• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

$hitty morning. Literally! I was at camp last night alone when my wife got home and discovered water on the floor in the furnace room coming up from the floor drain that goes to the sewage pit. I was on the road at 630am. Home by 730. Had the pump out by 8am and was at home depot with a new one by 10am and headed back to camp by noon.
I shouldn't have to do that again anytime soon as that appears to be the original as the cover had never been removed.

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the mans curse, seems anytime something goes wrong at home I'm out of town or hours away. Happened to me multiple times, water valve rotted out underground causing no water to the house once. power out another. And I don't go away that much.
Between the farm, my job, forest fires, and just day to day things, life has been busy. I've been working extra to help hurt fire fighters, and those hurt evacuating. I am not a veterinarian, but even helped treat injured animals fleeing the fires. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Bought a small used RV trailer as well.

Dasha (our 21 year old) is at Notre Dame for her Senior year. She is not legally our daughter, but we "unofficially adopted" her 5+ years ago when her mom gave us power of attorney over her. Mom still pays most of her bills but has not seen her for 3+ years (due to Ukraine/Russia war, VISA issues, etc). We call her our daughter, introduce her as our daughter, but we all know she is not legally our daughter. When she is frustrated with me she does call me dad!!! There is mutual love.

So Dasha and her friends decide to move off campus for this, their senior year, at Notre Dame. Mom agrees. We agree. They pick a complex near campus. All of them are moving into the same complex. We took her there on Sunday to move her in. It is a total pig stye. The physical apartment Dasha rented in nice size, layout good, appliances good, etc. But seriously filthy. Walls are literally dirty with human filth. Floors and kitchen appear pretty clean? But cobwebs are literally on EVERY wall, hanging from ceilings, etc. At the air vents there is black dust/dirt all around them. She is in tears. We go to office to ask WTF?!? They come to inspect with us and say that it meets their standards for 'move in' clean.

Holy shit. WTF!?! It is slum lord management at its finest.

We can't get her out of the lease. There are no other NEAR campus units available (we checked, and our 28yo daughter is a corporate lawyer so she checked too). Dasha is in tears. So We literally sweep the dirt and cobwebs off the ceiling and walls and go to work. Buy a vacuum. Mop the floors. Clean the carpets. SCRUB everything. That was Sunday and Monday.

We go shopping. Buy her a new mattress to replace the mattress that is supplied with the "furnished" apartment. Don't ask. Just WTF and WOW. Buy a TV and WiFi router. All new kitchen stuff, including pots and pans and microwave and toaster. Again, this is a furnished SLUM so we chuck everything they provided into the complex dumpster or "returned" it to them for their next victim. Monday we took her some extra furniture we were about to donate to a local charity shop (thankfully we were too busy to get it there so we still had it). Tomorrow she is getting more of our old furniture that we planned to donate.

She is actually pretty happy now. She sees what it will become. I can't believe the complex management, but it is what it is. They take advantage of 1 year leases and simply don't give a shit because they have a steady flow of new tenants and waiting lists to get in, simply because they are next door to campus.

So this week is pretty much HELL WEEK at college. And it is only Tuesday. Truck is loaded with a comfy chair, a side table and a bike. Plus the carpet cleaner, and lots of other supplies, all of which will be delivered to her on Wednesday when we go to paint the living room, dining and kitchen. I have more to take on Thursday, and hopefully we can paint the hallway or bedroom on Thursday? There will probably be at least 1 more day of painting but that will happen NEXT week??? We can't go on Friday/Sat/Sun/Mon because we have 3 year old foster son Kobe with us those days.

I thought I retired and was supposed to relax in my old age? At least I remember to bring a bottle of wine and put it in the fridge!

Between the farm, my job, forest fires, and just day to day things, life has been busy. I've been working extra to help hurt fire fighters, and those hurt evacuating. I am not a veterinarian, but even helped treat injured animals fleeing the fires. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Bought a small used RV trailer as well.

