• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


I'm impressed with the care for detail you've shown. Great job. :thumb: I think, though, that if the -40 weather in Minnesota heads your way, you'll want to roll your project back inside and be sure to install those windows in it.:ermm::sad:

Thanks for the complements Snowbird. Yes the below 0 temps. are arriving today, and I tucked her back in the shop & been checking on her at least once every few hours just to make sure she not getting to cold.:wink:
Cause when it's snowing and blowing so hard that ya can't see through the windshield and the defroster can't keep up and the light outside went flat and you need to stick your head outside to see where your going, yer not usually backing up.
Silly question for all you 'catters out there:

Why do they all seem to have suicide doors? (Opening to the rear.)

I really don't know, but my "GUESS" would be that it would just make it easier/more convenient getting in & out of because the door will swing a full 180 degrees as apposed to only about 90 degrees or so the other way dew to your mirrors being in the way and you would probably want as much room as possible getting into & out of because most of the time you would have heavy thick "cold weather" clothing on. But maybe there is a more technical reason.:glare:
looks sweeet! I hope your paint stays stuck better than ours has - we stripped it down to bare aluminum, washed it down with TSP and rinsed, used expensive primer and paint and it's still peeled horribly so it needs painted again (mostly on the roof). We might have to go about it another way next time - I'm not sure what to do differently!
looks sweeet! I hope your paint stays stuck better than ours has - we stripped it down to bare aluminum, washed it down with TSP and rinsed, used expensive primer and paint and it's still peeled horribly so it needs painted again (mostly on the roof). We might have to go about it another way next time - I'm not sure what to do differently!

Thanks Karin, Yea I also hope I don't have any paint problems "BUT" what I have learned over the years is the key to having paint last for a long time on "ALUMINUM" it should always be painted with a two part EPOXY primer AND top coat along with the correct prep work. I'm no expert by no-means but I have also learned from professional paint & body men, that they also would HEAT the substrate to about 100 degrees BEFORE applying the primer regardless of the ambient temp. I borrowed two inferred heaters to heat my panels, that's why I could only do one panel at a time, as apposed to IDEALLY heating all of the body at once in a oven . The paint should ALSO be kept warm (at least 100 degrees F) after it is applied, I did the best I could with the heaters I used, but that's why I could only do one panel at a time. YEA it was very time consuming.:thumb:
ah, well, we did not use an epoxy paint/primer, so I'll have to look into that if we decide to paint it again. At least with aluminum, the paint is just for looks mainly since it won't rust like steel!

If we would have had a garage for it, I'm sure that would have helped keep the paint on too. The beating summer sun doesn't do paint any favors!
I really don't know, but my "GUESS" would be that it would just make it easier/more convenient getting in & out of because the door will swing a full 180 degrees as apposed to only about 90 degrees or so the other way dew to your mirrors being in the way and you would probably want as much room as possible getting into & out of because most of the time you would have heavy thick "cold weather" clothing on. But maybe there is a more technical reason.:glare:

And, it can get pretty hot in there on a sunny day!
And, it can get pretty hot in there on a sunny day!

That's another good point, I used to operate a big J.D. front loader to move snow and the door's on that cab also opened to the rear, and many times we would run with the door open on warmer sunny days in winter. Also it helps when you need to communicate with people on the ground when in tight situations or like Mtncrawler said when moving ahead in poor visibility.
Finished painting some of the last few small parts. I "finally" found the correct heater switches, (that hunt has been going on for a long time) There is a bulb behind the knob which illuminates the knob in the dark, kinda cool.


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That is some pretty nice stuff! The instrument panel is awesome.
The whole rig is.
I have visions of barefooted passengers.
Good job
I'm convinced Weatherby has mastered the science of time travel. Nothing less than a time-warp has occurred based on the perfection of that dash. I'm starting to think this rig cannot be driven as the work is simply far to good to dirty. I'm serious. I know, I know, cats must always be driven, life-blood, etc... but this is different. We have to recognize, acknowledge, and proceed with care... in one way it's a shame not to drive and use such a rig... in a bigger way I think it's a greater loss to lose a perfect example of history. At a point, stones will chip the paint, no matter how hard the Imron...scratches will form on the dash... it will get scuffed.
I only bring it up because it's so beautiful that it must stay at this level of perfection. We only have a limited amount of time before Weatherby completes his project. I think we should start a fund that forum adminsters manage and we can paypal cash into it to buy Weatherby another 601...one that he can drive around and have fun in while this one stays in perfect historical condition.
If 120 of us (and you all know how much you like weatherby's thread), chip in $50 each... we can buy him *another* 601 that he can play with...needs some work but to get it in proper order for fun would take weatherby a couple of days. It would be great to do a web-survey on the forum...ask the members who would support getting the W a new 601.
Maybe we can use this an incentive for folks to restore some perfect cats and bring them back to perfect glory...requirement being concourse condition...sprytes, J5's, Krusties, ...uh, well, let me try that again...sprytes, J5's...and other cats. ;)

