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Well I started putting the frame back together,wile doing so I ran into a small problem. Several weeks back when the frame was still bare and lacking paint I welded a tow hook on the rear frame cross member, now I knew it would be close to the axle but not THAT close, so wouldn't you know it when I mounted that axle it hit the hook. So I had to get back under the frame to burn a notch in the hook so the axle clears as you can see in my pic.


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I also repaired and put back together the shutters for the radiator, and had the radiator cleaned out and checked for leaks and repaired at the local radiator shop.


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For track jacks, I use modified fence stretchers. They are easy to find at any farm supply store. It works for me and they are priced right!
I have been building the frame back up. I took the 110v AC electric coolant circulating pump apart to reseal it because it was leaking oil that little motor runs in oil. So wile I had it apart I changed the oil also the last pic. is after I dumped the oil out so you can see what it looks like on the inside. Also in the last pic. you can see those 4 posts sticking out of all 4 corners, well those are the screws that held the top on after I broke the heads off of each one, come to find out they were glued in with something. I did get the out after some heat.


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I also had a problem finding the correct size dust cap to fit the hubs they are a very uncommon size come to find out, I,am not saying they don,t exist it,s just that I can,t find them any ware. So I had them (the hubs) bored out to fit the next most popular bigger size.


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Thats a smart fix! Love the progress. Hey I just picked up a Thiokol 1202B. Love it so far! I'm just cleaning her up before I put it in storage for the summer.
I also had a problem finding the correct size dust cap to fit the hubs they are a very uncommon size come to find out, I,am not saying they don,t exist it,s just that I can,t find them any ware. So I had them (the hubs) bored out to fit the next most popular bigger size.

This rebuild should make history! It's going to be 'better than new' and also kept as close to original as humanly possible. :applause: :tiphat: :thumb:

Between this fantastic frame-up restore and what SnowOps will do with 'The General' there is some real potential for a book in the making! :beer: "Everything you couldnt possibly know about Snowcat Restoration: Not for the weak-hearted!" :4_11_9: Not sure if Yetti makes it in or not...maybe the sequel. :poke: :rolleyes: Kidding aside, there's a book amongst this group. Alot of knowledge in the community that would be a shame to just go away over time. :respect:

Who needs world news when we have the 601 thread!

Masterful work!
I couldnt agree MORE! The 601 restore is real candy to the eyes! WEATHERBY you are doing one hell of a great job. Please keep those pictures and info coming!
HAY you guys sure know to build someones ego :thankyou2 I don,t think I,m worthy:notworthy . But I did have to show the wife:thumb: She said she dose not know whats wrong with all of us guys but between Her, DR.Phil, & Opra they should be able to figure it out:yum: With all kidding aside I do appreciate the complements Thanks
. But I did have to show the wife:thumb: She said she dose not know whats wrong with all of us guys but between Her, DR.Phil, & Opra they should be able to figure it outThanks

The first time you take her out for a ride in your restored machine ,she will understand :17875: . I willing to bet the smile on her face ,will be a mile wide .
Damn nice job .

My Yetti is not even running right and the wife takes everybody out to the shop to show them what she gets to ride in this winter :boobies: .
Snowcatoper. & Big Al I know you guys are rite on about the wife, and also I have two daughters that are on her side also. But I can see a little change starting in them now that parts of that cat are starting to look shiny & new again AND when I mention how nice it will be when THEY are out on there snowmobiles all bundled up and ME in the snocat with the HEATER going MUSIC playing drinking something WARM. YA I think I can even have them running parts for me before long:respect: :yum:
Well I know It,s been awhile but I,ve been very busy with work so I haven't had much time to spend on the cat, but I am working on the engine with what little time and energy I have left at the end of some of my good days. The engine is back from the machine shop and I have all the parts to start putting it back together. The pic. of the bent push rods are what came out of the motor when I took it apart I have no idea as of yet what caused this problem. I could find nothing wrong with anything to have caused this problem, so as I put this motor back together I will try and figure it out because something had to cause it. Maybe when I check the lash I will find it there. Any ideas will be appreciated. Also if anybody may know where I can find a new exhaust manifold for this 1963 223 ford, I can,t find one any ware


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Also I finally found a body mount that will match up with the original mounts I just have to cut that collar off of all the new ones. I looked & looked and could not find a mount that was exact to the original mounts so I had to settle for these .


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Wow! Those push rods aren't pretty! What shape are the crank and cam in. I don't have much knowledge about the internal parts of an engine but I'm wondering if the engine not being timed right would cause this? Somethings definately amiss to cause push rods to bend like that. I'd be checking and re-checking everything for clearances and tolerances before putting it back together. The last thing you'd want is to throw it together and take the machine out on its maiden voyage only to leave you stranded out in the middle of nowhere.
Wow! Those push rods aren't pretty! What shape are the crank and cam in. I don't have much knowledge about the internal parts of an engine but I'm wondering if the engine not being timed right would cause this? Somethings definately amiss to cause push rods to bend like that. I'd be checking and re-checking everything for clearances and tolerances before putting it back together. The last thing you'd want is to throw it together and take the machine out on its maiden voyage only to leave you stranded out in the middle of nowhere.

Could be stuck valves too.........
Wow! Those push rods aren't pretty! What shape are the crank and cam in. I don't have much knowledge about the internal parts of an engine but I'm wondering if the engine not being timed right would cause this? Somethings definately amiss to cause push rods to bend like that. I'd be checking and re-checking everything for clearances and tolerances before putting it back together. The last thing you'd want is to throw it together and take the machine out on its maiden voyage only to leave you stranded out in the middle of nowhere.
Well in the beginning I thought for sure it would be the timing, but it turned out to be correct.There also were no marks on top of the pistons from the valves hitting. I also should mention that somebody had this motor apart very shortly before it stopped running because the inside of the motor looked like it just came out of the machine shop and probably did not run no more than just a couple of seconds or if at all with push rods bent like that and then probably just gave up on it and parked it. So with that said it could be possible the cam or the rocker arm assy. may be wrong. I am going to have that looked into to find out for sure one way or the other. Also before the motor goes back in the frame I will run it on a test stand that I am building for it so any problems can be found and fixed before going back in
Also thanks for the web site on the manifold but I all ready talked to those guys and all they MIGHT be able to get is a used one that will probably be cracked just like mine all ready is. I know I can get it welded but that will be a last resort if I can,t find a new one .
Have a metal fab shop build you a custom header if worse comes to worse. Also make sure you have the correct cam shaft. Someone may have swapped in a 200 or something like that. Something was put back together wrong then fired up!
That's kinda what it looks like.........incorrect camshaft and pushrod combination.:smileywac

Agree with you but doesn't that seem odd for someone to do that even by accident? I agree and think it's that as well... but keep thinking that it seems outrageous.

For that to be the case then the previous owner(s) must have been replacing the original parts (that were worn/broken/bent) with parts that they thought weren't correct but they couldn't find the exact right part and thought it might be close enough. What do you think? If so then they should have realized that applies only in horse shoes and hand grenades. :pat:

If it's not that what else could it be ?????
Weathby, in some rare cases we have seen that when a machine has had a severe backfire that it has bent the push rods and cracked a manifold all at the same time. the owner was using starting fuel and the exhaust was partially pluged with a chipmunk nest and yes the chipmunk did not like it either.