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Losing Job

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Yeah, I just checked your profile...Sagitarius or Capricorn, right? Either way, Mom says we're perfect for each other because we're both single, jobless, and suicidal. My dream man, come to me, baby...
Now, if you tell me you're also a musician, I'll have to come there, knock you over the head and drag you home with me.

:shock:...... :blush:

Or he could sleep in MY room...

If he sleeps in your room, where are you going to sleep :rolf2::yum:

:blink:...... :doh:
Things are looking up already, Sush ole boy. :thumb:

Oh, before we all get too carried away, remember this is in the 'Seriously Speaking' forum.
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How about a Construction Laborer . You could probably start in the morning . Get the Want Ads out and head in a different direction . Hospitals are hiring all the time and have some damn fine benifits too . All States are always looking for part time workers for roads and parks . Thats where 95% of the full time state employees come from . They usually will work you up to 1600 hours a year until you get on full time .

I need to make a minimum of $32K / year
I dont know WHAT to expect in those jobs. Ive never done anything like it.

But the worst thing is, Ive had 10 jobs in 8 years. No one will hire me with that on my resume. :(
$32k sounds like a reasonable target, but I'm sure you could get by with less, depending on the economy of the area to which you relocate.

As far as what to expect from a laborer job... expect to get paid for doing what you're told to do. That's all. No stress.
I surely don't know AG very well..............But Sushi for some reason I think that girl would tear you up :thumb:
Go for it..........
I surely don't know AG very well..............But Sushi for some reason I think that girl would tear you up :thumb:
Go for it..........

Yeah, you're right. I better take it easy on the poor boy. I might hurt him and then he'd be worse off than he was to begin with.
Seriously, though.
Sushi, I don't know if I can do anything to help you with getting a job, I can't even pull myself together long enough to last more than an hour on a job when I'm lucky enough to find one. I'm a complete mental and emotional wreck, and if I'm not hiding in my room, I'm freaking out.
So, in other words...the only help I can offer you is the comfort of knowing that there is someone out here that truly understands what it feels like to be down and out. I hope you find what you're looking for, though.

Dang, that didn't come out nearly as comforting as I intended. It sounded more insane than anything... :w00t2:
Listen to this.... 5:45 a client of mine calls and has an emergeny and needs a server overnight! Everything is closed here but we have offices on the West Coast.... so I call this fella there..... he says we needs exact part numbers and time is running out.....

6:15.... I call my client and leave a voice mail asking that its possible and that I need more info and to call me back ASAP.

6:20 I call this other person who then transfers me to ANOTEHR person..... THEN I get a call waiting signal. I put them on hold and go to the other line..... I hear a Spanish recording speaking and then the signal cuts out. I THEN ask to call the woman on hold back......
I call the number of the recording..... It say the NUMBER IS DISCONECTED!!!......

I call my client again to see if he answers..... nope.... I leave another message.

6:30 I call the co-worker on the west coast to see what we can do..... She says we can only ship but not config the server and that we have 10 minutes left and we STILL need more info......
I go to call the client again to see if he is off the phone......
I get an incoming call and answer it but I dont hear anything...... The number is from a 100% different part of the country
6:35 I call that number back AND at the same time Im calling THEM.... THEY call ME again..... they left a message......
I call them AGAIN...... this guy answers and asks if I need a server.... I ask "Who is this?"......
Its SO AND SO......... my freakin MANAGERS MANAGER!!!!!!! :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

he is on the West Coast and overheard ME talking to my co-worker!!!
Im heart drops...... I get VERY nervous..... I ask him how are things and then I ask him what he thinks about my performance..... He says great! I said GREAT! I said its just that I didnt do so well last month and its gotten me "a little nervous although it makes me even more determined"......I feel like an ASS because I should have NEVER asked him that! This is like the ****ING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES calling me out of the BLUE!!!! SO now I sound like a JACKASS!!!!!:mellow:

6:52 the client calls back and says he has to go back to his office and it will take 35 minutes. I tell him that it will be too late. he thanks me and says that I still did a great job......

6:58 I call back the coworker on the West coast and ask HOW did my MANAGERS MANAGER know that my client needed a server?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Out of a 87K sq/ft HQ..... he was sitting right NEXT to her when I called.

