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Reminds me of a story...

guy goes to the doctors as he has a itchy bum,doctor says you have a worm and so he dont breed we need to do a new course of action.

Doc says for him to go home and for one whole week to twice a day morning and early evening to pop a boiled egg up his bum give it 10 min and then pop up a mars bar:unsure:

So he goes home and each morning his wife boils up eggs,he pops one up followed by a mars bar 10 min later,early evening he does the same:unsure:

He does this for a week and then pops back to the doctors for a early morning appointment,doctor tells him to drop his pants and bend over,produces a boiled agg and pops it up and sets his stop watch...

5 min passes and nothing....

8 min and nothing:unsure:

10 min and nothing to which the doctor pulls out a hammer:unsure:








Then all of a sudden the worm pops out and says "wheres my fucking mars bar" and the Doc hits him over the fucking head:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:

Looks like I'm busting out of this place for the second time today. Blood levels are where they want them. Im able to breathe much better now that they drained all the fluid from my lungs. Still need to take it easy for a month or so.
Holy $ h-t. Just got dressed to go home. The belt I wore in on the third notch is now set on the fifth. Can't believe how much weight I lost. Haven't been this slim since I was 19.
Holy $ h-t. Just got dressed to go home. The belt I wore in on the third notch is now set on the fifth. Can't believe how much weight I lost. Haven't been this slim since I was 19.
High volumes of beer will get your weight back in line. ;)
No. I have absolutely no muscle tone left. I plan on spending time walking in the mornings after the wife and kids leave in order to rebuild muscle in my legs.
Ugh. Guess I'm going to have to get used to sleeping on the chair in the living room for a while. Im able to lay flat on the bed now and still breathe but after an hour the pain starts shooting up my spine from the broken vertebrae. So. Guess I'm sleeping in the chair for a while till I heal.
Ugh. Guess I'm going to have to get used to sleeping on the chair in the living room for a while. Im able to lay flat on the bed now and still breathe but after an hour the pain starts shooting up my spine from the broken vertebrae. So. Guess I'm sleeping in the chair for a while till I heal.

When my back plays up i flip the mattress for a level playing field,please dont try this yourself get the kids to do it.:wink:
Will insurance cover getting you a tilt bed? Either a replacement to your existing bed or at least a hospital bed rental (just a single bed) that allows the head and feet to tilt up.

I spent about a month in a chair after a bad accident. Don't use your best chair as you'll probably want to throw it out after you recover. You just won't want to see it anymore.
I don't want to see another hospital bed for a while. Lol. And we have no room for another bed in the house right now. The chair is fine for now till my back heals a bit. Our bed is less than 6 months old. We're quite happy with it. It's the kind of mattress that can't be flipped over.

I just have to remember to take a full dose of back pain meds before bed. Problem is that as swelling goes down there are new pains emerging daily. Last night it was a muscle tightness under my left shoulder. I have to be very careful stretching it out as there are still broken bones floating around in my back. Going to be a long road to recovery.
Ugh. Guess I'm going to have to get used to sleeping on the chair in the living room for a while. Im able to lay flat on the bed now and still breathe but after an hour the pain starts shooting up my spine from the broken vertebrae. So. Guess I'm sleeping in the chair for a while till I heal.

I do some of my best sleeping in my chair. I'll fall asleep watching TV and I'll sleep six or seven hours at a stretch. I can never do that in bed.
Oh wow. Before the accident I could catch a half hour nap in the chair. Last night I started out in bed at 11pm. By 1 am I had been awake twice. I moved to the chair and next time I saw the time was 6:30am.
This sucks. I wake up at 7 am and by 11 im beat. No energy whatsoever. I know it will get better in time. This battle is turning out to be one of the biggest of my life. Not to mention us getting a lawyer involved now to go after the other woman's insurance.
Wow. Last night was the first night in a month I was able to sleep straight through the night without waking. I can feel fluid on my left lung which was confirmed last week by the doctor. At the time they said it wasn't enough to worry about. We'll see after my xray tomorrow morning how much fluid they estimate is built up. Hopefully I won't have to go back to the hospital for a few days to be drained.
Brian you are doing good,the fact you can feel a particular area of trouble is telling you other areas are starting to heal,in your words you sound more perky which is good,just do not over do things it is way to early.

As for me i may be in the chair tonight due to the fact i have over done shit with this roof lark,back not as bad as yours by far but i sense another episode of walking bent over which worries me as these roofing lads have little standards:unsure:
Oh. I'm trying to do as little as possible. I walk from point a to b and that's it. Even at camp I did the same thing. I'd walk from the camper to the atv. Once I got to where I was going it was straight to a lawn chair to sit down. Haven't been downstairs at our place in 5 weeks. My awesome wife is treating me good getting me things and serving me as best as she can. She's been doing all the cooking cleaning and laundry. Plus everything to do with the kids.

Helps that the kids are in the middle of summer camp rotation. Younger two got back yesterday. Older two leave today. Makes it way easier.
Lol. Had a busy day yesterday with three appointments. I was beat by the afternoon. Sucks not having energy to do the things I used to.

We went through a list last night for the insurance of what I could do before the accident and what I can do now. Let's just say it was depressing. I can't do one tenth of the things I used to be able to do.
Insurance....the pain...yup trust me it will hurt more dealing with that side more than the injuries in the long run,but on the other hand it is a good distraction,make a nice clean area on your desk for all them files to pile up as i am sure yo know how it works.

Curious what Guitar strings do you use...my son wants to know to compare with his supplier.
Got a job for you if your up for it...my son has a novel but well set up and playable electric in the style of a ak47,had some mods done to the pick up ect,problem he has is the neck is way to small to hang it on the wall on a typical wall hanger and he wants it on the wall to show off and easy pick up to play...any ideas??


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This should make you laugh Brian so hold on to your ribs,before i started the roof it was a hot day and the pool was set up for the kids....i got a little airborne after a few cold ones...old dog still has his flying powers:yum::yum::yum:

It is a great way to water the garden.


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I've tried a whole bunch of different brands of strings. I personally like d'addario #11's for both acoustic and electric.

Funny shit he just text me back to say he uses the same brand....d'addario bronze light 0.012-0.053....i will get them Guitar pictures of his today when baby wakes up from her nap.
I finally got my sleeping pattern back on track. Im able to sleep the full night in bed again in relative comfort. 5 minutes after getting up though I'm on the chair in the living room with a heating pad on my back.

I'm only able to stand and walk for a short time before the pain sets in. I can feel the broken vertebrae and rib when I move.

I go to see my doctor today for a follow up. I went for an xray on Monday. We'll see how things are progressing.

Considering I never took any meds before I'm now taking somewhere around 10 pills a day. Some are preventative maintenance stuff like iron and multivitamins. Others are for pain. Im also on a blood thinner for three to four months that requires monitoring twice a week at a clinic with blood tests.
every day brings it's bonus,so with all them pills if you jump up and down will you sound like a loose change jar:yum::yum::yum: