• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Rusty's thought of the day thread

We have Terry from Florida on line 8...

Hi Rusty....i am a 17 year old Boy and cant stop looking at women of all size and age....could i be a Lesbian???

Concerned Friend from the US.

I have two insane friends, and I'd like to encourage them to take a vacation. Do you know which countries still encourage sterilzation in these fine resorts?
we have George on line 7...

Hi guys love the show....now i'm 102 years of age and a widow of 25 years....but still have urges....1 would it be safe for me to try Viagra 2 will my arm take all the stress??

Concerned Friend from the US.

I have two insane friends, and I'd like to encourage them to take a vacation. Do you know which countries still encourage sterilzation in these fine resorts?

Short answer....France.

George as Rusty has not experience in this area i suggest you should speak to your Doctor and maybe invest in one of these to limber up first....
















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Caller on line 1...Nico from Russia...

I like to see a firm hand rule my nation....how firm is the hand that rules your Household??

We have Sally on line 7...

Hi Rusty i have moved to a new house and whilst out in the garden my Neighbor pointed out i have a over grown bush.....what's the best way to trim it??

well, that depends.
you can either use some well sharpened hand shears to neaten it up around the egdes, or if you're in need of a complete change of scenery, you could use some powered clippers to trim it flush with the surroundings.
A third option would be to ask the neighbor for suggestions or maybe even help...
we have Alice on line 4....

Can i ask Erik if he has a desire to Trim Bushes as he seems a man of wisdom and i like that in a man???

While Erik is a man of many talents, Mrs. Erik, under those circumstances, might opt to do a bit of trimming herself -- with some loppers -- therefore it is felt he should abstain at this time.
thank you for calling, next caller!
While Erik is a man of many talents, Mrs. Erik, under those circumstances, might opt to do a bit of trimming herself -- with some loppers -- therefore it is felt he should abstain at this time.
thank you for calling, next caller!

:yum::yum::yum:...you sir are a comedy genius:yum::yum::yum:
Ok heres Phil on line 4....

my wife left me for my neighbor....he (my neighbor)phoned me last night saying he wants his nail gun back(i burrowed it 3 weeks back)...hell i dont want her back should he not just call it quits???....and the nail gun i have serviced regular ??

crap im confused??????

Galvi, I can just about imagine that it won't be long and your wife will be calling you to get your arse back to work around the house. Based on the posts you have made you obviously have done nothing today.:biggrin: I am just warning you as a friend. That 2 x 4 could hurt you know. :whistling: