• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

just editing some posts here

repost from elsewhere

I feel positive sometimes and then something lets me down again so I hit rock bottom, it feels sometimes as if something won't let me break free from what I'm feeling
"...ah yes, your dailylife is just trying to bind you to its bidding, offering you such fears and hungers as to cause you to lose focus, where if you judge yourself by its standards each time, then yes, you'll hunger for that which you once had, and for that which you don't have yet, while fearing the loss of the what little that you have now, simply you're connecting your soul directly thus playing its game under its rules..." ventured the goblin who never quite forgot those times he had conversed with those who were departing on their lupus forum, those who by the fact that they were actually departing, really had nothing bar that which was fundamentally important to them, adding "...instead, let go and let dailylife lose this for once, for compared to them what right have any of us to feel unhappy now, for isn't one's internal far more important than one's external, yet most of you humans get your priorities mixed up and thus suffer from your clinging to that which wasn't really yours to keep anyway..."


71 270http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2204
repost from elsewhere, the subject being SCT as in Social Constructionist Theories

“...anyway, identities need something to be identified by, and to be identified means one has an identity does it not, therefore "social classification" exists only within the context of this relationship of a “classifying society” on the one hand, and the effort of the “self classification” of the individual on the other, so it is within this cross identification then, that both those “traits of identification” - as seen in: fashion, moral stance, physical attributes, possessions and mental qualities - are recognized, and where “social judgments” - as seen in: encouraged, tolerated, or discouraged - are passed, either by the society that is, or by the individual here...” but the goblin was anonymous, perhaps he couldn't claim to have an identity until society had identified him, perhaps the goblin felt too that there were three levels of recognition here, “stereotyping” which is a base classification, “classification” which is base identification, and actual “identification” which was where those traits matched, “...alas you will identify me by my traits then..." mused the goblin again, as if knowing that someone anonymous would rarely act out of character, adding "....funny how our identities just seem mere byproducts of some simple socially recognized traits then...”, as once more the goblin's mind drifted in and out of his thoughts while yet another day passed on around him, mind you his days rarely seemed to do anything else but pass by in their daily fashion, perhaps they seemed to laugh at goblin's assumption of his importance in even needing an identity here


repost from elsewhere

"...just that those mundane habits kill so slowly in their repartition goblin..." the witchdoctor smiled gently, continuing "...and the older one gets the more those mundane habits just lull one's senses to one's diminished ability till it's too late...", simply the newspaper read that most accidents involving people over 65 were from crossing the road while being hit by some passing car, "...you see goblin, those old people probably thought that they still were how they had always been, that their bodies could still react in time, so those accidents occur through their complacency towards their own age...", the bistro seemed empty now, the night's cold crept in with the occasional deep cold draft but not enough to stir anyone away form their seats, the goblin propped his chin on palm on his hand as the witchdoctor just smiled between these perceptive lines at him, "...still angry at you're shared fate of old age goblin, you are aren't you, you shouldn't be though, it's all too far ahead in the future for anyone to care about it today, neither for society in general, nor for the individual neither, to care about all their growing old that is, that soon enough this slowly aging population will become the majority in our developed nations, and that one will there too as an old person amongst thousands of others like you, oh, yes one might put money aside but who doesn't know that those pension systems are unsustainable now, and that inflation devalues everything too, just as one might also keep oneself mentally and physically fit, aware that even so, many will still suffer some years of dementia where one might have to look after one's spouse, or one's parent then, but you can't expect anyone to live their lives today according to some final end way into their future goblin, any more than one would expect society to address or even hint about this problem through ourdearmedia here, no, simply it's another little something that is beyond everyone's ability to envisage now, or society's ability to coop with even, thus as such, like death perhaps, it doesn't exist to them in its present form in our present age, ah no, old age is a bridge goblin, one that's coming for sure if one lives till there, yes, but one can't cross that bridge till one gets go ig so instead one just accepts it for "later then" and then quickly casts one's thoughts elsewhere ...", so the goblin took the witchdoctor's advice and cast his thoughts elsewhere too but for how long he knew not, yet that bridge grew closer with each passing day it seemed


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repost from elsewhere

the goblin looked at the american economy, not so much by that dow jones standard" as they might hope, but more the dollar in one's pocket standard instead, saying "...it is just a conjecture on my part, but let's say someone offered you a choice between being saddled with a debt in US dollars, or one of its equivalent in mexican pesos, well I imagine you would pick the mexican peso debt there, rather than US dollar one, the reasoning being that it is just easier to wipe off a debt that has a faster decreasing value...", the goblin paused for a second, then continued "...well then, since the US can't in any way pay back its trillion's of dollars debt now, it has instead printed more dollars today than in any point its previous history, where of course without actually telling you that they're using icy dicey, aka inflationary caused devaluation of currency as their main instrument to alleviate their debt here...", yet the goblin so much wanted to be wrong in his conjecture now, even if that is how he saw things progressing here, and how icy dicey resembled the half life of money too, just lead him to think like that then


repost from elsewhere

"...so welcome to my geneva then..." went the goblin continuing "...where everyone has simply turned a blind eye to pot smoking, oh yes, one can grow it, smoke it less than discreetly in public, and even carry up 500gms on one where the police will just follow a policy of somewhat indifferent tolerance until one tries to sell it, why, because all along the biggest part of pot's appeal has been its illegality here, whereas now, the schools, along with other authorities, have just gone big on actual facts through hard hitting information here, such as the clear memory loss and cancer of the tongue it causes..." continuing "...and so the net result of this enlightened policy has been that number of pot smokers in within the canton of geneva has actually plummeted since it has lost much of its lure now, the line being well if they're not going to arrest you then why bother to do it, though admittedly part of this decrease might also be due to the fact that most ex pot users have moved onto other addictions such as computer gaming, social networking, oh, and reading these posts too, something that the goblin felt was hardly any better for anyone's mental health then, exclaiming "...the potheads are dead, long live the postheads now..."


71 274 2232
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repost from elsewhere,

What do I win?

the goblin welcomed everyone to this thread, saying "...ah now, to post is to win against one's deailylife, yes, but one's dailylife then builds up around one after posting, so one has to win again repeatedly like pruning back the externals each time...", and then, once more, the path of the goblin's imagination stretched before him here, where he could write absolutely anything upon that path and win in this moment by it, that much he knew, but he also knew too, that he would then have to live with what he had posted, saying "...you see, in dailylife it's all too clear who one is now as there is that mirror, one's bank statement too, those certificates of education, one's passport, one's family ties, and all the rest too that goes up to make that "you" that you have always known yourself by, and yet here on forumland it's different there is only that which you post to know your "virtual self" by, simply while here you are what you post of yourself and thus you post your posts and somehow you see yourself by them too, in short you win a glimpse of that self here that would otherwise be hidden by all those externals there there..."


repost from elsewhere, someone talking about the loss of their loved ones

the goblin's mind was torn between the two previous posters now where certainly the benchmark of this thread seemed as high as it seemed deep, "...can't quite remember the witchdoctor's spell then, think it went pain to open one's eyes..." mentioned the goblin at it, adding "...can't change the past today nor return to it neither, but at least a sobriety of born of one's past suffering, simply one isn't the same person afterwards, but just perhaps too one is more aware of what is actually important in one's life by the pain of loss within it..."


repost from elsewhere,

"...well slot, if those writers want the goblin's power of absentmindedness, they will have to practice daydreaming, but this living in geneva helps, as does growing old I suppose..." ventured the goblin as the slot swallowed the lines saying "...goblin, they're coming out, encourage them further and they'll surprise themselves with what they actually post here...", "..slot, is this another one of your devious ploys to get yourself fed with yet more posts again...", "...well yes goblin, it's that or I'm stuck with your one man show on this forum...", the goblin pondered, looked out across at the falling night's rain outside and then ventured "...OK slot, if you put it like that I'll tell them, besides, I promised admin I would grow members here but first..., ..." as he reached over for his coffee and then continued "...well perhaps, the secret to writing is a bit like judo in that one has to first fall losing one's own balance making one's opponent lose theirs too only then does one regain one's balance to finish off the throw, simply if one doesn't loose oneself within one's own plot, the reader won't fall for it either, so the storyteller throws himself headlong into a situation for others to follow suit..." at which point the unforgiving clock at the bar shouted "...time goblins please..." as the scene closed up for the night once more


