke up at camp ready to head home when I discovered that the only highway access to get home was closed due to a double fatal head on collision between two transports that resulted in a huge inferno. I know the back logging roads as I hunt them all fall and groom trail around them all winter. I knew the main logging road that comes a mile from my camp comes out near kakabeka falls just down the road from my place. So I set off and an hour and forty minutes later, I was home. Meanwhile thousands of people are stranded on the highway.
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I camped in Grand Marais when the lovely Mrs_Bob and I rode our motorcycles around the Great Circle Route along the shorelines of all 5 of the Great Lakes + the St Lawrence Seaway. You live in a beautiful area.

Today I was coaching fencing at Purdue University. I took a "kid" with me, he is an Epee fencing coach. He used to fence in high school with Melen when I was just starting my coaching journey. Went on to fence NCAA in college, then the Air Force, and coached a bit in the St Louis area before coming back to Chicagoland to help care for his grandfather, who passed recently.
Sometimes it pays to know the area where you live. Case in point is today. I woke up at camp ready to head home when I discovered that the only highway access to get home was closed due to a double fatal head on collision between two transports that resulted in a huge inferno. I know the back logging roads as I hunt them all fall and groom trail around them all winter. I knew the main logging road that comes a mile from my camp comes out near kakabeka falls just down the road from my place. So I set off and an hour and forty minutes later, I was home. Meanwhile thousands of people are stranded on the highway.View attachment 168554View attachment 168555

Looks like the hwy finally reopened after 36hrs. I found this picture of the accident scene.
I camped in Grand Marais when the lovely Mrs_Bob and I rode our motorcycles around the Great Circle Route along the shorelines of all 5 of the Great Lakes + the St Lawrence Seaway. You live in a beautiful area.

Today I was coaching fencing at Purdue University. I took a "kid" with me, he is an Epee fencing coach. He used to fence in high school with Melen when I was just starting my coaching journey. Went on to fence NCAA in college, then the Air Force, and coached a bit in the St Louis area before coming back to Chicagoland to help care for his grandfather, who passed recently.

Grand Marais is nice. There's a nice pizza place on the main strip down by the waterfront we like to go to. Sven and Ole's.
Sometimes it pays to know the area where you live. Case in point is today. I woke up at camp ready to head home when I discovered that the only highway access to get home was closed due to a double fatal head on collision between two transports that resulted in a huge inferno. I know the back logging roads as I hunt them all fall and groom trail around them all winter. I knew the main logging road that comes a mile from my camp comes out near kakabeka falls just down the road from my place. So I set off and an hour and forty minutes later, I was home. Meanwhile thousands of people are stranded on the highway.View attachment 168554View attachment 168555
nicely maintained logging road
Looks like the hwy finally reopened after 36hrs. I found this picture of the accident scene. View attachment 168567

For anyone interested, this was the aftermath of the fire and crash. I drove through there yesterday and they had it mostly cleaned up. Not hard to tell what happened judging by the huge bull moose laying on the shoulder with a huge rack. One truck hit the moose and probably lost steering and hit head on into the other truck. They identified the two victims. Both drivers of middle eastern decent. There were also two other's in the crash. One was badly burnt and the other severely injured but both still alive. It happened about 4am. This is the only and main route across Canada.

We closed up camp last weekend as this weekend is the dirt track nationals, an open invitational 4 day racing event to close out the 2023 season. Last night was the Midwest mods, super stocks and A mods. Great show. My brother's class had 53 cars registered. Through the heat race and b main, he was able to make it into the feature starting 22nd in a field of 25 cars and finishing 16th. This event draws big name racers from Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota and Manitoba. Most of them pull up in a 3/4 million dollar hauler with a stacker tote trailer and a crew of 8 guys to race. My brother pulls up in his 20 yr old motorhome with his wife as his crew up against the best of the northern states and Manitoba and made it to 16th place. Not a bad showing.
I'm a member of the Kiwanis Club and we have a meeting at noon. I invited the new fire chief to come, he accepted and will speak about what he is going to do for the community. He seems very enthusiastic and that is definitely a plus!
Nothing else going on here.
I've been pretty busy just doing stuff and keeping up with family.
Not working a lot nowadays but enjoying partial retirement in the lap of luxury 🤣
Power washing the patio.

We have over1600 used brick paving our patio on several levels. Every four or five years we need to power wash the dirt sand out between them and the moss that grows on them. Takes about two days and is messy as hell.
After clearing the old sand, and putting it into the compost bin, we sweep new sand between the bricks. I am also adding some handy stone wall block making new garden areas.

The brick has history. As a kid we used to pick over demolitions/construction sites of old buildings. When dad retired he told me totake them from his patio to make mine. So, I did. Some fifteen or so pickup loads.

It is a lot of work to build and keep up. However, nothing compares to the look.
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Found a new trainer for the horses, my knee is healed up and the weather is nice, so we are gonna ride some horses. Training went well and the proof is in the animal section. The rest of the day I did a couple estimates and got things ready to make a short cabin trip tomorrow to winterize it for the year.
Spent the day yesterday working on the wiring on my snowmobile trailer tracing down a bad ground. My buddy is a heavy truck mechanic and specializes in wiring which I hate doing. After spending 3 hrs cursing 🤬 out in the yard, I called him up and he came over to give me a hand. We had it figured out in an hour.

I had to haul my snowmobile trailer out of storage last week and offload the two sleds on it to use with my sxs as my flatdeck is currently being rebuilt at a welding shop.

Left this morning toward the work cabin, about 1/3 of the way there going up a summit with no where to park the power wagon started losing power. I found a place to kinda pull over. It was a fuel delivery problem. I turned around and you could go about 5 miles then it would do it again. Pull over shut it off and when re started it could go another 5 miles. finally I found a good place to pull over. Under the truck on the suck side of the electric fuel pump I found another clear filter that I had no idea was there. it was completely packed with crap. I had some tools but no spare filter and nothing to bypass it. I pinched the rubber line with a pair of vice grips, took the filter off and banged the filter a rock to dislodge some of the crap in it and get it out. I got most of the big stuff out and took off again towards home. There are a few small towns on the way but no auto parts until I got back to Jackson and thats 15 minutes from home. The truck never faltered, I bought 2 new filters, one in the glove box and one on it. Problem solved and runs great again. I may still go tomorrow and leave around 5 am to get me there around 10 am. then I would still have time to winterize and maybe run the dozer down the driveway a couple times. if I don't do it tomorrow, its going to be hard in the near future to find time with work picking up again and the big freeze is coming no later than November.
Watched the tree crew chop down a tree this morning.
I guess it had bore ash disease?
That was one of two trees that sat out on the street in front of where I live.
I love trees, call me an idiot but I'm actually grieving over the tree being gone now ☹️
There's just a stump sitting out there.

Other than that, I've still been walking a lot to help my legs, since I had what was diagnosed as a blood clot weeks ago...but was only REALLY a surface vein thrombosis below the knee. Goofy ER Doctor put me through a shit ton of tests. I cannot stand the hospital here.
Next time I'll go to Defiance County.
I also had a vein blow in my left ankle, again, nothing serious.
I'll stop going to screwy doctors who only want $$$ and treat myself at home. 🙄
The lovely missus and I are at our friend's camp 2.5 hrs from home. We hauled the sxs to go hunting birds today. I grew up 1/2 hr east of here and know the whole area for hunting. Our friends brought their quad so we'll be out hunting all day exploring the area.
Didn't head to the cabin, woke up to rain and its raining there too. So maybe the truck problem saved me from going there to work in the rain and sit inside. Weather report yesterday saw 40% chance, now 100%
Getting ready to hop in the car and drive to Ohio State for the OSU Duals fencing competition.

I'm coaching Purdue tomorrow, event starts at 8:30 EST.

4.5 hour drive to the hotel, + 1 hour time zone change.

Long day tomorrow as we compete against 5 teams, then I drive back home.
Soon came up from Miami to fab stainless headers and exhaust for a good friend. So today, broke out some stogies.


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On our way home from our weekend getaway, we stopped at an old railline tunnel that was blasted through solid bedrock Canadian shield. The rail was finally removed back in the late 2000s after the line sat dormant for nearly 10 years. There's a few of these tunnels in the area. I've driven by it all my life and never stopped.

I've switched to full time coaching at Purdue University this year. Very rewarding night tonight. Group work with the entire club. Then group work with the new saber kids. Then private lessons with the new kids. And then they finally got to fence.

I still have Northwest Indiana Fencing Club, the non-profit where I am president, and still support the high school and other fencers there. But Purdue is taking over most the time that I used to devote to high school fencers. I still try to support them, but at a more limited level.

It was an accident that I started coaching Purdue; at a Notre Dame tournament a few years ago i was literally called out of the visitor stands to coach Purdue by one of the Div 1 NCAA coaches who saw me in the stands. I was only at the event to support our adopted daughter Dasha, who was fencing varsity at Notre Dame.

For the past couple of years I've been the contracted "Guest" coach for Purdue and I have to admit it is a lot of fun. Wide mix of abilities, we have new fencers all the way up to A rated national competitors on the team. For group work that presents a challenge. This is my 3rd year coaching Purdue, and I'm here mainly because these kids are a blast to work with, plus I get to hit them with a metal stick

Today I put on my mechanics hat and headed down to my plow truck to finally tear apart the pump and rebuild it before winter. The original suffered a catastrophic failure in the spring. I ordered in a casing on ebay to rebuild mine basically using the guts from mine and the casing from the replacement to build one only to discover that I didn't pay attention and ordered an older cable version. So I tore down the replacement and cleaned up all the ports and freed everything up and reassembled it. I have a new set of cable controls ready to go on the truck.

Let's see. I hit the ground running this morning starting with a dental appointment for myself then picked up my daughter from school for her coop placement and drove her home first then there for 1:30. Straight home to load up the flat deck trailer for a dump run. By 2pm I was home and decided that I had 2 hours to kill before picking up my daughter from placement so I did the fall trailer swap around.

It's more complicated than it sounds. Lol. First, I hooked up to my snowmobile trailer which was still holding the sxs. So I offloaded that then backed the trailer over to the attached carport on my shop to load up two snowmobiles to get them out of there. Now that trailer is ready for winter fun. I then hooked up to my boat to move it over to the attached house garage where I store my batteries for the winter and pulled out the 3 batteries from the boat along with the fish finders to store in the heated garage then back the boat under the carport for the winter.

Now I can spend the next few weeks riding around with the tractor and leaf sweeper raking leaves and cutting firewood.
Got the hot tub closed in for winter. With just the tarps, it's enough to hold the heat in and enjoy it up to around -25 Celsius all winter. I also added an extra 4x4 support for the snow load. I do Shovel it after every storm.
