• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


That coating inside the cab comes off with a putty knife, aircraft stripper, and easy off oven cleaner! Watch out for the fumes off this combo. It's really tough to take! You have to apply and RUN. I have pics of it somewhere. Apply the stripper first, then spray the oven cleaner on. Mix it up with a cheap brush and leave the garage. Come back in an hour or so and scrape it off. I tried everything I could think of and this works! Do this at your own risk. Personally, I think its simpiler to replace the parts than try to remove this crap, but this is our first cat restoration!:in_love: I had to try!
That coating inside the cab comes off with a putty knife, aircraft stripper, and easy off oven cleaner! Watch out for the fumes off this combo. It's really tough to take! You have to apply and RUN. I have pics of it somewhere. Apply the stripper first, then spray the oven cleaner on. Mix it up with a cheap brush and leave the garage. Come back in an hour or so and scrape it off. I tried everything I could think of and this works! Do this at your own risk. Personally, I think its simpiler to replace the parts than try to remove this crap, but this is our first cat restoration!:in_love: I had to try!

Thanks for that info Scooterd, I used scrapers & power washer to remove all loose stuff, now the only stuff left on is really holding good, so I will spray bed liner over what is left on
I know these pics. have been somewhat boring lately, but I am hoping they are helping somebody out or will someday. I replaced all the flat supports on each side of the frame (or what the rear bench seats set over) the originals were 1/8x1/2'' I replaced them with 3/16''x 1'' flat stock. I felt the originals were far to week. Removed door handles for paint. I need help from somebody out there that has a or can take a close up pic. of the front grill assy of a 601 or any Track Master for that matter so I can see how that 3/4'' square tube mounts just below the grill, mine is missing as you can see in the pic.


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Finished soda blasting the cab, it will not remove the bed liner type of coating that is on the inside of a 601 cab. It took 5 hours to do all of the outside of the cab and doors & roof hatch with only about 4 1/2 bags of soda.

That Soda Blasting seems to work pretty good and doesn't appear to distort the metal. We are having one of our boats blasted for repainting, and it really comes out well after the fact.

Thinking of taking my Imp down to Anchorage and have them give it the once over this summer before I paint it. Would really look good I think! Then it should be another year or two before I actually get it painted!!!:rolf2:


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That Soda Blasting seems to work pretty good and doesn't appear to distort the metal. We are having one of our boats blasted for repainting, and it really comes out well after the fact.

Thinking of taking my Imp down to Anchorage and have them give it the once over this summer before I paint it. Would really look good I think! Then it should be another year or two before I actually get it painted!!!:rolf2:

Those pics. are great, I've been told that they also use crushed walnut shells on boat hulls but I have never seen it done. I was lucky enough to find a guy who trailers his soda blast setup out to your job to do the work. I know things like that are a lot harder to make happen in Alaska though.
Those pics. are great, I've been told that they also use crushed walnut shells on boat hulls but I have never seen it done. I was lucky enough to find a guy who trailers his soda blast setup out to your job to do the work. I know things like that are a lot harder to make happen in Alaska though.

Same with this company that does the blasting, they have a complete trailer unit with the compressor and come to the site.

Down side is that it makes it look like winter is back after a few hours of blasting...

Great if you have a bit too much mold/moss in the yard, will give you a great lower PH... No Acidics here...
regarding the blaster::::::

i was watching tv last week and saw the soda blaster used on "TRUCKS" or one of those shows that run on sunday mornings. the only difference was that their unit used compressed air and water to keep down the inhalation hazard, and mess.


this company has always done me good. they have all the supplies needed.
Yes thats true but when you have a big job such as my 601 or a big boat hull you would have even a bigger mess with white paste all over after two or three bags have been shot out, plus after about 2 to 3hr. your soaked let alone after 5hr. And then the biggest reason you wouldn't want to use water on a (big) job is that it reduces the cutting action of the soda too much which creates more soda used & much more time blasting and the longer your blasting the more money it's costing. But yes water does cut down on the powder in the air. It's more like a catch 22. though.
regarding the blaster::::::

i was watching tv last week and saw the soda blaster used on "TRUCKS" or one of those shows that run on sunday mornings. the only difference was that their unit used compressed air and water to keep down the inhalation hazard, and mess.


this company has always done me good. they have all the supplies needed.
Yes thats true (but what they don't tell ya) is that when you have a big job such as something like my 601 or a big boat hull you would have even a bigger mess with white paste all over after two or three bags have been shot out, plus after about 2 to 3hr. your soaked let alone after 5hr. And then the biggest reason you wouldn't want to use water on a (big) job is that it reduces the cutting action of the soda too much which creates more soda used & much more time blasting and the longer your blasting the more money it's costing. But yes water does cut down on the powder in the air. It's more like a catch 22. though.
true,,,time is a key factor. the one nice thing about the water being used was the lack of heat transfered to the body panels. no warpage due to heat build up on the long, straight, flat panels.

my 4T will be sent into a blast booth and walnut hulls used on both the body and chassis. then rolled across the lot to the powder coating booth.

ill post the pics as time goes by. might be a bit,,,as i now have a nice 3 month old helping me out on the project.
Well I finally found or should I say made some time to get working on that 601. Between work and trying to do the fun things you do during the summer months not much has happened on it until this last week. I finally installed the new sheet aluminum that replaced the damaged sheet aluminum that I had removed, let's just say I learned allot about riveting it's not as easy as I thought it would be (that is if you want it to lay flat and no puckering between rivets) I'm sure the guys out there that have done allot of this stuff know what I'm talking about but this was the first time for me, I now know why I've seen guys use so many Cleco clamps to hold the aluminum skin on when working on aircraft skin, (I used none). I also talked to the Line-X spray on bed liner guys about doing the inside of the cat they also did some sample or (test spraying) on the inside just to see how it will look going over the original coating that is still on in the inside, To make a long story short, It adheres excellent and looks great so that looks like that is what is going to be put on the inside.


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looking great! Wish we could have tore ours apart that far to do the paint - we used paint stripper and scrub brush on ours to get the old paint off - but we didn't strip the underside at all. Can't wait to see paint on it! Looks like you were able to find the right kind of rivets?
looking great! Wish we could have tore ours apart that far to do the paint - we used paint stripper and scrub brush on ours to get the old paint off - but we didn't strip the underside at all. Can't wait to see paint on it! Looks like you were able to find the right kind of rivets?

Thanks and yes I did find the correct rivets the only ones I do not have yet are the ones that hold the rear door hinge on which are a little longer 3/16x5/8 as apposed to 3/16x3/8 that most everything else uses, the longer ones should be in the mail within the next day or so.
Looks great as usual! Great to see such progress... this kind of thing is just a demonstration of how high the bar has been raised for the rest of us to dream of!
PS...apologies on the delay of that part... I'll send it soon.
Well I know it's been awhile but between some hunting trips & just doing things we do during the summer months work on the 601 was/is slow, but things will start to get back to a faster pace now that I will have the time that I need to really give a 100% towards it. In the last month or so I have been preparing the inside of the body to get resprayed with a spray on bed liner type of stuff, I had a new engine cover made and FINALLY found all the parts to rebuild my wiper motors, mine were replaced at some point in time with motors that had the wrong shaft length. These motors are made by American Bosch and they no longer make them, so getting new ones was out of the question However you can get this same style of motor but they are made over seas and not by American Bosch. I was lucky and found a CO. that still has parts to rebuild the the original American Bosch motors, my new motor cases are even stamped with the year they were originally made 1963 how cool is that! my 601 is a 1963:punk:


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does the place have any more? We are in desperate need of wiper motors for our 4T! We have nothing!

does the place have any more? We are in desperate need of wiper motors for our 4T! We have nothing!

Hi Karin, this place has only SOME parts still left and then very few at best. The one part I know they have a lot of are shaft assy. 1" 2" & 3" length, yours would need a 1" shaft, however a longer shaft will work. They do not have all the parts to make a complete motor any more. If you have no motors at all AND you want the correct American Bosch motors they are not that hard to find, most any OLDER tractor, front loader, military truck, boats,or anything that has a cab with a windshield from the early 80s on back used these motors. But if you just want that style of motor you can buy them brand new and they look the same as the American Bosch motors. You can find them on E-Bay rite now just type in MARINE WIPER MOTOR and from AFI marine you will see them for about $70.00 hope this helps. I will be gone from now till the 22nd of this month.

Do you have any new pictures of the masterpiece?
Or, at least pictures of the new cover.

My 601 has a insulated cover, over the metal one.
(I guess the Air Force had them made)

Do you have any new pictures of the masterpiece?
Or, at least pictures of the new cover.

My 601 has a insulated cover, over the metal one.
(I guess the Air Force had them made)

Here are some pics. of the new engine cover and the original cover. I had the new cover made out of .050 sheet steel instead of the original .050 sheet aluminum. I felt the original was much too week & flimsy and easily bent, which mine was. Can you send me some pics. of your engine cover I would really like to see that because maybe mine was also insulated like that and then removed at some point in time.:thumb:


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weatherby, love your work.... what has me wondering is why you have your barrel stove chained down?and what kind of leg (back scratcher) is that?:mellow: Turkey? you must be burning old av gas in the stove and trying to keep it from going supersonic.:tongue: Just remember when you get that
601 done it would love to move west. of course after you have had your fill. and fun with it. (Don't tell painer)
Such a glorious demonstration of excellence! OK, now I can be painer mainer from time-to-time... but I think if I had as much perfection, sweat, tears, blood, wifely anger, etc... into a 601 like this... hell... dig a big hole for my aluminum/steel casket! ;) It's been done before...but not with a 601. Maybe Mainer will be the first! ;) I know, gruesome, yet appreciable thought. Boggie... hands off... you know that rig needs to head East after Weatherby is board with it. ;) Actually, after Weatherby catches his breath for a while... I have dibs on his consulting services to redo one of mine! I just have to start saving now to pay for it! 8(
Weatherby, don't mind us little snowcat biatches bantering over your prized goods... it's just the ultimate form of flattery. 8)
I had to LOL when boggie commented on that turkey leg and my wood stove being chained down, well I mostly use the leg to scare all the little kids that come around, (just because), and the chained down stove? well I'll get to that in just a second. But first I need to let you guys & gals know that I found out that about 4 years ago Mainer paid a large sum of money to the RUSSIANS to launch a satellite (the U.S. wanted nothing to do with it) to look for ALL rotting, non-running or running Thiokol 601 602 & 603 snow cats. The U.S. doesn't know what Mainer (if thats even his real name) and the commies have up there sleeves but they believe it can't be good. They also believe he has a large number of them already stashed over there in commie land. I know he has picked the state of Michigan clean except for the two he THINKS he taking back to Main (if thats really where he lives) this weekend. We have set up road blocks from the Soo to Marquette for this weekend, and if he slips by there, my buddies at the boarder are instructed to drown him in all the special paper work like, permits,documents non-documents,registrations,license,etc etc. etc. etc. etc. until he just gives up and leaves those cats there at the boarder and tells them to call Weatherby & tell him he can just have em. Now this leads me back to why I have that chain around that wood stove, It's a boobie trap for Mainer just in case he or any of his commie friends try to load my 601 on the back of a flatbed some night when I'm sound asleep I figure it will pull over the wood stove & make all kinds of racket that will wake me and scare them off:mrgreen:
You guys... Now why would I be heading to a world of chaos and black market opportunity when I *could* head to Far East and enjoy the remanufacturing opportunities that present themselves in such low-labor markets? OK, OK, so I was impressed when I brought my girlfriend to Asia and they were able to clone her ... and take out all the saucy bits! So, I found two cloning plants in China...one will completely reproduce a 601 and is using Weatherby's journey to self-educate and then they are practicing on the other rigs I bring them... hence never actually seeing any rebuilds posted here... and they are learning...fast. One company has rebuilt them and improved them and oddly enough they are taking Boggie manufacturing into account ...so much so that the 601 now looks like a Skidozer! I told them to go back to the drawing board... So, the game plan is to take the high-end manufacturers by storm and have China reproduce low-priced cats to eat/demolish/destroy the food chain that belongs to modern large-passenger capacity manufacturers living in the hydrostatic world...hmm...Oregon anyone? Throw some Deutschland in as well!
Actually...now that I write this... not a bad idea! LOL. Any investors besides my subjective Mainer self?
However, after receiving a satellite update...and lots of 'chatter' over the net... I aborted my batch 1 extraction knowing that challenges would be faced at the border. I will return to extract with significantly greater stealth in the upcoming weeks!
In terms of the Weatherby-Machine... well... that would clearly be 'done' with the minimal risk to maximize mission success ... air lift the entire workshop... turkey leg, stove, and all! ;)
'Chiokol---Remanufacturer of the 601'
:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum: I knew the "paperwork" scheme at the border would scare off any attempt of removing those Thiokols out of Michigan:punk:. As far as airlifting the entire shop away? Welllllllll lets just say a Sikorskys rotor blades & guy wires stretched from property line to property line high above my shop don't mix very well :brows:.