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"...you have an illustrator's eye xxxxx, the best I know of, and your talent, like mine then, has an unspoken immeasurable reward of its own here, so find that picture for her now, you'll just know it's right when you have found it..." mentioned the goblin knowing that some people can just cut a pack of cards without even thinking about it, while others shuffle on until the moment feels right within them, the goblin continued "...maybe the shuffling makes no difference then, or maybe it makes all the difference perhaps, no, not to the result now since those cards like fate are ever stacked as they fall I suppose, no the real difference is more in the sincerity of the sentiment felt in oneself during that shuffle then, find her picture now..."... a sweet dear lady passed last week ... as I loathe to attend final dedications I will mourn in my own way and pay tribute more to my liking ... I will attend her final resting place where I will bid her adieu from this world and present her with a single flower, one of her favorites, a pink carnation.

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