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Rusty's thought of the day thread

hell if i know, im tired as hell. didnt sleep much last night, gotta start this new damn job tonight. i dont ****in feel like it, really. but i really dont have a choice. either sit on my ass, do nothing, and live in a 1 br apt with only one car forever, or work two jobs and put money aside. hell i dont even wanna work ONE job lol
Good thing is m8 after a few weeks it will all become routine and you will enjoy the extra $$$

im not even gonna be able to have any fun with this one. back when i used to work security at the department store, i was usually there alone. and drunk. so id just do whatever the hell i felt like LOL, i didnt give a shit. most of my extra paycheck was spent at the bar
well ive always worked hard at all my jobs, the dept store being the one exception. (they pissed me off one to many times, lol, which is why i was there everynight inebriated) but the one thing that surprises me is that im going to be making min. wage. ive NEVER made minimum wage, and ive had jobs that require much less work than this one will. i just hope its some sort of probationary period pay or something. because im really not gonna be getting much of anywhere if im makin min. wage.
Just remember to look around and see how much worse things could be...shit some folk would be happy with what you have now...but i understand the frustration.
OH i know! i do feel lucky that ive got what i do. but as far as i know, im already belo the "poor" line, and i dont want to be. ive worked damn hard in my life and i feel like ive gotten basically nowhere.
no i KNOW ive gotten nowhere. im 22 and in debt to banks (one of which is finally paid off) finally caught up on car payments, have no 401k retirment plan, (not that it matters, by this time i can use if the govt will have dried it all up anyway) have no life insurance, and i cant seem to keep any money in the bank for longer than a week. and i dont even go to the bar but once every 2-3 weeks anymore. jsut seems liek for all the shit ive gone through and put up with in my life, i should be better off. not sittin in some low pay dead end damn job
i had that feeling until i hit 30...just kept working hard and having my wife and 3 great kids has helped me get through...im not rich now but all is in hand and i have a nice home...im happy.(im 37 now).
Don't moan about 401k's to me. I would be happy to just get out what I put in over the last 15 years. The wall street wonders have pissed it away so bad I am thinking of closing them out before my medicare kicks in at the end of this year. At last count they are not worth enough to bump me to a higher tax bracket and I can claim medical expenses to offset most of the taxes. It is a tough economy for sure and may get worse as the year goes on. I went through the low pay job situation back in 95-96 and it sucks. Just made last car payment in March so that helps till something else comes along. Got a school board meeting to attend tonight to let them know how I feel about their new budget. Last 2 I was at nobody else showed up from the public. They asked what I was there for and I told them I wanted to meet the folks who spend 18 percent of my income. Same with the local board meeting for our town. If taxes were reasonable I could get along ok on my social security.
OH i know, i watch the news. its such a shame that people have basically just lost their money just because. it really is shitty

And try and remember how lucky you are to get a 2nd job...not far from me the local council advertised for a garbage man...250 people applied for the job in 24 hours...You my friend are 1 of the lucky ones.