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Mainer.....you along with Bobcat, Snowcat Opps. and others make me laugh, you guys are funny (and I mean that in a good way). You and I must be on the same THIOKOL wave length because I HAVE been thinking about how to do my photo shoot almost word for word as you had suggested. Yes I can see light at the end of this THIOKOL money pit tunnel :oops: I mean TUNNEL. As always THANKS for the complements:thumb:
*Bobcat mode OFF*

You're doing beautiful work on a beautiful machine. It's not my cat, but I appreciate your attention to detail as if it were my own.

*Bobcat mode ON*

Couldn't quite nail the radius on those brake lines, eh? :poke: :yum:

*Bobcat mode OFF*

You're doing beautiful work on a beautiful machine. It's not my cat, but I appreciate your attention to detail as if it were my own.

*Bobcat mode ON*

Couldn't quite nail the radius on those brake lines, eh? :poke: :yum:


Bobcat,So I see you can turn yourself on. :yum::yum:
Couldn't quite nail the radius on those brake lines, eh? :poke: :yum:


:shock: I can't believe you brought that up in front of everybody else Bobcat!! I knew it wasn't going to pass inspection, but DUMMY ME I thought I would try to slip it by anyway. Those radius bends bugged the :censored: out of me so bad that I had to double-up on the Prozack and I was just about over it.....and NOW THIS....I think I'm going to do what I thought about doing in the first place:boom: I hope your happy now Bobcat!!!:cry::cry:

OK......Kidddddding, But really, it dose bug the heck out of me. I wondered which one of you sorry BASTARDS :oops: I mean GUYS would bring it to EVERYBODY'S attention. Kidding aside... that's a good call Bobcat, this was something you REALLY had to measure twice & cut once, except in my case I had to measure five times & bend once and at $33.00 for each 61" stick of stainless tubing, I decided to live with it mainly because when the pilot seat is installed it will hide those bends. So NO LOOKING under the pilot seat Bobcat, and that goes for the rest of you guys!!!!!:glare:
Couldn't quite nail the radius on those brake lines, eh? :poke:

:shock: I can't believe you brought that up in front of everybody else Bobcat!! I knew it wasn't going to pass inspection, but DUMMY ME I thought I would try to slip it by anyway. Those radius bends bugged the :censored: out of me so bad that I had to double-up on the Prozack and I was just about over it.....and NOW THIS....I think I'm going to do what I thought about doing in the first place:boom: I hope your happy now Bobcat!!!:cry:

OK......Kidddddding, But really, it dose bug the heck out of me. I wondered which one of you sorry BASTARDS :oops: I mean GUYS would bring it to EVERYBODY'S attention. Kidding aside... that's a good call Bobcat, this was something you REALLY had to measure twice & cut once, except in my case I had to measure five times & bend once and at $33.00 for each 61" stick of stainless tubing, I decided to live with it mainly because when the pilot seat is installed it will hide those bends. So NO LOOKING under the pilot seat Bobcat, and that goes for the rest of you guys!!!!!:glare:[/QUOTE]

Hey Weatherby,

With the top quality of work, you have performed on your master piece.

You know, you don't want "imperfect" brake lines, hidden under the seat.

You should immediately remove & replace them. (with perfect ones):idea:
And send the imperfect ones to Alaska, for a "needy not so perfect" 601.
I will pay all costs (parts, labor & shipping)

On another note,
Did you replace your master cylinders, with new ones?
If so, what is the CORRECT part #'s.:thankyou2
As I can not get my left lateral, to stop bleeding off.:cry:

BTW- We need to get Modern Marvels, to do a show dedicated to your rig!
Grizcty.....No I did not replace the master cylinders, I just rebuilt them. What I did to get the rebuild kit was I took one of the master cylinder into a auto parts store (and I mean a real parts store) not a Auto Zone and the like, The guys behind the counter at my parts store recognized the part as soon as I sat it down and got a rebuild kit for them. Now the only thing I remember about them is they are off of a older ford light truck and/or off of a Ford Econline van. I am not home and will not be home till Tuesday the 14th then I will go back into my records and find the part number for the rebuild kit and send it to ya. They are pretty common Ford master cylinders so I don't think you will have any trouble finding one if a rebuild dose not do the trick. This pic shows what the rebuild kit would include. Thanks for those complements also:thumb:


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Thanks Weatherby,:tiphat:

I crossed the FE 14912 master cylinder #, to Crappa # UP 36067.($157.00)
And master cylinder rebuild kit to part # UP 387. ($35.00)

Hopefully, this is the same # you came up with.:smile:

Are you sure, you don't have any extra "imperfect" brake lines laying around????:hammer: LOL
Thanks Weatherby,:tiphat:

I crossed the FE 14912 master cylinder #, to Crappa # UP 36067.($157.00)
And master cylinder rebuild kit to part # UP 387. ($35.00)

Hopefully, this is the same # you came up with.:smile:

Are you sure, you don't have any extra "imperfect" brake lines laying around????:hammer: LOL

Thanks Griz.... I will check those part Numbers against mine when I get back down state to where the cat is on Tuesday. Nappa is not a bad place to deal with as long as you have somebody behind the counter that knows auto parts and doesn't give you one of these:unsure:looks if he can't find it in a book.

I got a feeling I'll be hearing about these brake lines for a looooong time:wink: THANKS BOBCAT:moon:

Hey, at least I didn't say anything about the gas tank. :unsure:

Hey Hey Hey......We all know the story on the fuel tank, so you can't pin that one on me:biggrin: Ok Ok maybe I shouldn't have dropped it in the first place BUT the MORON should have known not to blast something that thin with that high of pressure.
OH I almost forgot.....I've started to back down on the Prozack once again:pray:
I started getting the lettering painted on. I also started dismantling the tracks. That involved unbolting 1,280 RUSTY nuts & bolts, then that meant picking up 2,560 nuts & bolts. Along with a impact gun, a torch, and three buddies it took the better part of three days to get everything dismantled, organized, and picked up. I swear that impact gun weighted 30lbs towards the end.


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The track pics.


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sorry ... I have to use it... can't hold it in... PHUCKING GORGEOUS WORK Weatherby! GORGEOUS! She's so dang sweet it's almost wrong!
I think when you are done, you should make a CD of all your restoration pics and sell it to help recoup some of your costs in this rebuild! Truly amazing work, I think it probably looks better than it did new!

In thinking about the masses of people and their assets around the globe... with theories that people have a matching twin or 'doppleganger' somewhere in the world... it must be nice to know that without any possible doubt, that there is absolutely 'no-finer' 601 on the entire planet, without question. With all the statistical anomalies around the globe, it's interesting to think that there is total certainty about this 601 as one of a kind perfection. In fact, I bet there's some way that it's perfection can be used to calibrate gravity and make sure the physics of the universe behaves properly. ;)
Couple of questions now that you're into track work. What type of finish are the grousers going to get? The reddish primer is common on Sprytes but I can't tell on my 601 what color they were originally. I have some NOS replacements for 601 that look like they were blue. Also have some that were unfinished (now rust). Mainer, with all the low time machines you've seen what is your opinion? What ply belts are you using? Lap joint or lacing?
Wish there was one answer but as some variations did exist, but the most common is the reddish primer. I can't map it back to the very beginning serial #'s of course but it did start on the first year of production. I have some black, blue, and the primer. I wish the red primer were consistent under the blue/black but that's not. Some had paint right onto bare metal. It seems as if the intention was primer plus black and then maybe they took shortcuts during production due to rushed production (?). I can't imagine any reason why you'd want a painted grouser and opt out on the anti-corrosion primer....over time the colored paint wears off here and there leaving the primer except for the drop-center portion that of course rubs away...and then people weld on wear pads. They sometimes also welded on metal reinforcement on the sides of the grouser too after they also put the wear pad on. The belts were all supposed to be laced.
Thanks Pixie, Bkvail, and Mainer, I look forward to seeing your compliments & suggestions & humor, (Mainer) It keeps the enthusiasm up. Mtncrawler...I have yet to decide on a coating, However it will be one of three options, coating the grousers with POR-15, or use red oxide primer to cover them with ( which mine were like from the factory) or use the same bed liner product that I used on the interior. I will sand blast all the grousers and backing plates & repair/straighten the ones that are bent the best I can. I am today negotiating with several fastener suppliers on price for 1,280 grade 8 bolts & nylock nuts. I also will be dealing with the belting today I'm pretty sure I will be using lacing for connecting, and see about getting the same belt material that I have or if there something better now a days. I will let you know what I end up doing.

I too am in awe of the simply outstanding job you've done.

I'm curious as to your thoughts on POR-15. I used it on one project and was not happy with the results. I (personally) feel it is highly overrated.

Have you checked out www.fastenermart.com? My impression is they have a great selection and decent pricing, though I've never ordered from them, yet?

I too am in awe of the simply outstanding job you've done.

I'm curious as to your thoughts on POR-15. I used it on one project and was not happy with the results. I (personally) feel it is highly overrated.

Have you checked out www.fastenermart.com? My impression is they have a great selection and decent pricing, though I've never ordered from them, yet?

Hi BlackFoot Trucker Thanks for your compliments! I don"t have "much" experience with POR-15, I have only been using it since I've been restoring this cat, however, everything I have used it on has been sandblasted so maybe that might make a difference. My steering master cylinders are coated with it and the brake fluid that was split all over them during bleeding them, did not effect the coating at all, so that's what little experience I have with it so far. Thanks for the info on Fastenermart. I did talk with them on prices and they are reasonable, However I did find a much lower price on the 1,280 5/16-24 x 2" grade 8 bolts here in Michigan ONLY because this place has such an over abundant of these bolts in inventory :thumb:
Hi BlackFoot Trucker Thanks for your compliments! I don"t have "much" experience with POR-15, I have only been using it since I've been restoring this cat, however, everything I have used it on has been sandblasted so maybe that might make a difference. My steering master cylinders are coated with it and the brake fluid that was split all over them during bleeding them, did not effect the coating at all, so that's what little experience I have with it so far. Thanks for the info on Fastenermart. I did talk with them on prices and they are reasonable, However I did find a much lower price on the 1,280 5/16-24 x 2" grade 8 bolts here in Michigan ONLY because this place has such an over abundant of these bolts in inventory :thumb:

Great work Weatherby........................... is it ready yet ! Ive found the biggest brush pile around for the test drive. you did say I get to drive it right? you have pictures of it looking pretty now you can have pictures of it being used. free of charge. :brows:

northern states supply ( my bolt supplier ) priced the bolts for reference
5/16 grade 8 fine thread 2" yellow zinc. 13.73/100
nyloc 5/16 nut NF 3.995/100 yellow zinc

Thanks for the reply. Not to bombard you with questions, but why Grade 8 bolts instead of Grade 5? My (admittedly limited) knowledge of bolts is that Grade 8 bolts have higher tensile strength than Grade 5, but they are slightly more brittle.

If you are using them to attach grousers to rubber belting, their high tensile strength capabilities won't be utilized. I would think the weak point would be the belts and that they would give way well before a Grade 5 bolt would fail.

Totally different topic. I'm curious if you've ever been to the USAF museum at Wright-Patterson AFB in (or near) Dayton, OH? IMHO it's probably the best aviation museum in the US, far better than the Smithsonian, (though I haven't been there since they opened the annex at Dulles).

I would think the USAF museum would love to acquire your Thiokol 601. They have some beautifully restored aircraft and the quality of your restoration is equal to what they have been doing. My recollection is that the museum has very little in terms of that portion of the USAF's history.
I would think the USAF museum would love to acquire your Thiokol 601. They have some beautifully restored aircraft and the quality of your restoration is equal to what they have been doing. My recollection is that the museum has very little in terms of that portion of the USAF's history.

