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I've learned to deal with the meds and take them as they come.

So I've lawyered up today. This is going to turn into a nice big ole mess of lawsuits etc seeing as there are 4 drivers and 4 vehicles involved. I'm the only one with any real injuries though and have to deal with the pain and suffering.
Good luck with that Brian ....normally the only ones who win in these types of cases are the lawyers.
Got a job for you if your up for it...my son has a novel but well set up and playable electric in the style of a ak47,had some mods done to the pick up ect,problem he has is the neck is way to small to hang it on the wall on a typical wall hanger and he wants it on the wall to show off and easy pick up to play...any ideas??
Go to your local DIY store and get a pair of heavy duty wall hooks, the sort they sell for hanging upbicycles. They have
rubber padding and should hold the guitar quite well, but horizontally vs vertically as "normal" guitar hangers do.

I never tried wall hangers. I've got a nice seven guitar stand sitting in the living room to have my guitars readily accessible.

On the health front, I'm still plugging away. Most scarring has healed over. I have a spot around my belly button where the large stitched up cut opened up about an inch. Just trying to get that healed up now.

My back is still very bruised and sore. I can manage to stand and walk for a few minutes now. Slowly of course and with a cane. It's a slow recovery.

I am able to drive short distances now. This helps as I have to get to appointments and don't want my wife to have to take time off work for them.

My energy level sucks to say the least. Yesterday I got a full night sleep. Got up at 7 am and by 10am I was done. I fell asleep till lunch. In the afternoon I drove a few blocks to the bank to deposit a check. When I got home I was beat. Another hour nap in the chair.
Go easy with the driving Brian,being weak and not your normal self could slow your reactions and the last thing you want is another accident,only drive if you really feel up to it and have to:wink:
I'm being very careful with the driving. My reaction time seems to be on par with everyone else on the road. I won't drive if I'm feeling tired or worn out.

Had a rough night last night. Woke up at 3 am in pain and couldn't fall asleep again till 5:30am when I moved to the chair in the living room. I'm thinking a nap is in order for this morning.
Oooooh. If I thought my body was a barometer before when the weather changed I can now confirm that is true. We have a storm forecast for later this eve into the morning and I can sure feel the tension in my back. Used to be my ankle and shoulder that would tense up. Now it's my back. Anyone else have a built in barometer they can detect the weather with?
Hate waking up in pain during the night and having to move to the chair. On the bright side at least I am here to feel pain. So I welcome it with open arms. It means I got a second chance at life.

The bones will eventually heal. We'll see in a few months what the long term effects will be.
Yesterday was probably the worst day I've had in regards to pain in my back. I didn't do much walking but by the time supper came my back was in spasms every time I moved an inch. It got so bad I nearly got sick to the stomach.

I didn't even bother going to the bedroom to sleep last night as I was in so much pain. I slept 6 hrs straight on the chair in the living room.
Maybe you should talk to your doctor about different pain killers as i have to rotate mine as my body gets used to them really quick....either that or i could give you a galvi massage:brows:
I wish it was that simple. The one im on works but only lasts 4 hours. They can't change my meds since I'm on blood thinners and my blood levels are affected by which meds I'm on.

At the moment all I can take is 1 ibuprofen twice a day along with tramadol every four hours. The tramadol gives a good buzz so I generally only take it at night before bed.
I know my back is different from your situation but i get slapped with diazepam to relax the muscles,diclofenac to take down the swelling( that is now banned due to the links with heart attack/stroke so not sure what i will get next time),strong ibuprofen to help ease the pain and something else as a night time top up to knock me out...cant think what that one is.

Combined they work wonders but the problem is i can't drive or work due to the 60's love child effect it has:yum::yum::yum:

Do you have access to a hot tub??
I wish I had access to a hot tub. Would be nice. I know all about the 60's love child feeling. That's why I try to limit the stronger meds for night time and just stick with ibuprofen during the day for pain. Issue is that I'm a big boy and used to taking 2-3 for a headache. They don't want me taking more than one at breakfast and another at supper
So I am now officially pissed off. I just got my hands on a copy of the police report. In a nutshell, it says that the woman in front slammed on her brakes for a family of ducks causing me to slam mine on locking them up. Here's the part that pisses me off. The bike came to a stop before hitting her car. I was charged for following to close. So were the other two vehicles behind. The woman who slammed on her brakes wasn't charged. Momentum sent me flying off the bike bouncing off the back of her car and landing into the next lane. The vehicle behind me swerved into the outside lane and ran me over. This part also confuses me. The truck that was 4rth in line as described by the police officer "gently bumped" into my motorcycle. It takes a heck of allot more than a gentle bump to shove the bike hard enough into the vehicle in front that it bent the forks and broke the fairing. Also, the rear luggage carrier was broke and bent like a pretzel. It takes allot more force than a gentle bump to do that kind of damage.

My lawyer is going to have fun with this.
no nightmares yet regarding the crash. That's partially because I don't remember anything about it. It happened two weeks ago, I sorta joined the rest of the crew about mid last week as the good meds wore off.

Nope. Thankfully I don't remember a thing about it. I know I was going home for lunch so I could attend an appointment for my daughter. I vaguely recall waking up in the hospital two days later. They kept me in a medically induced comma for a couple days to allow healing to take place and some swelling to go down. We're still waiting to see if the woman who slammed on her brakes will be charged.

Here's another article I just found.

Everyone here says the same thing. For me to hit another vehicle from behind. Get rear ended. Get thrown over the vehicle in front only to be hit by a vehicle in the next lane and live to tell about it. God has a plan for me. That, I believe in.

So I am now officially pissed off. I just got my hands on a copy of the police report. In a nutshell, it says that the woman in front slammed on her brakes for a family of ducks causing me to slam mine on locking them up. Here's the part that pisses me off. The bike came to a stop before hitting her car. I was charged for following to close. So were the other two vehicles behind. The woman who slammed on her brakes wasn't charged. Momentum sent me flying off the bike bouncing off the back of her car and landing into the next lane. The vehicle behind me swerved into the outside lane and ran me over. This part also confuses me. The truck that was 4rth in line as described by the police officer "gently bumped" into my motorcycle. It takes a heck of allot more than a gentle bump to shove the bike hard enough into the vehicle in front that it bent the forks and broke the fairing. Also, the rear luggage carrier was broke and bent like a pretzel. It takes allot more force than a gentle bump to do that kind of damage.

My lawyer is going to have fun with this.

Keep in mind, I don't know the law in Canada, but in Ohio, you'd probably have been cited for failing to maintain an assured clear distance ahead. It's almost automatic whenever you rear end someone.

Furthermore, if this happened in Ohio and I'm defending the ducklover, your testimony about how the accident occurred won't mean squat if I see this thread.

Perhaps you should talk to your lawyer before posting any more comments about this already very unfortunate accident. Just my $.02.
Mr redneck I believe that you are legally in the wrong every place except Korea where I was cited for stopping too quick when I was rear ended by a bongo truck. that said the drivers of these new cars don't realize how fast these light little tin coffins stop now days and that guy behind you with a big gas guzzling truck from the 80's may not be able to stop as fast. I cant tell how many close calls I have had from some dip shit coming to a stop before making a right turn off the road. I usually keep a 6 to 10 second interval between me and the next driver to account for stupid stuff . my wife hates the way I drive but my driving record speaks for it's self.
Sadly Brian the comments above are correct and you will have to pucker up and just take it like a man,no one likes what you have been through and it pains me to say it but the law will stand on this one,we all know she was fucking stupid slamming on the brakes but you just have to accept the fact if you gave more distance things could have been a different story,yes it is frustrating but remember the positive side,you were damn lucky through being unlucky and lets be grateful to the lord on that one.

Remember lawyers will tell you any old shit to build a case just to line their pockets,don't get sucked in as money can only ease the burden it won't give you peace of mind,time spent on this will be better focused on your recovery and family.

Your a good man Brian with a good heart and soul,please don't let the lawyers take that away from you:smile:

And i have a good saying that helps me through the rough times and it goes like this.....

Sticks and stones may break my bones but kinky sex excites me:yum::yum::yum:
what sucks about this situation is the situation is had he been trying to maintain the proper distance like the law requires likely some other dip shit would have weaseled into the hole and closed the following distance even more. I have seen it hundreds of times when I venture out of the bush. I will agree there should be a penalty for being stupid and slamming on your brakes for a non emergency.
See, I have no memories of the accident and am going according to what I was told happened. I was originally led to believe that I couldn't stop the bike before hitting the car in front. I was told that I drove my bike into the back of her car. Police evidence and witnesses have now indicated that I did actually stop the bike in time before hitting her car. What happened afterwards is that momentum sent me flying over the handlebars into her car head first then into the next lane. The truck that was two vehicles behind is what slammed into the bike and pushed it into the car.

It's a shitty situation all around. All the cards were stacked against me the second that woman hit the brakes. All I know is the officer recommended I fight it since he thought it was BS as well. We'll see what happens. It's only a small fine but it's the principal of the thing.

When I was 16, I was on my motorcycle heading home on the highway with two transports behind me. I put my left signal light on and extended my arm to indicate I was slowing to turn. The transport furthest behind pulled out to pass the one right behind me as I slowed to turn. The second transport rear ended me. In that instance, I was charged. I was told that being the lead vehicle I have to be aware of my surroundings and am responsible for what the vehicles behind me do based on my actions. In the present case, I'm looking at it in the same light as back then. That woman had to be aware of her surroundings before slowing in order to avoid being rear ended. So in my eyes it boils down to a double standard thing. Back then, I was at fault for being in front and slowing. Now, I'm at fault for being behind and someone else slowing and not even hitting her vehicle with mine when I stop? Just doesn't make sense to me. Anyways, I have my opinions on what happened to cause this accident and what should happen now as to who is responsible and I stick by those. If anything, I will make my point be known and not just bend over and take it up the rear. I plan on making it be known that there is absolutely nothing I could have done differently to avoid this.
Having a rough night tonight emotionally. If you've ever been in a position where you are incapacitated for a period of time you'll understand. My physical injuries are what they are. They are taking a long time to heal as expected.

I'm struggling with the whole picture right now and not being able to do anything. I can barely walk 100 feet without being in severe pain. I'm climbing the walls at home not being able to do any of the things I used to. It's a very sad lonely feeling to know you're totally useless. The lawsuit and charge will sort themselves out. Not even thinking about that these days. I'm just sitting at home frustrated at not being able to do anything useful. There's only so many reruns one can watch on tv. [emoji20]
Having a rough night tonight emotionally. If you've ever been in a position where you are incapacitated for a period of time you'll understand. My physical injuries are what they are. They are taking a long time to heal as expected.

I'm struggling with the whole picture right now and not being able to do anything. I can barely walk 100 feet without being in severe pain. I'm climbing the walls at home not being able to do any of the things I used to. It's a very sad lonely feeling to know you're totally useless. The lawsuit and charge will sort themselves out. Not even thinking about that these days. I'm just sitting at home frustrated at not being able to do anything useful. There's only so many reruns one can watch on tv. [emoji20]

Been there done that, and feeling sorry for yourself doesn't help, trust me I know. You read a book watch some TV, look out a window and wonder why me.

I started doing jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, solitaire, or if I could find a friend or family member a game of chess, anything to keep your mind from wandering. It took me almost a year and half to get back to a some what normal life again, but it does come back slowly.

You're alive after a terrible accident, be grateful for that, some people never recover from horrible accidents. And you still have a family that loves and supports you. And we kinda like you here too. :biggrin:

here's something to cheer you up a bit.........

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqgDKb7HpKM"]The Red Green Show S09E08 Rent a Wreck (Full Episode) - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks. I'm thankful to still be alive and try to remember that. I'm greatfull for what I have. It's just frustrating to not be able to handle lifting a finger to do anything around the house. Even simple things like loading the dishwasher or doing laundry is beyond my ability right now. Sitting at the kitchen table for a meal causes pain. That's what is frustrating for me and eats away at me every day as I sit in my chair with a heating pad on my back to relax the muscles and take away the pain.
I can understand the back pain side of things Brian,not being able to do the simple things in life sucks.

When my back goes just wiping my arse after a morning poo is a epic event,sitting hurts,standing deserves a silver medal standing up straight is Gold, putting on socks and shoes is mission impossible,sofa time is an Olympic figit event kinda like watching a dog go round and round and round before it lays down in the dog bed,and just when you think you nailed it you need to pee and it starts all over again.

Biggest joke is Brian me and you are i think 2 of the youngest members here on FF :yum::yum::yum:
HAHAHA. Yes. We are. I could show some of these old farts here a thing or two about walking with a cane and driving an electric scooter.

The one bonus I have now is premium parking wherever I go. I have a handicapped parking permit placed in my windshield that allows me to use the reserved handicapped parking spots found by the entrance to most stores.
Haven't mastered that one yet. Lol

Have a hard enough time walking up and down the driveway at a snail's pace without passing out from the pain. Just tried it and had to come back in to sit with a heating pad on my back. Baby steps. I'll get there eventually. Some days are better than others. Made it 200 feet without having to sit yesterday. Today was more like 50 feet. Frustrating but expected. Trying to stay positive.
My back is in a constant state of muscle spasms. I can even feel it tensing up when I stand to shave. This sucks but better than the alternative.