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Picked up another project

tied up lifters
Cam out
Changed front cover to a p pump cover, nice casting, but quality control didn’t see a bunch of casting flash I had to knock off.
Put the cam back in with assembly lube on everything.
Tomorrow, head bolts out studs in
Bolts out and studs in. 40/80/125 torque sequence 26 studs. Easy, uneventful, just have to pay attention.
Push rods showed up, im going to powder coat the valve cover, the lifter galley cover and maybe the injector lines the color I’m going to paint the truck, which is Area 51. So until the new lifter valley cover shows up I’m kinda on hold. I can’t install the injectors because you kinda tighten up the injector hold down while you tighten the injector line on the cross tubes so everything aligns and seats. Can’t install the injector pump or push rods and rockers until the injectors are in. So I’m in a holding pattern for now on it.
Should be able to get back on the build early next week, as usual somthing needed is delayed in shipment and had to be canceled and re ordered. Everything else showed up. Powder coat kit, silicone plugs and caps, high temp tape and the Area 51 color powder coat. What didn’t show up was the billet tappet cover that is the first piece in the order of finishing it up.
Feeling better from the crud I picked up, all my materials showed up, but before I can add more parts I need to powder coat a few things that are not going to fit onto my garage toaster oven I use to powder coat bullets.
Like the lifter cover and valve cover, later on I plan to powder coat wheels and an engine block.
Made a 36”X 24” box from 14 ga. Galvanized sheet metal and picked up a 48”X 96” piece of rigid insulation.
Bought 4 of these infrared heaters, I got the idea from a YouTube powder coater.
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on it until it proves itself to work properly, it has to maintain 400 degrees for some product but most are around 350 degrees. Just going to piece it together enough for a test. If it works right I will make a rolling table, make a frame that stiffens everything up and a door for easy access. Being able to coat bigger parts will be handy.
Made a couple of frames and tack welded them on and started cutting the insulation, should finish tomorrow. Still have to make a couple of frames to hold the heaters after the foam is cut and taped on.
Today I got the exterior insulation on, mounted the heaters and made up cords from some old romex I had. Tomorrow I have to get another insulation board to seal the ends around the heaters, install the thermal couple thermometer and give it a go. If it works I will permanently mount the back two with a sheet metal cut out around the heaters and insulated, then the front panel will be hinged to make a door. I’m going to run it off the generator, as it’s the only thing I have that has a 50 amp breaker on 110V. Running 2 cords to split it up.
Learned some, overall the test went well.
I learned I only needed 2 heaters, I learned that when the 10kw generator loaded way down and after a while tripped the 40 amp breaker, I unplugged 2 then removed them and plugged the holes where the heaters were with the hard insulation. It still was climbing passed 400 degrees but very slow.
I tilted one of the pieces of foam blocking where I removed the heater and was able to keep it stable at 400 degrees.
So that said, I will permanently mount the 2 rear heaters and add the galvanized sheet metal to the inside.
On the front I will make an insulated door with a sliding vent to control the heat. Then put it on a rolling stand.
Not to bad, for around $300.00 and some labor I got a $3000.00 powder coat oven.
Spent a couple hours today and welded on legs with some castors I took off of an old conveyor years ago. Ordered the sheetmetal that I need to finish it, then started cutting the door pieces.
Shitty picture but there it is. It tops out at about 475 degrees. Powder coat test tomorrow. Then back on the Cummins
Today we did the first test. First picture before bake, second picture after it was baked.
It came out pretty good, there is a spot on one end that’s ugly but it was contaminated with grease and I didn’t spend a lot of time cleaning it. Just a piece of drop from a work project in the scrap pile. After lunch I’ll test the durability. Then its time to coat the new tappet cover and get back to the build.
Powder coated the first engine part Area 51 to match the truck color when painted, the trucks whole color scheme will be Area 51 and black, learned a couple more things
1- look over the part real good when you put it in the oven before the bake, as I must of brushed my hand against it when I put it in, because there ended up a small bare spot that looks like a little patch of powder got rubbed off the edge. It’s going to be under the injection pump so I’m not worried about it and it’s not noticeable anyway.
2- the high temp tape sucks. It baked on and had to be scraped off with a razor blade and one patch had to be sanded off.
In all it came out good.
I think I will clean and paint the block and head black before installing the tappet cover and continuing with the build.
Yesterday I cleaned the block, taped it off and painted it.
Today I installed the new billet tappet cover.
Right after that I was going to install the injection pump then finish it.
That’s when I learned you can’t get it to fit until you buy the oil feed relocation kit, also learned that the gear nut is not the same from the vp44 to the p 7100. So that said $100.00 and a few days in the mail later I can go forward again.