• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


WHAT?????? MAINERDS A DA##ED COMMIE? Mainer your from Kalifornicatirs? :mellow: Say it aint so. HEY wheres that vid of the girl doing a strip tease for us in a 601? Didnt you promise us a vid if we didnt bid on that 601.......:rolf2:
Here are some pics. of the new engine cover and the original cover. I had the new cover made out of .050 sheet steel instead of the original .050 sheet aluminum. I felt the original was much too week & flimsy and easily bent, which mine was. Can you send me some pics. of your engine cover I would really like to see that because maybe mine was also insulated like that and then removed at some point in time.:thumb:

What did that new cover cost to have made up?

As soon as I get my camera back, I will try to get some photos.
(Hopefully this weekend)
Hey Snowcat,

Seems to me, like you like our Sarah.

So this one is for you.


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WHAT?????? MAINERDS A DA##ED COMMIE? Mainer your from Kalifornicatirs? :mellow: Say it aint so. HEY wheres that vid of the girl doing a strip tease for us in a 601? Didnt you promise us a vid if we didnt bid on that 601.......:rolf2:

Mainer is a nomad... often having to look at his driver's license to refresh the country and state... but don't you worry... ye be patient and ye will receive thy 601 pole dance... it will come... give it time...
Well I am finally home from my last hunting trip and started working on the 601 where I had left off in Oct. which was re coating the inside of the cab. I did find the correct bed liner type of material that (somebody would sell to me to apply my self) and not pay to have them do it. I was quoted by several spray-on bed liner shops of $1200.00 to 1500.00 to mask off & spray that cab, I have about $400.00 into materials. You do need to maintain at least 80psi of air at all times wile spraying.


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I now have the ORIGINAL looking air cleaner assy. that I have been looking for for a number of years. Thanks to a fellow Thiokol 600 series owner (and that's putting it mildly) and also a fellow forum member could sense I was slowly going insane:w00t2:: due to the lack of old rusty Thiokol parts being found anymore. So because he has been in this same shape many times before himself, he knew there was only one thing that would bring me back from the brink, and that is DONATE his air cleaner assy. to me. Even though his has been modified from it's original look/shape between his and the one I have (which is to short to fit on a 223 motor) I can cut each one apart and make one original looking one which I did. PS. I am starting to feel better now:unsure: but he says it may take as long as two weeks before I am 100% again:brows:


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Cool. Good thing you got it from someone other than Mainer the Painer. :rolleyes: He's known to install tracking devices on parts he 'gives away' so he can find and haul off your cat later.
Cool. Good thing you got it from someone other than Mainer the Painer. :rolleyes: He's known to install tracking devices on parts he 'gives away' so he can find and haul off your cat later.

Dang Bobcat...you're giving away all the super-deep-stealth-black-ops secrets that I've scribed into a microdot and launched inside a nano-bot for eternal orbit around the earth... to carry on the 'way' of collecting old smelly modly cats. Ooooh... something nice about that. :brows:

I buy findmespots by the gross, take them apart, and make a flat wafer-thin epoxy slice with a camo solar panel... all covertly mounted for tracking purposes... ssshhhh! I'm still getting readings on that brand new sprocket Boggie has...he keeps burying it and moves it just before my hounds arrive. :ninja: All part of the skills learned with so much free time 'in the yard' to mingle with fellow stealth entrepreneurs... everone was innocent of course... ;)
Dang Bobcat...you're giving away all the super-deep-stealth-black-ops secrets that I've scribed into a microdot and launched inside a nano-bot for eternal orbit around the earth... to carry on the 'way' of collecting old smelly modly cats. Ooooh... something nice about that. :brows:

I buy findmespots by the gross, take them apart, and make a flat wafer-thin epoxy slice with a camo solar panel... all covertly mounted for tracking purposes... ssshhhh! I'm still getting readings on that brand new sprocket Boggie has...he keeps burying it and moves it just before my hounds arrive. :ninja: All part of the skills learned with so much free time 'in the yard' to mingle with fellow stealth entrepreneurs... everone was innocent of course... ;)

who Said we had only one ? hmmmmm What you are tracking is MTNToppers
cash jar he keeps burying it after he adds to it. almost everyday..... If we did
have more than one daily price would be 500 ea. Mainers price 5K:w00t2:
You know, you may be right... the signal comes in very, very strong in certain times...as if certain precious substances are being added to the mass... further energizing the transmitter... big additions as if to deal with large injections of cash sales of unique snowcats...customized 'to the T' for the buyer! High-end kit! When a set of truck mattracks are just a toy for the wife... yea, you know there's gotta be cash jars burried ALL OVER THE PLACE! ;)

I know... Mainer will trade Boggieman a nice Air Force rebuilt OC-15 for a stack of nicely molded drive sprockets.... this is the upgraded OC-15M (Mainer edition)... it has a real-time transmitter that pulses performance and operations data to Peterson's and they will send wireless signals to adjust the diff for best performance...all on the fly! So, just leave that little wire sticking out and make sure it has good view of the sky... and lots of good things will happen.
After the new coating was sprayed on the interior it then needed to be sprayed with the correct color Blue that Thiokol used.


