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Is eliquis a blood thinner?

Edit : just read up on it. Looks like allot of the same side effects I'm having now. I'll ask my doc about it.
Is eliquis a blood thinner?

Edit : just read up on it. Looks like allot of the same side effects I'm having now. I'll ask my doc about it.

oops, sorry for not saying what it is!

I don't know how different the chemical make up is. There might be enough difference that its reaction on you and interaction with other drugs might be better for you. Then again Eliquis might not be the best thing for your particular condition.

After my heart problems back in March, I've been on Brillinta which is a blood thinner. I can't say that that there have been any side effects except that you bruise like a son-of-a-gun on any kind of knock or tap and don't cut your leg off with a chain saw 'cause you'll bleed to death. :yum:
Brian you need to talk to your Doctor about all this,i am guessing you are on pain killers as well as the Thinners and it could be the combination that is the problem, your physio should be also made aware af all of this as they won't be able to do their job whilst this continues.

Hang in there you are doing a admirable job.
That's the problem. I can only take one ibuprofen in the am and one in the pm. Kinda like bringing a butter knife to a gun fight. I'm definitely going to talk to my doctor about the best meds to be on and try to come up with a game plan. ETF...is there required follow up appointments with brillinta to check blood thickness and adjust? Just wondering if it's more like xarelto or like warfarin where there's the constant monitoring and adjusting doses.
ETF...is there required follow up appointments with brillinta to check blood thickness and adjust? Just wondering if it's more like xarelto or like warfarin where there's the constant monitoring and adjusting doses.

No, but I should have mentioned that I'm part of a study for a new type of stent so I have to go back for monitoring every three months. Taking Brilinta is part of that study. You're right, there are restrictions on taking certain across the counter pain killers such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
I'm taking this one day at a time. Every day is a new challenge. Some days I feel fine and can get around without hurting. Other days it's a struggle to get out of bed in the morning. Today is one of those days. I spent most of yesterday in pain and when I say pain, I mean it took me 5 minutes to get myself into my truck after playing at church yesterday. Last night was a struggle as every little move I made created sharp pains in my back. It was a half hour to drag my sorry A$$ to bed last night and I ended up laying there in pain for 2 hours before falling asleep. This morning, I was wide awake at 6:30am and lay in bed till 9am when I decided to face the pain and slowly drag my butt out of bed. Getting dressed is now a chore in itself. Putting on socks is a half hour process.

Sorry for the complaining but this is getting to be a real struggle to move every day. I am still thankful to be alive but it is becoming more of a struggle to cope with not being able to do one tenth of the things I used to be able to do before the accident. Thankfully I see the doc next week.
Man, that sucks Brian. I thought you were doing better than that. I hope the doc and time will get you back to your old self.
Man, that sucks Brian. I thought you were doing better than that. I hope the doc and time will get you back to your old self.

Well, some days are better than others. I think a lot of my pain right now is due to the physio getting more intense with each session. I try not to complain too much since I know it won't do any good. I managed to get everything at camp closed up/tarped up this week with the help of a friend. Even driving hurts at times. I can do it but in town, I feel every single bump and crack in the road straight to my back. It's also frustrating knowing it's hunting season and I can't get out there to hunt this year. I had originally planned on going deer hunting for the first time this fall. That's not happening now.
Recovery can be a slow, hang in there, before you know it you will be doing cart wheels.

:doh:That's kinda what got me in this predicament I'm in. lol According to witnesses I did a cartwheel after bouncing off that woman's car and landed in the next lane. If I charged everyone who wanted to see my back this summer $5 per person, I'd be rich.:wink:
I had a rough night last night. The ole built in barometer in my back kicked into high gear resulting in severe muscle spasms. I went to bed at 10 pm and the last time I saw the time was 2:30am. When I saw it again the clock read 5:20am. That's the only sleep I got as I was in so much pain in my back. My blood thinner also causes cramping and numbness in my limbs. I could really feel it last night.
Nothing yet.

So physio is knocking the hell out of me. What seems like a simple little workout turns into sheer hell for me right now. Here's a few examples of the simple exercises they have me doing:

-hold a large yoga ball between my back and a wall and roll up and down ten times.
-use a long elastic band wrapped once around a doorhandle and pull back ten times.
-10 minutes on a recumbent bike(this one is alright because it's more of a leg workout.)

Today, he had me lay on my back with my knees bent up. All I had to do was take a deep breath in and exhale slowly focusing all my energy on my abs. I did this three times. Been paying for it ever since. My abs are in complete pain. The therapist told me he knows it will be a looooooong recovery because basically the doctors filleted me like a fish and all my stomach muscles are in two now.

Some days are a struggle to move. This morning, I had hopes of a good day then the pain set in as soon as I moved an inch. By the time I walked ten feet I was ready to sit down. Even laying down at night is painful since as soon as I lay down my legs and arms start to tingle and get numb.
Have you tried a TENS unit for the back spasms?

My back spasms (laughable compared to your's, I'm sure) are greatly reduced by using one. I have [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007TOJ948?keywords=tens&qid=1445391747&ref_=sr_1_4&s=hpc&sr=1-4"]this[/ame] one.
I was thinking of getting something like that. I'm at the point where I'll try anything. It's so bad sometimes that I can only sit in my chair with a heating pad on my back for hours and as long as I don't move I'm alright. The second I move an inch the fire lights in my back and I'm almost in tears. Been a lot of those lately.
So I saw my doc this week. He changed my pain meds for something stronger since most days it's like bringing a knife to a gun fight. He also order a slew of tests along with referrals to specialists for my liver and spine.

