• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Rusty's thought of the day thread

Now being serious....."DONT BUY DRUGS"









Become a Rock star you get them for free:yum::yum::yum:
“A republican stands up in congress and says 'I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!' and the democrat stands up after him and says 'AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!'”

- Lewis Black
Was you that Democrat:yum::yum::yum:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58CJih1iYC0&feature=related"]YouTube - Don't Stop Me Now[/ame]
My dad got his ear pierced around age 50 - at age 72 he's still wearing a .40 carat diamond in that ear....

Damn you Erik you stopped me in my tracks on a piss take with Rusty....and Pop's must be cool with a son like you:thumb:
gooooooooooood mooooooooooooornin Rusty fans! and welcome to another edition of Rusty's Though of the Day. todays thought:

always piss downwind.

tune in after the break, when we will read some of our readers' fan mail!
We have our first caller.....

what's the best course of action when caught in a cross wind??

Over to you Rusty....

well, as someone whos been there, i can tell you that it isnt pleasent. best thing you can do is sway side to side to minimalize the splatter content on your jeans. next caller?
We have our next caller....

Is it true Rusty that you are an escaped chimp from the institute of Anal exploration???

We have our next caller....

with the economic downturn and wanting to save as much $$$ as possible i was concerned about my fridge light....now im told it turns off when you close the door but how can i be sure without having to adopt a midget to put in the fridge to keep a check???

We have Jimmy here.....

Rusty i have a major issue....i have a neighbor that chooses to undress with the curtains open...is it wrong for me to take photo's???

well jimmy, that is a very good question. the correct answer depends on the individual in the neighboring window. tell me more, so that i can help to better answer your question.
Ok Jimmy as emailed in a picture to help you answer his question....













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