• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


Take care with the DuPont - Imron. I've painted with that before, it's very toxic, but the best paint money can buy for durability. Be sure to use fresh filters or better yet a supplied air respirator.

(Don't ask how I know... :puke1: )
Snowcat Operations said:
Love that paint. Did you need to buff it out?
No you do not need to buff Imron to get it smooth or shinny. your last coat of color is what you will end up with after it dries. Imron is one of the most hardest/ durable paints around and shiniest with out using any clear coat so you want to be VERY careful you don,t get dirt in it before it dries because you will probably not sand it out
Av8r3400 said:
Take care with the DuPont - Imron. I've painted with that before, it's very toxic, but the best paint money can buy for durability. Be sure to use fresh filters or better yet a supplied air respirator.

(Don't ask how I know... :puke1: )
You are so very correct. for anybody thats wants to spray Imron YOU MUST use a respirator and a good one at that. Or like Av8r3400 says, a supplied air unit which I do not have, I use a respirator and get out of the over spray as soon as I can. This paint WILL cause lung problems
Thiokol2track said:
weatherby, how much those babies run you each??I've got to get new ones for my 4t2. great job your doing !!!
Those tires cost $60.00 each plus &10.00 per tube and 6% Mich. sales tax
I,ve been away on work for a wile so I haven't had much time to do much but I have got the hubs done along with a lot of little parts also just got the frame sand blasting done along with the axles but have not been able to apply primer yet ( to cold ) .


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You've got to stop this whole work thing...it's getting in the way of the cat's progress... let alone keeping the forum up to date on gorgeous work!

This restore is feeding every bit of my anal retentive :moon: nature to do things right but never finding the time (rationalization). :rolleyes:

Just awesome work. Keep cranking it out ... PLEASE! :respect:

We'll tell the wife you have a whole crew of 'enquiring minds' that need to be fed. I think we should all pool some cash and send along flowers or something. That should buy you some more shop time, eh? Whatever it takes I always say! :beer:
weatherby said:
I,ve been away on work for a wile so I haven't had much time to do much but I have got the hubs done along with a lot of little parts also just got the frame sand blasting done along with the axles but have not been able to apply primer yet ( to cold ) .

I think he is telling us "you cannot rush great craftsmanship". Great job!! Keep posting your progress....:thumb: :applause: :beer:
HAY! thanks all you guys Snowcat operations, Mainer, Mtntoper, and all the others out there.All those complements are MUCH appreciated. As far as the flowers go I,am not say en anything to the wife because if she thinks she can get flowers out of this deal she will. I keep her on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS ONLY on what goes on in the barn.:yum: :yum:
The work shop is NO place for women or children. Not even the dog is allowed into the actual gargage I have. This has been a rule I have had from day one. Now the wife will come to the door and tell me I have a phone call. Thats ok. Its also OK if I need a third or fourth hand to help me. Then she is allowed. I know this sounds bad but she seems to understand thats my secret get away from the B.S. space. I made hers the Laundry room.:yum:
Snowcat Operations said:
The work shop is NO place for women or children. Not even the dog is allowed into the actual gargage I have. This has been a rule I have had from day one. Now the wife will come to the door and tell me I have a phone call. Thats ok. Its also OK if I need a third or fourth hand to help me. Then she is allowed. I know this sounds bad but she seems to understand thats my secret get away from the B.S. space. I made hers the Laundry room.:yum:
Sounds like you have every thing well under control I like that!:beer:
Finally I found some time to get back to work on my cat. This is a busy time of year for us so I can,t get out there as often as I would like. But anyway I got the chassis blasted and the axles. Insted of using paint on the axles I used that bed liner stuff (RHINO) in a spray can that stuff is REALLY nice very durable considering it came out of a spray can. I bought a can first so I could test it on some scrap metal first to see how it holds up. I was surprised! it,s very chemical prof also. The only down side to it is it dose,t go very far at $11.00 per can it took almost 4 cans to do the axles and the brackets that hold them on.


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After the chassis was sandblasted I had to repair some sheet metal damage caused from what looks like a track problem back in it,s day. So I made up some patch panels one for each side both sides had the same damage. I removed the rivets (ground them off) and reattached the new panels with stainless button head screws.


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After the patch work and some welding on numerics small cracks here & there I prepared it for paint


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Well look at you! Must be nice having some good working weather! Been snowing here AGAIN. I love how the axles came out! That stuff seems pretty good. Do you have a picture of the product? Also the lower frame repair came out pretty good to. Nice paint.
This is the bed liner in a can stuff that I used on the axles. The can on the right made by Plasti-Kote I do NOT recommend at all, it is very thin and comes off easy when scratched after it has dried. The Dupli- Color is much much better and is VERY hard to scratch off after it has dried.


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This is the bed liner in a can stuff that I used on the axles. The can on the right made by Plasti-Kote I do NOT recommend at all, it is very thin and comes off easy when scratched after it has dried. The Dupli- Color is much much better and is VERY hard to scratch off after it has dried.

Have you ever tried the epoxy truck liner products? It is a 2 part mix and you spray it on with your air compressor (use a cheap undercoating gun that costs about $10 at Harbor Freight and you can just throw the gun away if you don't want to clean it). The results are not as good as Rhinoliner, but much more durable than normal paint on products. It can be applied thick or thin, with or without rubber additives. There are many brands available, I've bought it on Ebay a couple times and had good success.
I purchased the Southern Polyurethane Institute bed liner and the correct bed liner gun that cost $29.00. This stuff is pretty damn durable! Cost 149 per kit (coats 8' truck bed). I will give a full report after I apply it.
Have you ever tried the epoxy truck liner products? It is a 2 part mix and you spray it on with your air compressor (use a cheap undercoating gun that costs about $10 at Harbor Freight and you can just throw the gun away if you don't want to clean it). The results are not as good as Rhinoliner, but much more durable than normal paint on products. It can be applied thick or thin, with or without rubber additives. There are many brands available, I've bought it on Ebay a couple times and had good success.

No I have heard of it just recently though and heard the same things you are saying about it. I am for sure going to look into it and the stuff snocat-Oper. is going to use on his cat. I will be using one or the other because I,am going to spray the interior with it. I used the cans on the axles just to see if looked good and held up better than paint (which it dose) before I bought the gun and big can. I also like the Ebay Idea.
I believe the SPI bedliner is more what you are looking for. I chose there product after searching around. It just happens I also purchased there paint as well. There stuff is really rubbery but hard on the surface. Kinda hard to explain. It feels hard on a metal surface but when you gat a sample which is not on metal it is bendable. This to me will cut down on vibration related noise which tends to be a big thing in all snowcats. I will give you an honost report. If its crap I will tell you its crap if its the greatist invention since sliced bread I will tell you that as well.
Can you paint over that stuff ??

Yes you can paint right over it. You just need to wait over night after spraying it down. Then after the over night wait just spray your paint right on top. If anyone wants the contact info and or to get a sample let me know. I will post all contact information.
Can you paint over that stuff ??
Mike gave an answer for the stuff he uses, with regards to the stuff I use, it is thick and rubbery and while I suppose paint might stick to it, I don't think I would try to paint over a 2-part epoxy.

The 2-part epoxy product can be sprayed on thin, thick or very thick as desired. Obviously the thicker you spray it on, the more impact it absorbs. I'd say a single layer of light spray is about 1/16" thick and it can be built up to probably 1/4" thick with more coats.

It is also available in a variety of stock colors (depending on the supplier) or available in white, which you can then tint with automotive paint. BigAl did that with his Kristi KT-7 and his results were outstanding. I've never done a custom tint, I've only used stock colors. I have some white that I intend to use, but I seem to be way behind on all my projects :smileywac