Yup. I'll probably be canned tomorrow. And that is just my luck. :sad:
Yup. I'll probably be canned tomorrow. And that is just my luck. :sad:

Oh Thank God! THEN, you can REALLY find a job you like, or at least tolerate. Your salary requirements are not unreasonable. Just calm down and take a deep breath. We have a few jobs out this way in Kansas too and the cost of living is WAY less than it is where you are. I am not tryin to be mean or harsh, just honest with you bro. Getting shit-canned tomorrow might be the best thing for you. Ever thought of getting a CDL? I can get you a job tomorrow driving trucks. Even just for the summer as harvest help to get you by for the time being....
You have 60 acres??? What's this crap about Redneck saying a few choice words and me being lucky??
:hide: :oops:......Ok...I will send you a picture from my back door :mrgreen:

Or he could sleep in MY room...:brows:

And Momma and Daddy is gonna go for that?
No.....Momma and Daddy, aren't:hammer:

:yum: Spoken like a true dad.
Her own Dad is at work and hasn't seen it yet

Momma would be fine. As for Daddy...what daddy don't know...:whistling:
:ohmy:Oh I would ????
We have had this talk before....you can't bring home every stray cat or puppy you find.

Seriously, though.
Sushi, I don't know if I can do anything to help you with getting a job, I can't even pull myself together long enough to last more than an hour on a job when I'm lucky enough to find one. I'm a complete mental and emotional wreck, and if I'm not hiding in my room, I'm freaking out.
So, in other words...the only help I can offer you is the comfort of knowing that there is someone out here that truly understands what it feels like to be down and out. I hope you find what you're looking for, though.
Now that's the depressed , jobless Daughter I know and love :wub::
Dang, that didn't come out nearly as comforting as I intended. It sounded more insane than anything... :w00t2:

Not really. Just stressed. I can relate. :smile:

But you tried............

Yup. I tried my ass off. But somehow, it will still bite me. Dont know how. My direct manager will tell me I should have done things differently or something. Sound goofy? Its true. Last week I worked through lunch to get work done and he was PISSED today because he thought i was trying to finish my work quickly so I could leave early the next day and he said it wasnt complete enough!!!!!! :glare:
Your direct manager is an asshole! Plain and simple. You should be documenting the conversations of this sort, then turn them over (after you've made copies for your records) to HIS manager. You could, quite possibly, make that big chair in Mr. D.M.'s office kinda uncomfortable.
Okay, now, you've got two choices here. You can stay where you are and take action, or you can toss your keys at Asshole and walk, hell! RUN! out that door. I'd do one or the other starting TOMORROW MORNING!
or you can toss your keys at Asshole and walk, hell! RUN! out that door.

Then I wouldnt get unemployment.... then I REALLLLLLLLLLY screwed!

This has been the worst day in more than a year.
Yup. I tried my ass off. But somehow, it will still bite me. Dont know how. My direct manager will tell me I should have done things differently or something. Sound goofy? Its true. Last week I worked through lunch to get work done and he was PISSED today because he thought i was trying to finish my work quickly so I could leave early the next day and he said it wasnt complete enough!!!!!! :glare:
You don't know that.....I've had this happen to me. I thought I was a goner and the boss on the other side was impressed....so there's hope.
Sushi, there isn't a person here that hasn't been job hunting somewhere at one time or another. You don't have the corner on being unemployed nor being fired by idiots.

You have two options, go back to work and rip yourself apart in a job that treats you like a dog...

Or go and find a job that you like doing and do it. Have a big garage (or sidewalk) sale, take the money and use it to find your next adventure. There is nothing written anywhere saying that you have to be employed by an A$$....

Now that you have upped the price on the car, people will start to look at it and you may sell it shortly with a bonus!
Sushi, you have no idea what the big boss is thinking. He said your performance was great. Most people at that level will tell you that you are a piece of crap if that is they are thinking. They usually dont care about the little guy's feelings. You may have turned it around today. Try being positive man.
My immediate manager doesnt seem to either like me OR understand me. His manager seems to like me a lot. But the two trust eachother very well.
Listen to this.... 5:45 a client of mine calls and has an emergeny and needs a server overnight! Everything is closed here but we have offices on the West Coast.... so I call this fella there..... he says we needs exact part numbers and time is running out.....

6:15.... I call my client and leave a voice mail asking that its possible and that I need more info and to call me back ASAP.

6:20 I call this other person who then transfers me to ANOTEHR person..... THEN I get a call waiting signal. I put them on hold and go to the other line..... I hear a Spanish recording speaking and then the signal cuts out. I THEN ask to call the woman on hold back......
I call the number of the recording..... It say the NUMBER IS DISCONECTED!!!......