Physio is continuing to do a number on me and I haven't quite decided if it's a good thing or bad thing at this point. As the swelling in my back continues to go down, the pain increases and my endurance decreases. I'm worried now since I'm losing feeling from the waist down and my feet are constantly burning and tingling. My walking has gone from a turtles pace to a snail's pace. I was getting by fine before with my cane even for longer distances. (to me, any longer distance is anything more than 50 feet). Now, I'm back down to 10-20 feet with my cane. It takes me five minutes to get down a flight of 10 steps. Not doing so great now.

I had inherited my deceased gramma's walker as a backup if I needed it for longer distances. We went out yesterday and purchased a new one as they were on sale. This one is more suited to my height. I used it today since I had to go to the hospital to pick up copies of my xrays. The walker will surely come in handy now since it appears as the swelling in my back is getting better, my legs are beginning to give out on me.

My apologies for boring everyone with this. Just getting very frustrated and it is going to be a looooong winter sitting at home in pain barely able to move.:sad:
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Small victory today in the battle. I went to court to fight the charge resulting from the accident. When I got there i spoke with the prosecutor and was informed that the charge was being dropped. Guess they weren't wanting to open up a huge can of worms by pursuing it.

As for health it's been status quo. I'm still in a constant state of pain which is controlled by meds. I'm waiting to hear back from my doc regarding an xray and ultrasound I had last week. I'm averaging 3-4 times a week going to work out in the gym plus 3 times a week physio. My back isn't getting any better and I walk with a walker most of the time now.
And the battle continues. I've been going to the gym 3-4 days a week and doing a whole battery of exercises recommended by physio. There's a large indoor track where I go which surrounds an Olympic size pool as well as some fitness rooms and a hot tub and sauna.

My typical day now includes getting the kiddies off to school then heading to the gym for an hour or so followed by physio most days. Some days, I feel as though I could run a marathon. Other days, I can barely stand and feel like my legs will give out on me at any moment. I often have a burning sensation in my legs and a tingling feeling in my feet. I can't sit for long. I can't stand for long. I have to plan my trips down stairs now as I want to avoid my legs giving out on me half way up the stairs.

I'm trying to stay positive though and keep as active as I can. The cold temperature is really taking a toll on my back some days. The pain meds are helping but it's a question of whether or not I want to be in a state of pain and be alert or reduce the pain by taking pain meds prescribed as needed and be buzzed out. I tried on friday to go the day without pain medication. I was able to function somewhat for the first part of the day until my legs gave out on me and I could barely stand. Physio is thinking that I may have long lasting nerve damage now going to my legs.

Still better than the alternative I guess.
I've taken the word "Pain" to a whole new level over the past while. It's not that "Damn it, I stubbed my toe" pain. It's more of an aching numbness and tingling sensation I get in my legs when I've overdone it with my back. It's a whole new experience loosing feeling in my legs. I can still move them but walking is done in short distances when they get like this. I had to drive 3 hours this morning to go deal with a rental property then drive three hours back this evening. That alone would have been enough to do me in but I ended up clearing some stuff out of the garage there and loading it into the back of the truck. When I overdo it now I lose feeling and function in my legs then I quickly lose the ability to walk more than a few feet unasisted.

I stopped a couple times to stretch on the way down but I knew on the way back if I stopped anywhere and got out I may have collapsed and not been able to get back into the truck. So in this case, I just kept driving with the cruise control on and minimizing the amount I moved my legs.

This is what gets depressing some times. It's the frustrating part of this battle.
I know about muscle spasms, and until last month I suffered terribly at night with them. A friends of mine has the same problem, but he told me he was taking something over the counter that had quinine in it. I found it at Rite Aid it's called Hylands Leg Cramp PM w/Quinine. It has helped with my legs and back. I also found that tonic water has quinine in it so I have been drinking that too.

Hope it helps.
I'll have to look into that. I was wide awake at 5am with bad leg cramps. I can barely walk ten feet without almost collapsing

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been awake for 2 weeks now with chest infection....thought of you Brian and just felt i have nothing to complain of.

But then i had the coughing fits ,flem,back spasms ect i thought fuck it lets join the club and have a good moan....fuck the fact the world is screwed with shit i just fancy a good moan.:hammer::hammer::hammer:

Brian i think we are now true old farts within the forum:whistling:

God bless us all.
That sucks. Hate chest infections. Yep. We're a bunch of old farts.

Just finished morning church service and potluck lunch. I'm heading home to rest.

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I see the family doc tomorrow and an orthopedic surgeon next week. We find out then what the plan is for my back and what the long term prognosis is. Xrays showed the bones are healed but possible disc damage. Some days I can barely stand. Other days I'm alright. My back is in a constant state of pain all the time. But the new development over the past couple weeks is the random loss of feeling in my legs and feet. When that happens walking 10 feet is about all I can do without my legs almost giving out on me.
I got the results of the liver ultrasound today. It wasn't the best news I've had. They found pockets of blood in my liver which are most likely left over from the accident. If left untreated for very long the outcome is not good. I'll just leave it at that. The doctor was fully expecting me to be having numbness in my legs and feet as this is a sign of nerve damage in my back due to the trauma I endured. He said that if I start getting the same feeling in "other areas" below my waste to get my butt to emerg right away.

So all in all I'm not out of the woods yet and have to be extra cautious.
It's been six months now since the accident. I just had my wife take a few pictures of the bruising on my back. You can still see the tire track. The picture doesn't do a good job showing the bruising. It's been one hell of a journey so far.


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I'm sorry to learn of this and I hope your wife makes a full recovery. Modern science can do almost anything and I'd like to think your spouse can get over this.

By the way...

I'd like t'write in redneck, on account o' this hyar thread is about a redneck. Shet mah mouth! ah's usin' a website called th' dialeckizer t'translate whut ah's writin'. Tell me whut yo' reckon.