B_Skurka said:No, you are misreading what I wrote.
I do not believe that we need to tolerate anyone who wishes to kill us, but then again I don't believe the Muslims that I know want to kill me (or to kill you, or even to kill anyone else).
No. But for what it is worth, Christians believe in accepting Christ or facing eternal damnation.Cityboy said:Have you asked these Muslims that you know how they feel about the convert or die theology of Islam?
Well that is a multi part question. Yes, they very quickly condemned Islamic terrorism, and specifically condemned the 9/11 attacks. And as they are my 'fellow Americans' and citizens of this nation, I don't think they owe anyone an apology, but I'd suggest that they are owed the same apology from the radical Muslims who killed Americans of many races and religions that all other Americans are owed.Cityboy said:Have any of the Muslims that you know condemned Islamic terrorism and apologized to you what was done to your fellow Americans in the name of Islam on September 11, 2001?
Playing devil's advocate here, and not specifically directed to Dargo but using this example, if we can't call them "Baptists" they why can we lump ALL of the world's Muslims into the "convert or die" category? And why can we lump ALL of the world's Muslims into the category of terrorists/murders?Dargo said:I don't think you can call them "Baptists". They are on the lunatic fringe and all Baptists I know have come out and strongly denounced that group of lunatics.
B_Skurka said:No. But for what it is worth, Christians believe in accepting Christ or facing eternal damnation.
True, however, neither do ALL members of the Muslim faith.Cityboy said:True, however, they do not preach killing you themselves to speed up your entry into that eternal damnation.
Cityboy said:True, however, they do not preach killing you themselves to speed up your entry into that eternal damnation.
B_Skurka said:Dave, it is inconvenient for some people's arguments for you to bring up the CRUSADES at this point in time!
DaveNay said:At least not for the last couple hundred years. Before that though.....
B_Skurka said:Dave, it is inconvenient for some people's arguments for you to bring up the CRUSADES at this point in time!
Dargo said:I don't think you can call them "Baptists". They are on the lunatic fringe and all Baptists I know have come out and strongly denounced that group of lunatics.
B_Skurka said:Ah but much of the Spanish Inquisition was also Christian against Christian.
B_Skurka said:True, however, neither do ALL members of the Muslim faith.
It just strikes me that a really wide swath is being painted and really the hostility and anger probably needs to be directed at a very small % of people of the Muslim faith.
Bear in mind that much of the "Muslim" hatred directed at the west is not specifically religious. Much of it is also opposed to our policies around the world. Much of it is a side issue of the Jewish-Palistinian policy we follow. Much of it is simply anti-Western/anti-American imperialism. And much of it is cloaked in a misguided bastardization of their religion. I just believe that the issues are more complex than some would suggest and I believe there are many very good Muslims who should not be blamed.
Cityboy said:You're joking, right? We don't even require immigrants to speak our language here, much less expect them to speak English over there. Who are these people you are talking about? I'd like to meet one of them.
I totally agree with you on this point! And not just Americans in Europe. There is a reason we are often called "ugly Americans!" We are an arrogant lot.dzalphakilo said:When is the last time you took a trip over overseas, particularly to Europe?
Americans when spending thier dollars overseas thinks that the culture should cater to them. Seen it with my own eyes, and have heard more than a couple of times overseas some fat but American stickiing out like a sore thumb raising his voice and talking very slow as if this will help someone who doesn't speak english (particulalry Germany).
Cityboy said:You are defending a religion that condones murder.
dzalphakilo said:When is the last time you took a trip over overseas, particularly to Europe?
dzalphakilo said:And how many murders have Christians committed "in the name of God?".
Isn't it amazing how many people have been killed for god, no matter what religion you practice.
Cityboy said:You will find dumbass tourists everywhere.
Go get your bible....I'll wait.Cityboy said:What exactly is this "misguided bastardization of their religion"? Does the Koran not say what it says? Does the Koran not say that infidels should be murdered? How complex can it be? A very small percentage may be engaged in the actual murders around the globe, but a very large percentage (read majority) are silently condoning it. You are defending a religion that condones murder.
If you have a "stubborn and rebellious son," then you and the other men in your neighborhood "shall stone him with stones that he die."
B_Skurka said:And not just Americans in Europe. There is a reason we are often called "ugly Americans!" We are an arrogant lot.
DaveNay said:Go get your bible....I'll wait.
Got it?
Turn to Deuteronomy 21:18
Read along now....
Does the bible not say what the bible says? Have you stoned your son to death? Why didn't your father stone you to death? Ahhh...perhaps it is because your religion "evolved into the present" and didn't "remain in the dark ages"?
Taking any religious text as a literal translation is a very dangerous and slippery slope.
Cityboy said:a murderous religion is another.
Cityboy said:What religion am I Dave?
I don't have a bible to get out, Dave, but I do know that the old testament law was replaced by the new testament. The Koran does not have a new testament, and Islam still calls for the death of the infidel to this day.
I think pretty much any religion is a method of controlling large groups of people. Some religion is simply evil. Islam is one of them.
Cityboy said:Again, some religions manage to evolve; others (Islam) remain in the dark ages fighting the Crusades. Religion in general makes little sense to me; Islam makes no sense at all.
dzalphakilo said:What about Eric Rudolph? What about Christains who believe they are doing gods work for the "greater good" even here in America.
dzalphakilo said:I think you could find numerous Christians who kill in the name of God. Please show me in the new testament where it tells you that God would like for you to kill people.
dzalphakilo said:Calling Islam a muderous religion is ridiculous. Yes, there are muslim extremeist who use religion as a tool, as a motivator, and perhaps some actually do beleive what they are saying.
dzalphakilo said:I guess what it comes down to is that you need to have friends who are Muslim and practice Islam to have a better understanding of how they percieve things.
dzalphakilo said:Do you consider yourself a whore chasing, drunk satan worshiping pig who would rape and pillage a muslim community and have sex with your own daughter? I sincerely don't think so, but perhaps there are people in Iraq who do think that about you and other americans because that is what they are told, and for better or worse, they start to believe it believe it because they don't know anything about us (Americans and how we live).
dzalphakilo said:Do you have the Koran in you house?
Hmmm. I didn't criticize our country. Nor do I belong in the PC crowd or the blame-American first group. It is interesting to note that you imply I do when I simply make observations and state them. I think you are reading too much into what is written.Cityboy said:Speak for yourself. It is amazing how some people are so quick to critcize their own country; it seems somehow fashionable these days, along with the PC crowd and the blame-America-first folks.