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Nice trailer. Those are great for hunting enthusiasts who want to load up a quad in the fall and head out for a week.
Dasha (our 21 year old) is at Notre Dame for her Senior year. She is not legally our daughter, but we "unofficially adopted" her 5+ years ago when her mom gave us power of attorney over her. Mom still pays most of her bills but has not seen her for 3+ years (due to Ukraine/Russia war, VISA issues, etc). We call her our daughter, introduce her as our daughter, but we all know she is not legally our daughter. When she is frustrated with me she does call me dad!!! There is mutual love.

So Dasha and her friends decide to move off campus for this, their senior year, at Notre Dame. Mom agrees. We agree. They pick a complex near campus. All of them are moving into the same complex. We took her there on Sunday to move her in. It is a total pig stye. The physical apartment Dasha rented in nice size, layout good, appliances good, etc. But seriously filthy. Walls are literally dirty with human filth. Floors and kitchen appear pretty clean? But cobwebs are literally on EVERY wall, hanging from ceilings, etc. At the air vents there is black dust/dirt all around them. She is in tears. We go to office to ask WTF?!? They come to inspect with us and say that it meets their standards for 'move in' clean.

Holy shit. WTF!?! It is slum lord management at its finest.

We can't get her out of the lease. There are no other NEAR campus units available (we checked, and our 28yo daughter is a corporate lawyer so she checked too). Dasha is in tears. So We literally sweep the dirt and cobwebs off the ceiling and walls and go to work. Buy a vacuum. Mop the floors. Clean the carpets. SCRUB everything. That was Sunday and Monday.

We go shopping. Buy her a new mattress to replace the mattress that is supplied with the "furnished" apartment. Don't ask. Just WTF and WOW. Buy a TV and WiFi router. All new kitchen stuff, including pots and pans and microwave and toaster. Again, this is a furnished SLUM so we chuck everything they provided into the complex dumpster or "returned" it to them for their next victim. Monday we took her some extra furniture we were about to donate to a local charity shop (thankfully we were too busy to get it there so we still had it). Tomorrow she is getting more of our old furniture that we planned to donate.

She is actually pretty happy now. She sees what it will become. I can't believe the complex management, but it is what it is. They take advantage of 1 year leases and simply don't give a shit because they have a steady flow of new tenants and waiting lists to get in, simply because they are next door to campus.

So this week is pretty much HELL WEEK at college. And it is only Tuesday. Truck is loaded with a comfy chair, a side table and a bike. Plus the carpet cleaner, and lots of other supplies, all of which will be delivered to her on Wednesday when we go to paint the living room, dining and kitchen. I have more to take on Thursday, and hopefully we can paint the hallway or bedroom on Thursday? There will probably be at least 1 more day of painting but that will happen NEXT week??? We can't go on Friday/Sat/Sun/Mon because we have 3 year old foster son Kobe with us those days.

I thought I retired and was supposed to relax in my old age? At least I remember to bring a bottle of wine and put it in the fridge!

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Wonder what there standards will be when she moves and wants the cleaning deposit back.
It rained most of the night, and today.
Should help the fires.

Work was overly busy today.

Excited to get my new living room chairs finally delivered.
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Home from Notre Dame (again) painting Dasha's apartment because she moved into a complex run by a slumlord. Got the hallway, dining and living rooms done. Actually nice size, nice layout, nice unit but just filthy and badly maintained. But right next to campus. We are literally doing the landlord's job and repainting, cleaning, fixing the holes in the walls, etc. You'd think this was a 1960's fraternity house. But it is actually a large apartment complex.

Going back tomorrow to finish painting the walls. Can we send the landlord a bill for our labor?
Home from Notre Dame (again) painting Dasha's apartment because she moved into a complex run by a slumlord. Got the hallway, dining and living rooms done. Actually nice size, nice layout, nice unit but just filthy and badly maintained. But right next to campus. We are literally doing the landlord's job and repainting, cleaning, fixing the holes in the walls, etc. You'd think this was a 1960's fraternity house. But it is actually a large apartment complex.

Going back tomorrow to finish painting the walls. Can we send the landlord a bill for our labor?
I would take plenty of before and after pictures, guaranteed they will try to keep your security deposit when she moves out.
It was foggy and raining a bit this morning. We're camping on the north shore of Lake superior this week a couple hours east of our place. We took a drive this morning and checked out a rail museum then stopped by aguasaban falls to take a look. In the spring when the water is high, the falls are quite impressive.




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We were up at first light and not long after, I was outside packing up the lawn chairs and bringing in the awning and by 8am yesterday, we were on the road driving through thick fog and rain with our 31ft fifth wheel in tow heading home to avoid an oncoming thunder storm. Shortly after 10am, we arrived home and I got to work connecting our new sink.
Well, I was going to finnaly plant my grass seed today. However, the "possible light rain" predicted turned out to be a four hour down pour.

So, hopefully the sun returns, and the soil dries enough to plant this evening or perhaps on Sunday.

Meanwhile, it is so cool today I can do some insulation work in the attic for Crumpy's Computer loft. We have so many units from the company she wants to cleanup and sell. So, I put down decking and we created a workshop in the attic
Went to physical therapy to heal from an injury.

I am now in 10x more pain.

They want me to get therapy 3 days a week.

Oh hell no!
Spent some time yesterday and this morning prepping mom's class c motorhome for a trip tomorrow. She's been storing it at our place as we have plenty of parking room. I went to fire it up yesterday and found that the battery was dead from sitting. I charged it for 6 hrs then did a load test last night and another this morning. It held a charge. Just weak from sitting for 2 months since her last trip. Heading to the races this evening. It's the season finale. But they are having a 3 day invitational in a couple weeks. My brother was supposed to be coming but discovered a bad steering box yesterday he can't get a replacement for in time. This, after he won his first feature race earlier this week at another track. Here he is after winning the other day with his wife.

We had an unscheduled "soft" rain last night. Gentle on my new seeded front lawn.

A good thing too as my brand new sprinkler/mister hoses both blew out this morning.

After only two days of use.
Pieces of cheap shit that, at $21.00 each, weren't cheap to buy.
Spent the better part of the late morning and early afternoon grouting the tile I installed at Melen's condo in Chicago. Still have a bit more to do, but I have Physical Therapy today so I had to get back home to clean up and change.

PT is killing me? Or making me stronger? In either case my body f'ing hurts. Can't wait to find out what parts of my body will be in pain when I wake up tomorrow morning!
Spent the better part of the late morning and early afternoon grouting the tile I installed at Melen's condo in Chicago. Still have a bit more to do, but I have Physical Therapy today so I had to get back home to clean up and change.

PT is killing me? Or making me stronger? In either case my body f'ing hurts. Can't wait to find out what parts of my body will be in pain when I wake up tomorrow morning!
Are they putting pressure on your knotted up muscles? Hurts like hell but will fix you until the next time, unless you start working out again.
Had a great quad ride this morning, fixed a water pump, drove to town for groceries, and to pick up tractor parts and gear oil, went to McDonald's for a milkshake only to be told they don't have them right now, but she couldn't tell me why when I asked. Driving home almost hit a small black bear.
See no need to go to town again for a week, I've come to hate going to town.
Spent the better part of the late morning and early afternoon grouting the tile I installed at Melen's condo in Chicago. Still have a bit more to do, but I have Physical Therapy today so I had to get back home to clean up and change.

PT is killing me? Or making me stronger? In either case my body f'ing hurts. Can't wait to find out what parts of my body will be in pain when I wake up tomorrow morning!
My physiotherapist always tells me...no pain, no gain. I was hobbling around in agony for a few weeks due to a pulled tendon in my right leg a few weeks ago. He spent half the appointment working on my leg and the other half on my back. It hurt for 2 days then my leg was back to normal.

Well, I had a change of plans this evening. Instead of going to the races, I had to rescue my son who was in an accident. He rear ended someone else in the city. He is fine. The other vehicle was a jeep with a tow hitch. It bent the hitch but it went through my son's front bumper into the rad bending the front frame. We'll see. It still runs and drives but I see a good 5k damage maybe more. It's a 2014 Nissan rogue awd.
