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Suzuki mini truck on tracks

Measure the stock ones. The studs they are attached to is going to be smaller in diameter, that’s not a problem as you make bushings for them using poly tubing. Just pick a set on eBay that will fit it not bottomed out when retracted and will be longer when aired up. I think I ended up with a universal air shock from eBay.
The only dumb question is the one not asked.
I appreciate it. I don’t know very much about vehicles and the suspension. Just to confirm, do I measure the shock length with the rear end jacked up or sitting on the ground? I received my lift kit and springs, this is the final piece of the puzzle that I need to order. Hopefully install next weekend!
..... do I measure the shock length with the rear end jacked up or sitting on the ground?
I've not been part of this conversation and don't know the specifics..... but "in general": measure the shock distance with it sitting on the ground.

The leaf springs (or torsion bars) provide all the suspension ... and the shocks simply provide a smooth ride over bumps. With the vehicle on the ground, the suspension travel upward or downward ought to be the same distance. You want your shocks to rest in that center space.