• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


I just thought I would show you guys the crack in my exhaust manifold before I get it fixed, (the crack is between the two studs in the first picture). Also I,am switching the 35amp generator for a 160amp alternator

OUCH! thats pretty bad. I have hod ZERO luck in finding one for you. Not sure what else to do. Maybe you can have one fabbed up? Custom built. That thing is history! I do not belive welding it will work for long.


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No problem. I have been to cliffords site 100 times and never saw the 223 section. If you have problems finding it let me know I can guide you to the right area on there site.
HI every body I know I'ts been awhile since my last post but dew to a serious dirt bike accident I was in a couple of weeks ago I am just now getting back up and walking and able to do some things like (typing) though I am very slow. I can only type with my right hand . I wont have full use of my left for some time due to three brakes in the arm & wrist that will be in a cast for sometime. Hope to post some new pics. next week as I get back to work on the cat, but don;t expect to much for a wile yet I still move pretty slow but getting better every day
HI every body I know I'ts been awhile since my last post but dew to a serious dirt bike accident I was in a couple of weeks ago I am just now getting back up and walking and able to do some things like (typing) though I am very slow. I can only type with my right hand . I wont have full use of my left for some time due to three brakes in the arm & wrist that will be in a cast for sometime. Hope to post some new pics. next week as I get back to work on the cat, but don;t expect to much for a wile yet I still move pretty slow but getting better every day


Hey, I'm sure I can speak for every one of us in saying that we all hope you're getting better (body & spirit), and that your accident will have no lasting negative effects. I'm sure we can all lend an extra hand where we can (for those nearby, a physical hand hopefully!), or parts/sourcing for those afar.

Very sorry to hear about your accident.

BUT...on the upside (ok, I'm trying here...), you can get some 1-on-1 time with the cat...you nurse it back to health and vice versa! Slow-going but it's obviously a fantastic sign that your snowcat addiction can pull you out of bed! Let's just hope you're wearing some shop-gear and not a hospital gown! No pics necessary on that W! :rolleyes:

Let me (or any of us I'm sure), know what you may need!

Bravo for your tenatiousness and will ! :applause: :applause: :applause:

BTW... we still expect just as much talent (but not progress), as before. :respect:
Weatherby, sorry to here about you accident........ been there also before
gave up riding two wheeled anything. went to tracks,( its been 30 years now since I was on a bike ) they say when you go to tracks you never go back....... get better....... be sure to keep us informed
how things are going.
Weatherby. Man I am sorry to hear about this accident. I put my dirt bike down about 3 months ago as well. I screwed my shoulder up for a few days and decided to sell the bike. I had it for sale before but then thought Nah I can still ride. WRONG. Bike was sold 2 days after accident. I wont be riding anymore bikes period.

Anyway if you need help tracking stuff down on the internet please PM me with your needs. Wish I was closer to you. I would love to get in that shop and help out!
Weatherby, hope you feel better soon! I know what it's like to wipe out on a bike and get injured. When I was sixteen, I got rear-ended by a transport on the highway while I was slowing down to turn off the highway. Obviously, I didn't get run over as I wouldn't be here but I did hit the pavement pretty hard and slide 50 or so feet with my shoulder scraping the pavement.(no leathers on either)-just a t-shirt, joggers, and running shoes. Good luck on your recovery and your project.
HI everybody I know It,s been awhile again but It's been slow going for me but I'am getting better. I still can only use my right hand, my left arm & wrist just received It's second cast so it will be non-usable for sometime yet which makes it nearly imposable to even button a shirt or tie shoes, so working on my cat is very hard these days.:frustrado and I'am not very pleasant to be around at times SO I AM TOLD. I have managed to do a few things though, I did get my exhaust manifold welded and the carburetor gone through, also made the bracket to mount the alternator. Thanks snowcat opp. and everybody else on trying to locate a exhaust manifold to replace mine with but I ended up having it welded then coated with POR-15 which is some pretty amazing stuff.


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For awhile there we thought you had passed on and that your wife was going to put the scattered Thiokol on Ebay. I checked everyday! :yum: Glad we never saw it on Ebay!
So hows the healing going? I know its a rough going for a while. If you need anything please feel free to PM me. I'll see what I can do. Wish you lived closer. Take care and drop us a note every now and then.
:yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: Thats a good one Snowcat Opperations I thought you guys might be hanging around E-Bay a little more than usual lately so I thought it time to up date. BUT if you ever do see it on E-Bay get a hold of me quick, I don't know but the wife been asking allot questions lately on how to sell things on E-Bay :confused2: I am getting better every day now but still sore in a lot of places but considering two dirt bikes colliding head on at about 40 mph each I'am just amazed we got away with just a few broken bones and a lot of bruises I KNOW I was very lucky. It;s very kind of you and others to offer your help, I wish we did live closer. As far as the welding goes I got it welded at a shop that specializes in cracked manifolds and they said to then coat it with POR-15. As far as POR-15 goes a lot of people say it is very amazing stuff. You do brush it on or you can spray it but they say it is a coating not paint. You can go to there web site POR-15 and learn more about it, I wish I would have known about this stuff a long time ago.
As far as POR-15 goes a lot of people say it is very amazing stuff. You do brush it on or you can spray it but they say it is a coating not paint. You can go to there web site POR-15 and learn more about it, I wish I would have known about this stuff a long time ago.

Really glad to have you back! It's not the same without Weatherby's updates! Hope you are playing it up enough with the family... getting frequent hand-fed ice creams from time to time. :)

I used POR-15 a few times on a car subframe. Really great stuff and as you've said it's a coating and actually bonds with the metal...actually it depends on the type you get but one type bonds with surface rust and the cleaning process is critical or it will flake off. That cleaning process should NOT include complete removal of the rust however you should brush it a bit more than they imply. Vapors are nasty so proceed with caution although nothing compared to Imron (serve different purposes but purely commenting on vapor-risk).
Well I got around to doing a few things that I,ve been putting off for awhile. One was to work on the distributor, I am buying a conversion kit to change it to a electronic or (pointless) distributor, waiting for the parts on that. The second is I removed the U-Joints from the drive shaft ends so I could bead blast & get them ready to paint. The U-Joints were in very good condition so I tried to get them out of the shaft with out harming them, but needless to say I could not get them out without damage though I don't know if it is even possible to get u-joints out without damage after they have been installed


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U joints are always best replaced anyway. There really cheap and can save you a huge headache in the field if one should fail. That pointless distributer will do wonders for the engine! Electronic ignitions rock!
Well I bead blasted the drive shaft then painted it & pressed in the new U-Joints


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Wow - I haven't been on here in months and months - I am very impressed with all the progress being made on the cat!

Have you been keeping receipts so you know how much total it's costing? (hidden away from the wife perhaps!). I know I keep any receipts when my hubby puts parts/metal/etc into his Thiokol - I have never added them up, but they are there in case we want to. Don't think I want to though! :puke1: I know it's at least 15G's and he didn't do nearly as thorough job as you are doing!!!

It's been ages since we added any pics to the website for hubby's Thiokol - but it does have some of it in the snow in the gallery. http://www.geocities.com/snow_toaster
Wow - I haven't been on here in months and months - I am very impressed with all the progress being made on the cat!

Have you been keeping receipts so you know how much total it's costing? (hidden away from the wife perhaps!). I know I keep any receipts when my hubby puts parts/metal/etc into his Thiokol - I have never added them up, but they are there in case we want to. Don't think I want to though! :puke1: I know it's at least 15G's and he didn't do nearly as thorough job as you are doing!!!

It's been ages since we added any pics to the website for hubby's Thiokol - but it does have some of it in the snow in the gallery. http://www.geocities.com/snow_toaster
Well lets put it this way, The wife is now on a need to know basis only:)
Weatherby, I have been looking at what youre doing and Im pretty excited for ya! :thumb: Also, Im sorry to hear about your accident. Im guessing your getting better though. It must be very frustrating. Anyhow, I cant wait for your next photos of the project!
I have been away for the last three weeks deer hunting in northern Michigan and was lucky enough this year to get a five point as you will see in the pic below. I have been working on the cat since I've been home. I now have the motor & trans back in the frame and will start to get it ready to start it. But I gotta tell ya the pics. below only tell have of the story, let me tell you what happened. For the last two days we have been working on getting the engine all ready to put in the the frame, SO after it's all in with the trans. and even the drive shaft bolted up, the last thing I'am going to do is go under the engine to tighten the bolts on the pressure plate that were left loose so we could get the trans lined up with the clutch disk & pilot bearing when we installed the trans. on the back of the engine, so I start to tighten the bolts on the pressure plate and when I try to rotate the engine to get to the rest of the bolts on the pressure plate the engine wont turn, so I put a piece of pipe on the end of my ratchet and tried to turn the motor over again with the more leverage and it did move but it was very very tight I was even scared I was going to snap the the bolt off on the end of the crank it was so hard to turn, so I knew something was way wrong, BUT WHAT. So after about a day of going over & over and rethinking everything we decide to take the engine back out and take the transmission back off to see if there is something wrong with it, and of course there was not. So I tried to turn the engine again with the trans off of it and still it wont turn, So as much as I hated to think of it I'm thinking there has to be something wrong with either the piston rod bearings or crank bearings even though I checked all that stuff as I was putting the engine together or maybe something fell inside the engine as it was sitting on the engine stand for the last several months. So I decided to put it back on the engine stand and that meant taking back off the clutch & pressure plate and the fly wheel so I could bolt it back up to the engine stand but just before we were going to bolt it to the stand my buddy said let me try one more time to turn it over, (and I'm thinking to my self why would it turn over now when we haven't even done anything to it yet) so he goes at it one more time and he says HEY it's turning, and as soon as he said that a light came on :idea: (in my head that is) and I said to him before I even check I know what it is, and he says WHAT and I say I bet It's those new fly wheel bolts that I bought, I BET THERE TOO LONG and sure enough they were (they were 3/32 longer than the original bolts and that was long enough to screw them right up tight to the back of the block when the fly wheel was bolted on:pat: :pat: :pat:. SO the pics. that you will be looking at are of the second time the engine & trans. was being put in


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