It's so good... I can even see the nose hairs in Weatherby's reflection in the headlight casing. ;)

Let me guess, you looked up this serial number cat and found a historical quality control slip that said the third screw in the Hobbs meter was missing...so now maintaining historical accuracy you left the screw out! Nice! ;)
OK, slight modification to proposal... how about anybody who wants a complete and total comprehensive DVD of all the photos taken during the entire restoration process (probably more than just on the forum...but even if just the forum...handy), then they send $50 for that? Then that money goes into the Weatherby-601-kitty. 8)
It's so good... I can even see the nose hairs in Weatherby's reflection in the headlight casing. ;)

Let me guess, you looked up this serial number cat and found a historical quality control slip that said the third screw in the Hobbs meter was missing...so now maintaining historical accuracy you left the screw out! Nice! ;)[/QUOTE]

OK OK, now that I wiped the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard, That nose hair thing is really bothering me, because just this morning I thought I got up there far enough to get them all, I guess I better ware my glass tomorrow morning when I go back up in there. That third screw missing "thing" on the Hobbs meter is only because I'm going to take that meter back out & replace it with a New Old Stock meter that I have still in it's box.
Count me in for the 50 bucks Mainer, cause I want to see you give up one of your 601's for 6 grand. (But also because I've enjoyed Weatherby's fantastic attention to detail)
Count me in for the 50 bucks Mainer, cause I want to see you give up one of your 601's for 6 grand. (But also because I've enjoyed Weatherby's fantastic attention to detail)

That's right... I'm happy to be the guinea pig for 'dunk the mainer' for $50 a shot...or rather, $6K, and contribute a 601. Let's see... how many thousands of views are there for Weatherby's thread? Yea... I think 120 of y'all know it's worth it.
That's right... I'm happy to be the guinea pig for 'dunk the mainer' for $50 a shot...or rather, $6K, and contribute a 601. Let's see... how many thousands of views are there for Weatherby's thread? Yea... I think 120 of y'all know it's worth it.

we checked the stat's and 12,000 of those veiws were mainer trying to figure out where all his parts go on his 601's :w00t2:
That's right... I'm happy to be the guinea pig for 'dunk the mainer' for $50 a shot...or rather, $6K, and contribute a 601. Let's see... how many thousands of views are there for Weatherby's thread? Yea... I think 120 of y'all know it's worth it.

here are some thoughts and dollar values :yum:

slap the Mainer $5
punch the Mainer 10
body slam the Mainer 15
bitc@ slap the Mainer 22
bother him at work 75
find out where he lives 200 ( allready known by some)
hide all his cats and watch him try to find them 225
post pictures of him 250
gag a tie him so he can't buy anymore cats 500

lets be creative :clap:

Just kidding buddy ....................
Har-har Boggie. Keep dreaming.

Oh, I almost forgot to add... whatever happens... the Weatherby 601 must never go to the supposed 'Boggie-museum' as it will just eventually turn into the 'Boggie Private Collection'!

That's right... I'm happy to be the guinea pig for 'dunk the mainer' for $50 a shot...or rather, $6K, and contribute a 601. Let's see... how many thousands of views are there for Weatherby's thread? Yea... I think 120 of y'all know it's worth it.

I think that should say "drunk the Mainer" for $50 a shot, let see him do about 30 shots then we will go hide all his rigs. and let him try to find them :clap:
according to the boggie list, i could probably be in for a couple hundred.
(and I really don't know him)
Well,... I got the cab put back down onto the frame. The method I used was a bit "crude", but I never doped it, not even once:brows: I discovered a (factory made) "miss-calculation on the body mount locations on 1 of the 8 that exist, It is welded on about 3/16" off center which made it much more of a job to get the cab aligned with the frame. I will show a pic of what I'm talking about in the next couple of days. I'm going to lift the cab back up to cut it off and re-weld it in it's correct location. Ohhh this woda been soooo much easier to do when I had the cab upside down:sad:


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Just finished packing my truck... heading West... going to start the groupy line outside the Weatherby-Compound. Figure I better pitch my tent now to get the first forum-ride. Please, let's keep it human folks... no Krusty's showing up to camp out 'in style'. ;)

I want some genuine Weatherby used oily rag! Maybe I'll go through the bins on trash day... get some genuine Weatherby 601 discards...some sheet metal, maybe some old worn out rubber mounts, dead gauges... who knows... used coffee cups from the master! Not worth as much unsigned...but still.

I can just hear the crackle of the engine... and the subtle whine of the diff. ;)

Great work Weatherby! As usual.
used coffee cups from the master! Not worth as much unsigned...but still.

I'll be after the unsigned cups that haven't been washed out yet. If I can just make out the image of the Virgin Mary in the coffee stains, they'll be worth a mint on eBay!!!! :rock:
Great idea Mainer.... I'm digging through the trash can rite now and I found a pizza box with some uneaten pizza crust in it and I'm going to sign the empty beer cans to. This (money pit) oops I mean snowcat is making it hard to even buy more pizza:glare: Thanks for the complements & let me know if you get close to Flint:thumb: