• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

Went to an early morning vein/artery "doppler" scan of my neck to look for blockages because a prior CT scan of my sinuses showed a possible thickening of the arteries/plaque build-up.

Already got the results. MINIMAL plaque, NORMAL flow, so apparently I get to live longer. I was not particularly worried, but my dad had an angioplasty at roughly my age, and his brother and his father both had stokes, so figured it would be good to get it checked out.

Left there and went to the grocery store to pick up a couple things, ended up spending $300 at the first store and almost another $100 at the Aldi.

Sitting now and watching the news, trying to warm up. Nothing much planned for the afternoon.

Driving down to Purdue at dinner time to coach fencing, should be home about 12:30am.
Went out earlier to push snow around with the sxs. Decided to season all my cast iron in a light coating of oil and heat treat them for an hour. I figured while the oven was on I'd whip up a double batch of oatmeal cookies. Plans for the afternoon include planting my butt in a recliner.
It is 42%F outside, and very sunny. For the first time in over a week the Green-House is heating the main house.

A frigid 110%-6%F most every night.

The furnace has been running, the last 6 days, mostly nonstop keeping the house at 68%F-70%F. Today it is at 73%F. Furnace is off.
So is the auxiliary heater in the back porch area.
All I have is a 24" fan blowing heat off the Green-House.

Wish it would stay this way but, we go back to cold tomorrow.
There is no statute of limitations on your memory of the event. So, kick him in the balls. Guys like that are chicken sh!t. And he is an old man now. He'll never know what hit him.
The guy will always bully her. Always assume he is dominant over her. Take him down , if he gets up do it again. Payback with interest for his crime.
I suspect this creep does other illegal things. Report what you know. Is he married; does his wife know about this?
Does he have kids; they need to know too. He may well be abusing them as well.
Does he report all his income? That's how they got Capone amongst others.

Kicking him may result in charges. Do it quietly. I'm sure others can think of devious things to do....
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Found out dad is now in his last hours and possibly tomorrow morning. Told my customers and employee that I will not be open tomorrow for this reason. Luckily mom knows where his living trust is and he had this done in 1998. Mom knows she will be getting his pension and social security, all set up for this. My employee got me this and I love it, a Marines parking only sign and it is this one
Found out dad is now in his last hours and possibly tomorrow morning. . .

Sorry you are going through this. I lost both of my parents just about 14 months apart, when I was about 30. Heart disease and then cancer. There is no easy way to go through all this but we all face some combination of grief, fatigue, anger, anguish, regret and loss. We will pray for you and your family.
Sorry you are going through this. I lost both of my parents just about 14 months apart, when I was about 30. Heart disease and then cancer. There is no easy way to go through all this but we all face some combination of grief, fatigue, anger, anguish, regret and loss. We will pray for you and your family.
Last stage of Alzheimer's and I see he wants to go badly. It will be tough and he will no longer be in pain being reunited with his parents, a brother and sister whom passed before him
I suspect this creep does other illegal things. Report what you know. Is he married; does his wife know about this?
Does he have kids; they need to know too. He may well be abusing them as well.
Does he report all his income? That's how they got Capone amongst others.

Kicking him may result in charges. Do it quietly. I'm sure others can think of devious things to do....
He assaulted her. She just now got the strength, ability, and resolve to resist. He gets his ass kicked by a mere woman, he is a coward that will not likely tell a soul. Especially if he has a wife and kids.
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Came back, my dad passed and it was tough. Know he is no longer in pain. It was just my mom, brothers and I there. Good thing is we are there for each other and mom knows we will be there for her.I am going to get his living trust from her tomorrow morning and take it to the lawyer's office so they can go through it. Know one piece of property is mine which I have to clean up,he has 10 junk cars there from the 1980s and 1990s that need to go. Luckily an auto salvage yard I deal with is going to give me the phone number of the place that crushes their junk cars
Got up and told my son his grandfather passed last night. It did hit him hard at first and understands he is no longer in pain. I do not have to wake him up, he gets up on his own on school days. Mom,my brothers and I are going to the funeral home to make the arraignments for the date of his funeral this afternoon and is already paid for. Planned it ahead of time before he passed. Did get his living trust to drop them off at the lawyers and the keys to the shop at the property I will be inheriting to find the titles of the 10 junk cars there. I know where they are, in a filing cabinet by the front door.
Sorry about your dad Jackie. You show a tough front and seem to be holding up well, but don't be surprised when it does hit you. Never easy. Best wishes.
Holding up well and went to the property I will inheriting opening up the shop up. Was always out there working on something. Found the titles of those junk 10 cars and was looking up asking what was he thinking. Found out he has 5 more at the other property my youngest older brother will be getting. He found them and he will get the 5 titles for them. My dad was a hoarder, have to call a core buyer I deal with on Monday which I found at least 50 aluminum wheels stored inside too. Funeral is set for next weekend on Saturday. His trust is at the lawyer's place now so the lawyer can go through it hopefully meet up next week.
Finally taking down Christmas Decorations.

It has been too cold and the snow too deep to do the outside.
Crumpy has been away moving our Granddaughter to New York.

I did the outside today. We start on the inside Saturday.

Not as much as normal went up so Saturday should do it. Sunday we begin on the poolroom refinish. All the wallpaper comes down and I repair the drywall for paint. Some fixture need new wiring components, switches dimmers, ground faulting, etc.

Depending on mood, maybe I get to the furnace room which is a shambles. This room has been "temporary" installs, extension cords and power bars, for over 40 years.
Plans are insulation and studwork on the foundation walls. All others are 2X4 studded
Drywall and plywood wall panels which will accept screws better than drywall. Rewiring the mess of extension cords and communication cables. 12 gauge Romex throughout all at 20 amps.

I need more duplex outlets in there and ground faulted circuits.
Permanent mounting of the cabinets.
Found out this afternoon a Matco rep came and getting a new dealer. Told this rep the last dealer was an A-hole and he knew about it. They pulled his franchise. Said this guy I will like, great guy with knowledge of the tools and knows to treat the customer right. Also found out he was in the military too, Marines. The rep saw my Marines flag and said he is like you,a jarhead. He is going to start stopping at my shop the week of the 27th every Tuesday. My good friends came over and gave me their condolences finding out my dad passed. They remember him as a great guy
Checked into a hotel in Appleton, Wisconsin.

I left the home and the temps were in the mid 30's (F) with full snow coverage, arrived up here, 240 miles north and there is no snow and the temperature was 41(F).

Fencing tournament at Lawrence University Saturday.
Happy Saturday ffland. It was one degree above freezing yesterday but overnight a low came in dropping temps to -19 C with a -35 windchill. Brrrr. I will be staying in today working on my sxs. I started installing a new winch yesterday. I have to finish up connecting all the wiring and mounting the relay box. My son helped me install the actual winch yesterday afternoon and I ran most of the wiring as this one has a wired toggle switch for the dash as we as a wireless remote. Bit of a different setup from the factory one but should be good as the original was a 3500lb with a steal cable and the new one is 4500lb with a synthetic rope.
A long day today,I get to meet my girlfriend Stacy's family today for the first time and know they will like me. Son is coming as well and he is looking towards to meeting her as well. Stacy has been there for me hearing my dad passed Thursday night too. It has been tough for my family and I, know it will take time to get over it moving on. Mom, it has been different for her since dad passed away becoming a widow. Also she had me come over last night and it made me happy. I saw she wanted to tell me something finally and did, said she has fully come to terms that I am bisexual loving and accepting for who I am. We hugged and it was tears of joy out of our eyes.I did have a young man be kind to me, went out for breakfast and he paid my bill seeing I wore my Marines jacket. Came up to me thanking me for my service too. I do get this a lot at times with this kind act happening to me
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Happy Saturday ffland. It was one degree above freezing yesterday but overnight a low came in dropping temps to -19 C with a -35 windchill. Brrrr. I will be staying in today working on my sxs. I started installing a new winch yesterday. I have to finish up connecting all the wiring and mounting the relay box. My son helped me install the actual winch yesterday afternoon and I ran most of the wiring as this one has a wired toggle switch for the dash as we as a wireless remote. Bit of a different setup from the factory one but should be good as the original was a 3500lb with a steal cable and the new one is 4500lb with a synthetic rope.

Success! The new winch is installed and working great. I ended up doing it twice as there's a 12v relay box for the winch controls. Previous winch had on as well but longer cables going to the winch and shorter power wires. The new one was opposite meaning that I would have had to mount the control relay box down in the wheel well. I was set to make a bracket to hold it then got the idea of swapping the cables from the old winch as they're the right length. So I undid everything from yesterday and swapped the power cables and mounted the relay box underneath the hold where it'll be better protected. It works great. I mounted the toggle switch to the dash and tested the wireless remote.


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A couple more rounds to go, my Women’s saber squad is currently undefeated, men’s saber only lost 1 round. Epee and Foil squads have mixed results. Got a few more hours to go then a 4 hour drive home, but I’ll stop at the Mars Cheese Castle on my way home, so that will be a highlight.
Went to church, mom and I received a ton of hugs and condolences from other members on my dad's passing Thursday night. Also a couple members found out I came out as bisexual whom are in the same community as me. Said they are proud of me coming out. The church I go to accepts LGBTQ people in now, this started 3 years ago. My 3rd older brother is coming over to use my shop, front brake replacement to his car and he already bought the brake pads. I have a brake lathe and will turn the front brake rotors for him. Good thing is that he is good at borrowing my tools, cleans and puts them back in my toolbox after use
Brother got his brake job done and he did get on his oldest son's butt. Tried to put away a dirty socket back in my toolbox, made him take it out and wipe it off. One of my pet peeves is seeing a dirty tool in my toolbox. I witnessed it too. Did cheer up an 11 year old boy at church too after the service, found out doctors are going to amputate his lower right leg for bone cancer reasons,a tumor. Told him it happened to me showing him my lower left leg also seeing my prosthetic leg. Told him I was shot there twice which the bullets went into the bone when I was in the military. Mom is happy that I will be there for him. Seen he was in the dumps like I was
Well its weather 2 Tom 0
9 degrees when I got up
I went to go to water aerobics at the Y my suburban wouldn't start I tried jumper box and it was dead my fault there
I tried our spare car that my grandson drives and its dead too.
I put charger on my suburban for a hour and it started up.
I put charger on grandsons car for an hour and it started.
Neither have been run since friday.
So my aerobics was getting cars running not as much fun as being in the warm pool at the Y.
It's warmed up to -31 c. My son's car wouldn't start. Not plugged in. The old grand am fired up though and he took that to go to work but got rescheduled for 3-11 when he was only 2 minutes out so he turned around. He just started working at the airport as a rampy loading cargo. He put a charger on his car and it fired after 20 minutes. I'm in winter hibernation mode as it's too cold to go anywhere outside. So I got to work installing old family pictures into frames and hanging them in the hallway upstairs.