New member
repost from elsewhere, a native american "last post" thread
"...to feel at ease in nature, I suppose one must get used to being in nature then..." said the goblin adding "...well, it's the same for writing I guess, for if you want writing to evolve you, then you must write often without expectation of reward...", the goblin laughed a bit, then continued "...oh no, writing won't change your life, it won't pay your bills, nor give you a perfect parter, nor any other of those physical rewards per se, yet over time it empowers both your imagination and your reasoning here...", simply the goblin was more selfish then he looked, smiling "...in the end ask yourself what will you have left other than this magic then so let them keep their fame and fortune now, me I just want to perfect this ability within me while I still can..."
"...to feel at ease in nature, I suppose one must get used to being in nature then..." said the goblin adding "...well, it's the same for writing I guess, for if you want writing to evolve you, then you must write often without expectation of reward...", the goblin laughed a bit, then continued "...oh no, writing won't change your life, it won't pay your bills, nor give you a perfect parter, nor any other of those physical rewards per se, yet over time it empowers both your imagination and your reasoning here...", simply the goblin was more selfish then he looked, smiling "...in the end ask yourself what will you have left other than this magic then so let them keep their fame and fortune now, me I just want to perfect this ability within me while I still can..."