OK, I just got back home. Sushi, there is too much in this thread for me to comment on each thing. You have a lot of people that care for you here.
You have a lot more choices than you thought you had. I think I would go for the harvest company. You might find you love, or you might not like it a bit. But it will be a break for you, room & board is worth about, oh, say $1,000 to $1500 a month? No rent, no food to buy, NO HIGH-ASSED GASOLINE to buy. Try it for a few months. If you don't like it, you don't have to stay long, just long enough to feel refreshed, and get back on your feet. And with the travel, you will probably find an area you would like to settle down in. Damn, that sounds good to me, except I'm tied down with a family.
Try some-thing else for awhile, my friend. Then if you want to come back to sales, there are latterly thousands of other companies to work for.
Good luck, my friend.