repost from elsewhere

the goblin agreed that the forthcoming currency correction was almost amusing, well until one realized that one was probably dealing with the life savings of most people in the western world here, saying "... a currency correction normally starts with a loss of confidence in the financial system, resulting in high inflation, unemployment and bank runs, to which the government's first step is to resort to forced loans, coupled with a limit of withdrawals, as seen in argentina's currency correction, where as a result, people will then start to hoard money under their mattresses, to which the government will then introduce a new bank note thus forcing people to convert their hoarded cash at a per person limitation, as seen in vietnam's currency correction, so people will hoard gold and silver instead, at which point the government does a bank enabling act which is the force buying of one's bullion from one, as seen in america's currency correction in 1932, resulting in the currency devaluing to the lowest level after which, seeing that a system-collapse resulting in anarchy is not their aim, things will go back to relative normal again, where the party that either instigated or witnessed this currency correction will lose the election having everyone believe that it is all over and that it won't nor couldn't ever happen again, not realizing though that their new found state of poverty is, in fact, the spur to getting them more productive once more in a system where too much wealth at the lower levels is just counter productive...", so the goblin was calmly watching correction's approach again, concluding "...funny how the ourdeamedia would have us look down at possible green shoots below our feet instead of viewing what's actually looming on the horizon..."


repost from elsewhere

the goblin was thinking about that phrase you can fool some of the people all the time, as you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all the time, saying "...just a reflection on my part, but surely no one would know that one has fooled all of the people all the time because they would all be fooled by it..."


repost from elsewhere

"...well all this posting is just practice for one's old age I suppose..." joked the goblin about this game now, though the goblin would never reach retirement and then just vegetate afterwards as so many humans did it seemed, "...ah no, a credible persona is a serious preposition according to mephistopheles, and if it's good enough for faust then I guess I'll sign up too..." yes, apparently mephistopheles been adamant in explaining that one's persona would serve one well in our final years as long as one slaved at creating it before one got there then..."


repost from elsewhere

slowly the goblin settles down and remembers this little slot here again that he had left behind once more through the distractions of his dailylife, not that he hated his dailylife that is, only that his dailylife seemed to ask for everything and always from him, "...all this demand upon me is its need then, not really mine here..." voiced the goblin probably aware that the little time he puts into "facing the slot" like this was perhaps all that actually set him apart from his nagging dailylife in each passing moment


73 281http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2266
repost from elsewhere, written during the north korean missile tests

the goblin watched on, it seemed that most of the issues mentioned in the media today were quite newsworthy in themselves yet distractions all same, stuff used to avert one's attention from what was actually happening around one, repeating “...so look closer at the news then, and simply ask yourself which if any relates to you now, notice too, how much they're is not telling you about america being bailed out by china, for who holds most of those treasury bonds today I mean, in that china has needed to prop up the dollar to date, but only for as long as that helps china there, yet times admittedly are changing though where endless "adding zeros" means the dollar might become a liability to hold on to...", whereupon the goblin, upon seeing how ourdearmedia wanted to turn everyone's attention to north korea here, simply wondered which country north korea was actually entirely dependent upon if not china now, yes just another distraction then, china's sphere of interest again...", whereupon the goblin turned to africa, somewhere where none of the western powers ever wanted to get involved knowing that it meant indefinite sustained commitment too, smiling "...guess that leaves the issue of iran but iran is not really the US's problem, by proximity it is more israel's problem, yet it serves both for the US's and for iran's interests to continue saber rattling like this, that is, since it diverts the attention of their electorate away from the actual financial downturn of their countries...", simply the goblin had noticed that the dollar's worth had fallen to about half of what it had been ten years ago, asking "...ah yes, lots of things happening in the news lately, but honestly, does anyone see something more imminent, and of greater importance too, than this dollar devaluation as the only real event of our age, simply from this then stems the rest does it..."


repost from elsewhere

you have no friends

"...hard one to prove without linking I suppose..." replied the goblin before adding "...so do I know the people who claim to know me I wonder, that is, when I don't even know them myself, no, so I suppose the only answer I could give you in all honesty is that I befriend others while letting them choose if they will befriend me back, not that I ever test their friendship though, and in any case, in the end this journey to self is one's own alone it seems..."


repost from elsewhere,

So it was a pointless effort and all those innocent lives were lost in vain....so much for bold words and doing the right thing
"...no, one mustn't forget that the invasion caused system change in afghanistan, that is, it replaced fanatics with bandits and, since the western powers understand corruption far more than they do fundamentalism, they succeeded, as they're dealing with basically what the want now..." replied the goblin, adding "...no, the real problem starts when the westerners leave, that is, will the warlords remain divided enough to poise little threat beyond their own boarders..."


72 284http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2285
repost from elsewhere, same thread as above

The problem, we seem to keep facing, is that our government is trying to "help people" by forcing a "way of life" on them or, as the papers justifies it, by giving them Democracy at the end of a sword. The problem is you can't force that on them. It is often more effective when it's brought into life by their own strifes as a nation.

"...quite correct, the west really only needs to push its strengths now..." replied the goblin, as if remembering that line from science fiction book dune, explaining he who controls the spice, controls the universe, where in this case the spice is just ourdearmedia in all its present forms, smiling "...ah, those aspirations again, the spice to make you happy as portrayed by the ourdearmedia each time, and the entertainment that everyone seeks by it, little wonder then the talaban tried to expel the spice from their midst, simply they understood the awesome power of the ourdearmedia had over its citizens..."


repost from elsewhere

the goblin was here again, that recurrent moment before bedtime then, with that same old feeling of not wanting to let go without posting something of himself, "...you see, a well formed opinion is one of life's last luxuries..." he would just say to himself as if there really was any choice about it now, adding "...anyway, this last post idea is more like a state of mind where, whatever happens in one's life, one posts something as in one more post for the road...", but the man in the mirror was laughing at the goblin now, saying "...look, you can't expect anyone else to understand goblin, not when you don't understand either..." , so the goblin laughed too, and let go for a moment, knowing that he couldn't really let it go like that, simply the last post idea, or that one more post for the road then, just remained both habitual and hauntingly recurrent however much he didn't actually understand why he kept at it though


repost from elsewhere

Would that be legal or illegal drugs then

"...ah now, telecommunications is the biggest mind altering drug of them all..." mentioned the goblin, continuing "...I suppose we could ask ourselves just how many people could survive without their television sets today, or this internet here...", in fact, the goblin was far too old for any illegal drug, and yet he saw the television as one of the biggest threats to the elderly, in fact, any one way media, even bookreading for that matter, could become a danger to an old person then, so the goblin explained a bit, saying "...you see, if you put elderly people in bed for too long, they'll lose their ability to walk...", somehow the goblin remembered that phrase here the bed is the grave of the old, continuing "...meaning that if you put them in front of the television each day, or just hand them a book instead, their minds will rot for lack of any interaction since their reaction was not required in their viewing or reading, simply it was all one way then...", perhaps, the goblin was simply thinking back to the old age home where his mother had been, and how the newly extended lifespan of the elderly was causing a growing problem of dementia amongst them there, saying "...so they succumb and drown in all this one way media, yet forumland is different now, for here alone you can reply to me, so perhaps this is why I feel posting to be winning again, in a true two way media fashion, how about you, care to win won, I'm listening if you do..."


repost from elsewhere

upon opening the writing box filled with all the old letters mostly from his mother, the goblin remembered that she had never written anything of depth since she hadn't taken much time out in writing them, just they were her way of saying "thinking of you" or used in a way to air out any particular problem she was facing at that moment together with some anecdotal snapshots of village life mixed in, so the goblin didn't care to read them now but, like some book that one wants to keep on the bookshelf, he had kept each letter albeit in a somewhat discarded fashion in this old writing box till now, yet today though, knowing that there would be no more of them in her declined mental state, he had just readied a folder expressly, to which he had scribbled down the title "Mum's letters" bundling them all in there then while the writing box itself would probably go empty till some other use could be found for it, "...and besides, who ever writes letters these days anyway..." voiced the goblin to himself in moving on and away from the folder he had then buried upon the bookshelf


repost from elsewhere

“...cry havoc, and let slip the penguins of war...” said the goblin to the sandman chasing him around his brain once more, somehow bedtime was never a dull moment between them then, adding "...you're not taking me alive sandman I'm not going to sleep just yet..." but the sandman then explained "...um, ok mr goblin it's your choice I suppose, sleepydust now or I'm fetching that suppository...", whereupon the goblin's steps toward his bed quicken, just that life at his age wasn't fair he felt, no couldn't he just be young forever instead


repost from elsewhere, a "last post" thread, subject of israel/iran again

"...naah, the UN hasn't changed of late, it is still the cap in hand "talk show" that it's alway been,..." replied the goblin who lived in geneva and was well aware of its impotence now noting its past "resolutions" towards many things, simply the UN was the wizard of oz in all but name, quite likable in its way but utterly powerless too, "...no, israel won't leave it up to the UN, but either way then, you asked me to mention some other country's problems, and I could indeed as there is much happening worldwide today, but in the end I am left feeling that there is only one real happening now, that of the onward devaluation of the dollar, and from which the other countries devaluations that go in tandem, and from this stems the rest then, just all those downwards depravities that marks this an end of empire in our midst..."


repost from elsewhere

"...naah, I really don't think xxxxx is on drugs per se..." replied the goblin reading through those words of that post once more, adding "...actually I felt it was a rather normal post considering this context of forumland here, where I suppose too, the real question here is whether this internet here could be considered as yet another drug amongst the many we use unwittingly or otherwise to get by with, to which if it were so, would we not be addicts by that definition, moreover this "last post" thread would then be some serious symptom of it I imagine, and where too, the prognosis might be less than favorable even, yet longevity was never the point of this life anyway..", though outside the bistro, the fog made the main street look like venice in a muffled mercurial silence, so the goblin just called over to the bar for yet another continental coffee now, a stimulant to float his thoughts to the fore here, for such was this ritual by now, concluding "...but of all the drugs out there, I have yet to find one quite as mind altering as writing is, no at night my dreams are both vivid and recollected, my memories too are like constant ghosts worst luck, and my thoughts are deep indeed, and no I don't believe in god in your terms, instead he's just inexplicably there as something I just know without not really knowing, but I'm not selling something here, least of all addictions to you..."


repost from elsewhere,

what do I win

"...and what prize would you like now, I mean what could possibly equate to being able to post here..." mentioned the goblin who would rather be able to post, about anything and everything under the sun that is, than to have some prize given to him, "...and besides too, doesn't a prize mean that the game is over by it as in won outright, where hopefully no one wants this game to be over just yet, for it would be nice this posting could go on forever, where your act upon this thread/stage within a forum/venue is ever you upon this forumland alone, we all exit stage at some point...", simply by now the goblin's faced the slot more as a practice, saying "...perhaps the prize is to arrive at one's final self at the end of one's journey then, though probably even that prize was outdone by the whole journey then, and all from one's pen too, so would you care to write with me awhile humans where life is short and where that arrival at self could be at any moment, yes it's a beautiful life indeed but there's that arrival at self ever in its shadows..."


repost from elsewhere

Is dailylife" the same as real life?
"...not really..." replied the goblin, continuing "...as I see it, real life is as opposed to one's virtual reality, whereas dailylife is opposed to the part of one that actually sees it for the distraction it is, simply one could be just as sheeplike in real life as in virtual reality, but being aware of dailylife as external is perhaps the only things that separates one from being a sheep within it..."


repost from elsewhere

the goblin was thinking of what he could write for thanksgiving, seeing he wasn't an american that is, only that the idea of being grateful seemed correct in a life that was never a forgone conclusion here, but perhaps the fact that one was able to write this, while others were able to read this too, was really something then, "...no, it's not just something at all, it's really everything I suppose..." realized the goblin, continuing "...for regardless of how one's life turns out, just to be still here now is "still winning this unwinnable" isn't it, so halloween had me thinking of my late friends again, while christmas will probably have me thinking of those childhood years, either mine or of my children's that is, where this thanksgiving has me aware that I am a surviver now, we all are I suppose, after all we're still here winning this unwinable are we not but for how long though..."


73 294http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2328
repost from elsewhere

Very true, Goblin, On here we can be whatever we wish, young, old, male, female, however, some of us are just 'us' as we are in the real world. We have no need to be other than that, it's others, who occasionally have a problem with it, why should anyone have to explain themselves to others to justify who/what they are?

"...indeed, dailylife just judges you by what you are, and reacts to how you behave then, and weren't those categorisations of you formed the moment you were born..." ventured the goblin once more, adding "...whereas here on this forumland one just is, and remains anonymous throughout, regardless of however truthful one might portray oneself, as simply there is no way you can prove anything about yourself here..." continuing again "...where at least this much you have pointed out to me in your post now, and since those superficial categorizations don't exist here, you can be who you really are, so perhaps the real quest here is to find out who one is by what one posts...", where a journey to self is how the goblin had often called it even if by now most people actually understood what he meant by arriving at self, one's exit time then


repost from elsewhere, just sharing

about leaving home then, the goblin could relate here, for he too, had after all passed that point, though many years back now it seemed, saying "...ah but one never wants to do it blatantly does one, and yet it has to be done still, so think of it in terms of proximity and not so much in words then, yes, adults use white lies being the world of grown-ups then, perhaps not to dash the aspirations of others all at once, merely to choose one's own path in life here, simply one can't live a lie as in a life for others where one only has one life, so one lies gently and leaves slowly, for aren't white lies are the lesser of two types of lies then, that is, between lying to them and their aspirations towards you, and lying to yourself by caving into those aspirations..."


repost from elsewhere, a british "last post" thread

"...call me flea, everyone else does..." replied the goblin doing his norm now, continuing "...I have been thinking that since britain is suffering from a growing unemployment problem, and that most car related accidents of persons over 65 are caused by their not crossing the road in time, that just perhaps it could be made mandatory that all old people upon leaving their home must now be accompanied by "a man walking in front of them waving a red flag" thereby warning both passing motorists and pedestrians alike of their oncoming approach here...", at which point, and around the goblin mental madness too, the bistro just ticked away once more, with the goblin seated between a bunch of merrymakers singing "happy birthday" badly, and the usual mum's brigade are complete with their inquisitive little ones, who, desperate to have an adventure, rampage away until some eventual accident invariably claims one of them to tears and "all over now" hugs, "...well, dramatic occupational hazards do abound it seems even in bistros now..." mentioned the goblin at it, hopefully quite inconspicuous now or playing dead where possible, adding "...ah but I don't want silence and normality humans, or else I wouldn't write my observations amongst you now...", moreover once the goblin was on forumland here he was neither normal nor silent then, no, in fact anyone walking in front of him with a red flag had better be quick footed indeed, for goblins weren't exactly known to be trusted with that accelerator peddle


repost from elsewhere, anti G8 riots

the goblin was thinking that most people were more interested in the dual between iran and america, "...ah but the circus had come to town..." mentioned the goblin who had walked down the shop fronts of geneva where these riots had taken place, and where only the shops and banks catering for the rich had bullet holes to show for it, and yet, in the hight of all this, the goblin remembered the manager of starbucks calmly pulling out the remaining bits of glass from the window frame, while behind him the costumers continued queuing up for their coffees, and now, two days later, little remains to tell anyone that any of this had happened, for gone were the contenders now, neither those armor clad policemen with their CS gas and rubber bullets, nor those masked rioters with paint guns, stone throwing types, so geneva had just returned to what it was before once more "...well duals do happen and then the circus moves on but that's just geneva for you..." ventured the goblin in passing too


repost from elsewhere, just sharing

I don't think certain people want me to be happy!!!! Why what have I ever done to you??? The first time I'm happy in months/years and someone has to bring me to rock bottom again!!!!

"...ah now, one mustn't share one's happiness too openly here for discretion is the world of adults here, borderline lying then, you see it in the news, on the television, at home, and everywhere else too, well yes, lies are not exactly what people want to hear, true, but at the same time they want that truth of it even less, so if one can't hide one's happiness from others, then they will make sure that one won't be happy for long..." mentioned the goblin remembering that people often compared themselves with the happiness of others while outwardly saying "oh I am so happy for you" but while inwardly they are reminded of what they don't have, or worse still, reminded what they might have had once before

