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"...ah yes, your dailylife is just trying to bind you to its bidding, offering you such fears and hungers as to cause you to lose focus, where if you judge yourself by its standards each time, then yes, you'll hunger for that which you once had, and for that which you don't have yet, while fearing the loss of the what little that you have now, simply you're connecting your soul directly thus playing its game under its rules..." ventured the goblin who never quite forgot those times he had conversed with those who were departing on their lupus forum, those who by the fact that they were actually departing, really had nothing bar that which was fundamentally important to them, adding "...instead, let go and let dailylife lose this for once, for compared to them what right have any of us to feel unhappy now, for isn't one's internal far more important than one's external, yet most of you humans get your priorities mixed up and thus suffer from your clinging to that which wasn't really yours to keep anyway..."I feel positive sometimes and then something lets me down again so I hit rock bottom, it feels sometimes as if something won't let me break free from what I'm feeling

71 270http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2204