I call my client again to see if he answers..... nope.... I leave another message.

6:30 I call the co-worker on the west coast to see what we can do..... She says we can only ship but not config the server and that we have 10 minutes left and we STILL need more info......
I go to call the client again to see if he is off the phone......
I get an incoming call and answer it but I dont hear anything...... The number is from a 100% different part of the country
6:35 I call that number back AND at the same time Im calling THEM.... THEY call ME again..... they left a message......
I call them AGAIN...... this guy answers and asks if I need a server.... I ask "Who is this?"......
Its SO AND SO......... my freakin MANAGERS MANAGER!!!!!!! :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

he is on the West Coast and overheard ME talking to my co-worker!!!
Im heart drops...... I get VERY nervous..... I ask him how are things and then I ask him what he thinks about my performance..... He says great! I said GREAT! I said its just that I didnt do so well last month and its gotten me "a little nervous although it makes me even more determined"......I feel like an ASS because I should have NEVER asked him that! This is like the ****ING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES calling me out of the BLUE!!!! SO now I sound like a JACKASS!!!!!:mellow:

6:52 the client calls back and says he has to go back to his office and it will take 35 minutes. I tell him that it will be too late. he thanks me and says that I still did a great job......

6:58 I call back the coworker on the West coast and ask HOW did my MANAGERS MANAGER know that my client needed a server?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Out of a 87K sq/ft HQ..... he was sitting right NEXT to her when I called.

Yup. I'll probably be canned tomorrow. And that is just my luck. :sad:

If you get canned over this, they dont deserve you! First, the client did not call back in time..............ever hear of taking a package to UPS at nite..........I used to do that all the time, for overnite.

Second, if you sold the original, or it is from your company, why do they not have a record of the sale for part numbers...............we did, even single customer had a file with ALL the part numbers, computers, peripherals, and service calls in it. I had access to it, via internet from anywhere I was.

Third, sounds like you did what you could be the west coast said f it after 5, or quitting time....................to keep a customer happy you stay till it is done, and if you dont want to, fine I will stay and you can see the unemployment office in the morning, dont come back..............

yeah I am an ass, but without customers, happy ones, employees are not needed, and anyone that does not have a short time (35 minutes), well they do now!

you need to get away from this clown act of a company, they are not doing you right at all.
Not really. Just stressed. I can relate. :smile:

Yup. I tried my ass off. But somehow, it will still bite me. Dont know how. My direct manager will tell me I should have done things differently or something. Sound goofy? Its true. Last week I worked through lunch to get work done and he was PISSED today because he thought i was trying to finish my work quickly so I could leave early the next day and he said it wasnt complete enough!!!!!! :glare:

I would so tell these jackoff's where to go and walk out...............
I had a meeting with my manager today. Basically if Subway doesnt buy from me I'll be fired. Also, if one of my large accounts doesnt go with me to a Customer Event out in Seattle, Im fired.
I cant even believe this. I worked harder than anyone here. Ive brought in all of my accounts unlike the other people.

If I lose my job, I might as well just end it man.
If you utter (type)those words ever again, I shall personally come THERE and slap the ever loving shit out of you...
Now.. let me read the rest of the thread...:doh::shock:
I hear you, PG. I'd have given rep points to you for that last post, but I can't 'til I spread more around.
My household has been too damn close to a situation where someone decided to "end it all". Nothing's ever the same afterward. Ok, I gotta quit talking about that, for now.
Well you talking about "ending it all" Sushi over a job is just ridiculous to me.
I KNOW you need money, I know you need a lot of things.
Pull yourself up by your boot straps and GET OUT THERE AND LOOK FOR SOMETHING ELSE!
How long have you been complaining about this job?
To say you'll end it sounds silly.
You're alive and you have your health- stop bitching about it and take action.
I know that sounds a little heartless, but you are in control of your destiny whether you know it or not.
Y'know, Sushi, to a survivor of a suicide, even jokingly talking about "ending it all" makes me want to kick your ever-lovin' ass up between your ears. It's not a subject to be taken lightly.
I hear you, PG. I'd have given rep points to you for that last post, but I can't 'til I spread more around.
My household has been too damn close to a situation where someone decided to "end it all". Nothing's ever the same afterward. Ok, I gotta quit talking about that, for now.
You could send me some rep points!:mrgreen:
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