I concur that WP is the best museum around and while they do cover machines of a wider spectrum than just aircraft... the Thiokol Trackmaster/601 series were not designed for the Air Force. Yes, the 601 design was under contract for several entities, Air Force being one. Yes, the AF wanted to beef up the diff to an OC-15 away from the shafts...so yes, they drove much input...but it was not the AF's baby. The origination was not as snow cat nor for Air Force but rather for a unique need Thiokol had for their scientists to recover rocket test cells in brushy/ATV'ish conditions. The vast majority of 6-series out there were built for the AF. However, the essence of the machine-series (starting with the 4T) is not Air Force so while I can understand it going to WP museum it would be more appropriate to sit in a museum designed to show the lineage of all ATV/Snow Machines.

The start of such a museum has been discussed/in-process by me as well as Boggie and others... but the last thing I would want is to lose this rare specimen to a museum that has a purpose that is less focused than the evolution of over-snow machines...or... the ideal location for the most supreme example of a 601 belongs in a dedicated Thiokol museum. I do not believe one exists... but in order of priority everyone can fight over poor Weatherby's specimen ($$$ woe is Weatherby $$$). ;)

In order of 'appropriateness' I would throw out:

1. Weatherby's garage
2. A dedicated Thiokol museum...visitors have passion for all Thiokol.
3. An ATV (it's original purpose) / over-snow museum...passion for cats.
4. WP Museum...ooglers...'what is that...hmph...interesting..back to planes...' it's a 'diluated' appreciation from this population for this specimen.
5. Mainer's Museum (TM/6-series dedicated)...I won't go there...but the volume thru WP exceeds rights of 5 or 6.
6. Boggie's Museum (Broad-based over-snow museum, less committed to Thiokol)...scares me to think what goes on there. ;)

Ok, relax everyone... just throwing out some response to what I realize is a casual suggestion anyway but couldn't help myself ... 5/6 don't apply...well, 5 applies. ;)

But in all seriousness... if a Thiokol museum exists it would be ideal there...

I know all the above is just BS anyway... in looking at the sweat/blood/tears... Weatherby obviously will enjoy it for years to come and may never sell it (this is the ideal option IMHO).

With all the work into it... it's basically *wrong* to even think of anyone with this baby EXCEPT for Weatherby! :clap:

OK... now with that... forget all the above...take it to Barrett-Jackson and let the family lineage live on some huge $$$$. :yum:
since i am here in utah it would only be right for me to start the dedicated thiokol museum. ship that 601 to me and i will send you a 4t to get started on! Sound good?
Oh, I did leave off that there is a very lengthy 'museum certification process' that prescribes a whole series of detailed criteria in order to enter the realm of 'museum-worthyness' ... it starts with a full blood-workup to ensure the appropriate level of passion resides within applicant... photos of a series of over-snow vehicles are shown to the applicant and a chemistry-blood-workup analytically defines the level of 'snow-fever' of said applicant. Also, through a series of interviews, certain criteria must be met... all rigs must be referenced by the candidate in the female gender and spoken of in proper manner..."I wouldn't dream of venturing out into more than 1" of the white-stuff without her..." or when with another owner's rig... "Wow, I don't know if I'd leave me alone with her out in this garage..." ... and so on... this sort of talk mixed with the Utah way of life may cater well to a collection. ;)

Mainer, Mainer, painer, always thought that you and the number 6 belonged
more than I. like ( 666) it is Tatooed on your forehead. correct?:yum:

what's this I here you are giving my friend ( swamper ) a hard time... :hammer:
Mainer, Mainer, painer, always thought that you and the number 6 belonged
more than I. like ( 666) it is Tatooed on your forehead. correct?:yum:

what's this I here you are giving my friend ( swamper ) a hard time... :hammer:

Uh-huh... and my head spins around and if I've gone on a white knuckle snow-ride... I've been known to projectile vomit split pea soup. :unsure:

I think a halo is much more fitting. :halo: in fact... even a double down... :halo::halo:

Mmmm... that wouldn't be your imaginary alter-ego Swamper would it? :ninja:
We are naturally suspicious...
no he speaks for himself, lives on an Island in Mich. not far from the border to Canada. I will not give out his personal on here, Just like I will not give out yours. you have to respect that..........:flowers: