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Here are pictures of the inside of the tach transmitter and the tach itself. I think it was working, I thought it was working. :w00t2:[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]


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Here are pictures of the inside of the tach transmitter and the tach itself. I think it was working, I thought it was working. :w00t2:[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]

NOW this makes more seance, your tach may haven been working, but that's because your tach IS NOT hooked up to the transmitter box, because your tach is not the original Sun tach, it's a STEWART WARNER and that tach dose not need a transmitter box to operate. Somebody removed the original Sun tach but left the transmitter box which is very common. Thanks for those pics.:thumb:
I got my transmitter box today. The first pic. is of it in original condition, Pic. number 2 is after they convert it over to electronic.... You get all that for just $200.00:shock:


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Thanks for those pics. Your upper hose is shaped just like mine but I've had no luck in finding one yet. I don't know if It's off of a tractor, car, or truck:unsure:

That photo was right after he fell out of the front cab from shock of how damn fast she is. "Wooooo-weee!" he said... shakin' it off.... "Sure ain't like a Kristi! Whew! Gots to get me one of them... maybe a 4T! Dang! I keep lettin them slip away!" ;)

Not all of them get away from me, eh? :whistling:
I was getting ready to install the fuel tank about 2 weeks ago when I knocked it off my bench and it hit the cement floor and put a nice bend in the corner seam of the tank. After I bent it back into shape "naturally" it started leaking when I tested it:furious: So I dropped it off at a tank repair shop to fix the leak and wile it"s there I also had them coat the inside of the tank. They told me they would have to sand blast the tank to make sure there would not be any other leaks, so when I got it back I seen they used WAY TO MUCH air pressure when blasting the tank and it "warped" all the sheet metal on the tank so bad that I can't paint it now because the shinny paint would make the tank look very wavy :angry: SO now I will have to respray it with bed liner and then paint it blue so it will "help" hide all the warped sheet metal. These pics show it being resprayed with Bed Liner then painted.


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I have the fuel tank installed and started making a fuel line from tank to fuel pump, also a pic of the battery box & batteries.


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I've got all the glass installed, I gotta say, compared to all the work that I've done on this cat, putting in the glass was BY FAR the most difficult, and the sliding glass in the front doors were unbelievably hard to get in AND sliding correctly. The guy in the pics is a friend of mine John that has been in the glass business all his adult life and "knows his stuff" but has never installed a sliding glass window like is in this 601 and says this is probably the hardest thing he has ever done in the glass business. It took close to 5 hr. to get just the two front doors done. I sure would like to know how the factory did them:unsure:


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Me thinks your installation is 'better than new' and folks at the factory just shipped them half-baked. Sliders never *actually* slid. ;) Also, it seems the flexible nature of the aluminum body always leads to stress fractures from the edge of the window inward... will be interesting to see how some size variation would change that tendency. I think it's also a reason you see a reasonable number where folks have modified the openings then inserted a modernized channel-frame slider window. Also a reason many folk move to plexi. I'm putting 1" thick bullet proof in mine...then the glass will stress crack the aluminum body. ;)
Mainer, Bullet proof glass....... with friends like yours, you need bullet proof glass? maybe its time to change friends.:yum: or is it you are trying to keep them from getting out?

So is it running yet Weatherstrip? remember like we agreed to call me first. so I can have the first drive in the smurfmobile.
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Me thinks your installation is 'better than new' and folks at the factory just shipped them half-baked. Sliders never *actually* slid. ;) Also, it seems the flexible nature of the aluminum body always leads to stress fractures from the edge of the window inward... will be interesting to see how some size variation would change that tendency. I think it's also a reason you see a reasonable number where folks have modified the openings then inserted a modernized channel-frame slider window. Also a reason many folk move to plexi. I'm putting 1" thick bullet proof in mine...then the glass will stress crack the aluminum body. ;)

I could not agree with you more Mainer......I know one thing, that's allot of work to go through just to get a 6 or 7" opening. Mainer.....one inch thick?:respect:
I thought of something new to get dibs on...

"I call dibs on the first 601-ride with Weatherby when he's ready to take forum members on board." Then I'll leave a blank check on the seat. ;)

Sweet paint.

Just for the sake of the record ... I resurrect a long-ago post... this puppy had cob-webs, dust, dinosaur dirt on it...man, it was such an old dibs, I had to power up an extra generator to get some super-com HP pumping away on the search! :w00t2:

I'd also like to emphasize the blank check.
So is it running yet Weatherstrip? remember like we agreed to call me first. so I can have the first drive in the smurfmobile.[/QUOTE]

Ok Booger...:pat:OOps I mean boggie:biggrin: Yes....It's running, well sort of,I just got the coolant lines all ran & hooked up but I have not ran it yet with coolant running through it....that will happen in a about a week or so, I will be out of town after today, but the motor does run and it runs nice & smooth if I can say so myself:wink: SMURFMOBILE?????........I think it might be a little too scary looking for that, at least that's what all the little kids around here seem to think.
I could not agree with you more Mainer......I know one thing, that's allot of work to go through just to get a 6 or 7" opening. Mainer.....one inch thick?:respect:

Is your glass guy insane enough to receive doors at his shop/home so he can practice and get it down to a Thiokol science for some fee? :whistling:
Just for the sake of the record ... I resurrect a long-ago post... this puppy had cob-webs, dust, dinosaur dirt on it...man, it was such an old dibs, I had to power up an extra generator to get some super-com HP pumping away on the search! :w00t2:

I'd also like to emphasize the blank check.

That was for a RIDE mine was for a DRIVE so your dibs are not Valid. You would need to leave a blank check to repair the damages:w00t2:

anyway Weatherstrip, call 1-800-555-1212 ask for the King of the Trail

Mainer, your package should arrive soon but it will require a signature from
dipstick :w00t2::w00t2:
That was for a RIDE mine was for a DRIVE so your dibs are not Valid. QUOTE]

Fair enough.:doh:
Although, either way, I'm happy to hand over my dibs as a nice gesture.

OK. somethings wrong, check your pulse,take your temp, do you feel ill? you must have the pandemic flu. have you grown a snout? gained any weight in the belly? have you developed a tail? have you been squealing waiting for dinner?

not in your character to give up you spot so easy. hummmm must be a trick so
no you go first. :clap:
OK. somethings wrong, check your pulse,take your temp, do you feel ill? you must have the pandemic flu. have you grown a snout? gained any weight in the belly? have you developed a tail? have you been squealing waiting for dinner?

not in your character to give up you spot so easy. hummmm must be a trick so
no you go first. :clap:

I just feel particularly 'green' these days... even a bit 'goo-ey' so I have this sort of inner warmth that seems to overcome my needs to live 'by dibs'. :whistling:

so, please... I insist... you go first... :biggrin:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk2hpYf9na4"]YouTube - No You Go First [Harry Hill Show][/ame]

I have the radiator & all coolant lines installed and have coolant running through the motor. I bent up new stainless brake lines for the steering & clutch master cylinders.


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I have the radiator & all coolant lines installed and have coolant running through the motor. I bent up new stainless brake lines for the steering & clutch master cylinders.

Good god man... I'm going to frame that photo of the pilot's floor... always the worst/nastiest cosmetic area of every 600. I could scramble-on and eat-off that floor! Then drink my OJ with that stainless line!

Also, the pedal rubber...

Nice. Another usual round of applause! :clap:
I imagine you've already formulated your plan for digital memorialization... and if so, please do share as it's getting down the finish line and people are starting to 'want' in anticipation of what to look forward to... just HOW you will share the momentous occassion with your following...

At bare minimum, we're going to need several youtube videos (pure stand-still interior, nicely lit, full walk around exterior, trailer-loading/un-loading experience, engine bay detail, master/slave tour, rear-floor off view for shaft/slave/OC view, full drive/hind-quarter top-to-bottom view, track walk-through, dash-run-down, 10-pass luxury cabin overview, hatch-view, moving view with track wipping by feet, etc.... coupled with many 'glamore' shots that have that gorgeous mountain background... coupled with more 'technical' type shots covering the full 360 in 15 degree increments so we can load those shots into a VR application and spin it all day long. ;)

Uhhh... what I meant to comment (with less passion), is... 'hope we get a few snap shots when you have time'. ;)

Oh, and if you can't find the time for the photo-shoots.... uh, happy to help. 8) Yes, others may view it as 'snow-cat porn' but I like to just think of it as 'documenting man's mechanical creations'. ;)
I say we all meet at Weatherbys mansion and have shots of tokillyou off of Virgin (sorry Bobcat but they will all be 18 year old females!) thighs before we start the 601 Parade. Mainer will bring one of his 601s that has the brass pole in it. That way we can FINALLY get that video! lol.
I like it! Now how about we modify the location but keep the 'brass-rich' machine-shin-dig idea... and find the deepest snow-bound man-lodge with 'entertainment' in the US. 1-Way in, 1-Way out. The journey would automatically filter out all the crap machines.... Kristi's, etc.