I have had a lot of thoughts and memories come back due to your accident Brian..some not to pleasant but some a wake up call for me to share with others as i class myself a good driver due to haulage driving and knowing to drive with my mirrors.
It was a good 20 odd years ago a dear friend died in a similar accident to yours just sadly his point of impact was head first,killed instantly,i wont shy away as he was to blame riding without due care and attention,in short showing off,Sandy was a good friend,dearly missed.
Closer to my heart was the sad loss of my brother who at the time he was 16 years old and me a young 19,a road accident of a different kind,he was a passenger in a large haulage truck when the driver hit a low bridge in Paris France,he was ripped from the vehicle and died at the road side,he never stood a chance bless him,the result of this caused dad to die of a broken heart at the age of 52 and it also resulted in my family being ripped apart through bitterness/anger to which i have not spoken to my Mother for the best part of my adult life,death causes so many issues and sadly my family was not strong enough to cope with the loss.
This is where i envy you in a smart way,your here,daddy is here,husband is here,son is here,yea a few glitches to iron out but you were chose to be here,i know you do a important job so you are still here for them in need,in short your family will heal as your here and thats all that counts.
I cant bring back my dear friend Sandy or my cheeky brother Andrew but i have always served their memory by driving safer and encouraging others to drive by their mirrors as it as served me well,go forward and do the same and trust me you will sleep better at night.
Lady luck was on your side, take that luck and enjoy it.