• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

That's on the agenda for me as well this week. I have a few trees that came down in the back trails I want to clear up before snow.

This was the view I had this morning crawling out of a log cabin out in the woods. Temperatures were below freezing last night. Ice was starting to form along the shoreline of the smaller lake.

Today I went to town, where I had several meetings, and lots of errands to do.
Stopped by the westside clinic as well to see how the brand new hire is doing, since it is her first day as a tech, spent 3 hours with her, although it was my day off, and not my job either. The clinic manager heard I was there, and came and hunted me down to thank me for coming by and working with the new gal.
It is nice to be acknowledged and thanked.
She took me out and bought me lunch as well.
So glad to have put the hospital behind me, and no longer deal with politics at work.

Being paid 50% more, to work half as much doesn't hurt either.
Dasha is home with us for 24 hours. Love having her here. She and the lovely Mrs_Bob have been talking about a project all evening. She has classes again on Wednesday, but we have her all day tomorrow with us. Then dinner at the Heston Supper Club (classic old style restaurant in North Central Indiana) on the way back to campus tomorrow evening. But now it is wonderful to have a young adult home, who wants to spend time with us, who needs to unwind, and chooses to do it here, at her adopted home with her adoptive parents. We got her at 16, not legally adopted, but her mom signed power of attorney to us to care for her, it's been a whirlwind of an adventure with her. The relationship is a treasure. Love that she gets along great with our older natural daughter, love that she is adored by our 3.5 year old foster son. And obviously our Walter the rescue dog seems to tolerate her.

Dasha is home with us for 24 hours. Love having her here. She and the lovely Mrs_Bob have been talking about a project all evening. She has classes again on Wednesday, but we have her all day tomorrow with us. Then dinner at the Heston Supper Club (classic old style restaurant in North Central Indiana) on the way back to campus tomorrow evening. But now it is wonderful to have a young adult home, who wants to spend time with us, who needs to unwind, and chooses to do it here, at her adopted home with her adoptive parents. We got her at 16, not legally adopted, but her mom signed power of attorney to us to care for her, it's been a whirlwind of an adventure with her. The relationship is a treasure. Love that she gets along great with our older natural daughter, love that she is adored by our 3.5 year old foster son. And obviously our Walter the rescue dog seems to tolerate her.

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Beautiful Bob!
I love stories like this!
Changing out the belt on my sxs today. It's a pain in the butt process of removing the seat and half of the interior panels to access the clutches. I was on the reassembly part when I had to drive to the city to pick up my daughter from school for coop placement. I also plan on tackling replacing a pulley on my mower deck before storing it for the winter.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be a nice guy. Lol. Last time I was out hunting with my wife in the sxs, we came across two younger guys stuck in a mud hole. I hooked up my winch cable and tried pulling out him out first by putting it in reverse and pinning the throttle. It moved a bit but in the process smoked my belt. I put it in park and let the winch do the work sucking him right out. It kinda forced my hand as the belt has close to 2000 km on it now and was due to be changed before it blew.
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I'm on call today, as I am most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 06:00 - 16:30 hours. So far it has been unusually quiet. Is this the calm before the storm I wonder?
My girlfriend starts her new job today, she left for town at 07:00 both excited and nervous.
Dasha is home with us for 24 hours. Love having her here. She and the lovely Mrs_Bob have been talking about a project all evening. She has classes again on Wednesday, but we have her all day tomorrow with us. Then dinner at the Heston Supper Club (classic old style restaurant in North Central Indiana) on the way back to campus tomorrow evening. But now it is wonderful to have a young adult home, who wants to spend time with us, who needs to unwind, and chooses to do it here, at her adopted home with her adoptive parents. We got her at 16, not legally adopted, but her mom signed power of attorney to us to care for her, it's been a whirlwind of an adventure with her. The relationship is a treasure. Love that she gets along great with our older natural daughter, love that she is adored by our 3.5 year old foster son. And obviously our Walter the rescue dog seems to tolerate her.

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The Heston Super Club. Excellent. The Heston cut. If that doesn't overfill your belly, well, you got a big belly.
We go there maybe once every other month.
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Changing out the belt on my sxs today. It's a pain in the butt process of removing the seat and half of the interior panels to access the clutches. I was on the reassembly part when I had to drive to the city to pick up my daughter from school for coop placement. I also plan on tackling replacing a pulley on my mower deck before storing it for the winter.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be a nice guy. Lol. Last time I was out hunting with my wife in the sxs, we came across two younger guys stuck in a mud hole. I hooked up my winch cable and tried pulling out him out first by putting it in reverse and pinning the throttle. It moved a bit but in the process smoked my belt. I put it in park and let the winch do the work sucking him right out. It kinda forced my hand as the belt has close to 2000 km on it now and was due to be changed before it blew.

Got the sxs back together. Then loaded up the trailer for a dump run. Now back in the city after stopping at home to drop the trailer and pick up my son this time for a dentist appointment. It's Halloween. Our kids are older now and no longer interested. We live on a quiet country road with no foot traffic and have only had one kid in 4 years come trick or treating.
Today we went to our sons girlfriend/ fiancé graduation form the police academy this morning, it lasted from 8:30 am until 11:30 am then went to the inlays for lunch. She is at the podium on the right. Now have 2 cops in the family, soiling my reputation.
I finally got around to installing a new pulley on my mower deck and charged the battery overnight on my jacobsen mower and got it fired up. The mower deck is operational so I mowed the hay field that was taking over the lawn in the back then put the mower away for the winter.

Later, a buddy of mine came over to help diagnose the wiring on my plow truck. I blew the pump apart during the last storm last March and that's where the plow truck sat all summer as I sourced out and installed a replacement lift pump. I ordered a used one on ebay but discovered that it had the older style cable controls so I had to order those and install them but was having problems with the wiring. He figured it out in an hour. He's a heavy truck mechanic. By the time it was dark, we had it working sort of. Still a couple things to button up and it will be ready to go.

Here's where the plow truck died last spring. I should have it moved today. The up down works on the pump but a set screw was stripped for the cable control for the side to side. Today's task is to drill out the set screw and retap it for a new set screw then adjust the cables.



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I'm off work today, loving my 3 day a week job for the clinics, so just some ranch chores, and working on the snowmobiles to get them ready for winter. Heading to town this morning as well, and on the shopping list is also a new battery for my snowmobile, as the battery in it is now a paper weight, my fault.
I'm off work today, loving my 3 day a week job for the clinics, so just some ranch chores, and working on the snowmobiles to get them ready for winter. Heading to town this morning as well, and on the shopping list is also a new battery for my snowmobile, as the battery in it is now a paper weight, my fault.
Those small batteries just don't last, especially when they are stored, even on a trickle charger I haven't had good luck year over.
Don't get me going on roundabouts. Here in Michigan, and nobody knows how.
Wife gets mad at me whenever (often) I lay on the horn when they stop at ar round about and nobody is in the circle or even at any of the entrances. What's so hard to understand the concept?!
Roundabouts work ok on roads below 35 mph, there are a few around here on roads with 55 mph limits and the intersections are jammed up way more than with the stop sign.
As of an hour ago, it was announced that it's open.
Late in the day.
I'm surprised they didn't have some kind of ribbon cutting ceremony lol
This is where it is Marty.
I'm sure you know the location.

As of an hour ago, it was announced that it's open.
Late in the day.
I'm surprised they didn't have some kind of ribbon cutting ceremony lol
This is where it is Marty.
I'm sure you know the location.

Yep I know exactly where that is, it will be a little easier for the folks on 24 to get on 108 but the folks on 108 are not going to like it. That same exact situation is 10 miles from here on liberty road and Ca.88, made it a little easier to get on 88 from liberty but its always 20 cars backed up on 88 now, where you never had to slow down before, then makes big slugs of traffic at the stop light 5 miles up the road at 88 and 12
I was hoping to drive across the new roundabout that was supposed to be completed today out on 108 and US 24, but it's still not done.
Figured I'd show the locals how it's done. 🤣
If I could handle Tingley in England, I can drive anywhere.

Driving across it would be a rush 🤣

I'm not as adventurous as you, and go around them 😉

Prince George aka PG has 5 roundabouts so locals are used to them, but when out of towners come here it can be pretty entertaining. I went to town yesterday, and a minivan just slammed on the brakes, and came to a stop at a roundabout. The gravel truck behind it let its feelings be known by laying on the air horns, which made me laugh. We have some drivers who can't even grasp the concept of a merge lane. PG has several merge lanes, just build up some speed, and slip into the traffic flow, easy right. Not for the idiots who slam on the brakes in the merge lane, and screw up the 20 cars behind them, then sit there stopped, and no clue what to do. They cause a lot of rear end collisions to, because normal people aren't expecting them to stop. I firmly believe that road tests to get a driver's license should be at least 2 hours long, including traffic circles, merge lanes, hwy driving, parking lots, parallel parking, backing into a tight space, and a high speed braking test set up somewhere. 5 minutes, going around an 8 block loop, and back to the starting point, is absolutely useless. When my daughter was taking her driving test, the instructor was shocked at her showing up in a car with manual transmission, and asked if she would like to reschedule for another day when she could have an automatic transmission available. My girl told him no, that she was perfectly comfortable doing the test in the manual, as she drove it regularly. I stood there waiting, expecting them to be gone a half hour or so, they were back in 5 minutes, and she got 0 demerits. After going inside and getting her license, I asked her about the test, and she said that it was a joke. She didn't even have to back up, no parking, or anything that got above 40 kms/hr.
They did an 8 block loop, a few red lights, and couple stop signs, 1 lane change heading up 2nd ave, and that was all.
Driving across it would be a rush 🤣

I'm not as adventurous as you, and go around them 😉

Prince George aka PG has 5 roundabouts so locals are used to them, but when out of towners come here it can be pretty entertaining. I went to town yesterday, and a minivan just slammed on the brakes, and came to a stop at a roundabout. The gravel truck behind it let its feelings be known by laying on the air horns, which made me laugh. We have some drivers who can't even grasp the concept of a merge lane. PG has several merge lanes, just build up some speed, and slip into the traffic flow, easy right. Not for the idiots who slam on the brakes in the merge lane, and screw up the 20 cars behind them, then sit there stopped, and no clue what to do. They cause a lot of rear end collisions to, because normal people aren't expecting them to stop. I firmly believe that road tests to get a driver's license should be at least 2 hours long, including traffic circles, merge lanes, hwy driving, parking lots, parallel parking, backing into a tight space, and a high speed braking test set up somewhere. 5 minutes, going around an 8 block loop, and back to the starting point, is absolutely useless. When my daughter was taking her driving test, the instructor was shocked at her showing up in a car with manual transmission, and asked if she would like to reschedule for another day when she could have an automatic transmission available. My girl told him no, that she was perfectly comfortable doing the test in the manual, as she drove it regularly. I stood there waiting, expecting them to be gone a half hour or so, they were back in 5 minutes, and she got 0 demerits. After going inside and getting her license, I asked her about the test, and she said that it was a joke. She didn't even have to back up, no parking, or anything that got above 40 kms/hr.
They did an 8 block loop, a few red lights, and couple stop signs, 1 lane change heading up 2nd ave, and that was all.
Last time was driving in Canada was in 2004, went to Kamloops and Vancouver. One thing I noticed is all the drivers are much more courteous up there. Down here everyone has to be first.
Last time was driving in Canada was in 2004, went to Kamloops and Vancouver. One thing I noticed is all the drivers are much more courteous up there. Down here everyone has to be first.

Having driven around the lower 48 states extensively, I would have to agree with you. Personally my question is what's the rush. Driving slower, and remaining calm, takes hardly any longer to go places, but I arrive relaxed, and have less chance of getting into an accident.