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After the interior was painted I re-masked the cab so I can start spraying primer on the exterior after preparing the aluminum skin for primer & paint


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Now it was time to put the color on which was a very nervous time for me because as you can see I am spraying in LESS THAN IDEAL conditions including the very cold outside temps. What you don't see is all the prep work that went into covering EVERYTHING in my shop to keep over spray off and trying to maintain at least 60 degrees F. inside. And then setting up a blower to evacuate as much fumes & over spray as possible. The painting did turn out great BUT I would not recommended this way of painting for anybody unless your one of those people (like myself) that think that if you want it done rite you gotta do it your self. I was hoping to make it to 80 years of age but now after all the paint fumes I sucked in I probably wont make it to 70. I did ware a very good respirator but you really need a fresh air supplied suit to spray in conditions like this. Also I still need to do both sides but that will be after New Years and it will be dry enough to put it back on it's bottom so I can get at the sides.


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I can relate WEATHERBY! I just finshed off spray painting my rear deck for the 1202 inside my back unused bedroom.. I had the heater going full blast and the windows wide open. One window had a fan set on high to help pull the air out of the room. The other window was wide open with a steady breeze. It took two days to spray everything down properly. The room still smells of paint and my lungs have finaly recovered! BUT the temp had to be right. Great work as usual!
i noticed on the roof, right behind the drivers seat, there is a massive amount of rivets. did you add reinforcements there, or did it come that way?
the paint job looks good. care to disclose the source for the bed-liner spray, the correct color code for the thiokol blue, and the manufacture? is that the USAF blue?
i noticed on the roof, right behind the drivers seat, there is a massive amount of rivets. did you add reinforcements there, or did it come that way?
the paint job looks good. care to disclose the source for the bed-liner spray, the correct color code for the thiokol blue, and the manufacture? is that the USAF blue?

All those rivets you see is for a reinforcement plate that was added by the AF to mount some kind of a gun mount. However I removed the plate that was originally added and made a new one because of several 9/16 holes that were drilled through and plugged, I felt it would be better/easier to remove it rather than try to repair that one from leaking & for appearance reasons. I used a two part Imron paint & two part Corlar primer and this is according to A.F. specs. Your local Dupont paint supplier should be able to mix the correct Blue. And this is the Bed Liner product, found it on line.


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Believe it or not I was looking at that very same machine. I have a friend who is a state policeman. He spotted the Thiokol whlie on patrol and told me about it. I went out and took some pictures and tried to talk the Newberry people into selling it to me but got nowhere. Then I heard it was gone. I was very disapointed. Well I'm glad to see it went to a person who is restoring it and not to a hot rodder who would run the crap out of it and leave it sitting behind another building to die of neglect. I live in Marquette and have 3 weasels. I use them at my camp in Big Bay. I've been looking for a thiokol. I'd love a 601 because I restore military but I like the looks of the Spryte too.
They seem to be around you quite well due to the AF base there... I picked up 3 there and then a 4th. Probably more around...
All of the painting is done, what a pain in the :censored: that was. After all the striping, wet sanding, preparing, mixing, masking off, & spraying, the labor involved in painting something like this including all the small parts (CORRECTLY) is ENORMOUS. I'm not saying I did a "PERFECT" job, but it did turn out good. I now have a better understanding why/how nice paint jobs on restored classic cars run $5000.00 and up.


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I thought of something new to get dibs on...

"I call dibs on the first 601-ride with Weatherby when he's ready to take forum members on board." Then I'll leave a blank check on the seat. ;)

Sweet paint.
Dammit!! :hammer: I shoulda thought of that. :pat:

Ah well. I suppose it's alright if Mainer the Painer gets the first ride. After all, it's not like he has any running cats of his own to ride. :poke:
Dammit!! :hammer: I shoulda thought of that. :pat:

Well I'm not all that convinced that he doesn't have at least one cat running, Because We did see "THE INSIDE" of "A" shop with"A" Maxie trailer in it being worked on, so that leads me to believe there's more work going on than he wants us to believe, and another thing, look closely at those photos and you will see something missing, Yea that's right NO WINDOWS I think I have him figured out, His "man cave" / shop is located deep deep UNDER GROUND and probably has a lake above it to mess with any ground penetrating Radar:thumb:

THANKS for those complements GroomerGuy & BKvail
Ah well. I suppose it's alright if Mainer the Painer gets the first ride. After all, it's not like he has any running cats of his own to ride. :poke:[/QUWell
I'm impressed with the care for detail you've shown. Great job. :thumb: I think, though, that if the -40 weather in Minnesota heads your way, you'll want to roll your project back inside and be sure to install those windows in it.:ermm::sad:
Well I'm not all that convinced that he doesn't have at least one cat running, Because We...

...that's right... that's the ticket... Painer Mainer is limping along on 1 running cat... the last of the rag-tag fleet... and thus, based on this nearly crippled state of affairs...

Mainer requests that any discovered/unearthed running 6-series/TM's (well, and those that are not running just to be fair), be sent to him for first purchase rights... after all... with such a state... Mainer needs all he can get... to turn this horrid state around... and buy a bumper sticker: "More than 1 for Mainer!" :clap:

So please... another need-based appeal... send your TM/6-series cats to a good home... and even those that you may stumble across in passing... help the Mainer have more than just 1 running cat (just carrying on the tradition of prior statements) ... it's the best humanitarian assistance that you can do next to helping starving seals up North. :unsure:

PS... the man-cave is deep 'in the thicket' ... and is undiscoverable to even those that rely so very heavily on Google Earth (including NASA high-res edition). ;)
... and ye old cats hibernate in three seperate geographic bear caves... out of site... out of elements... cared for with TLC.