• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

just editing some posts here

repost from elsewhere, a native american "last post" thread

"...to feel at ease in nature, I suppose one must get used to being in nature then..." said the goblin adding "...well, it's the same for writing I guess, for if you want writing to evolve you, then you must write often without expectation of reward...", the goblin laughed a bit, then continued "...oh no, writing won't change your life, it won't pay your bills, nor give you a perfect parter, nor any other of those physical rewards per se, yet over time it empowers both your imagination and your reasoning here...", simply the goblin was more selfish then he looked, smiling "...in the end ask yourself what will you have left other than this magic then so let them keep their fame and fortune now, me I just want to perfect this ability within me while I still can..."


repost from elsewhere, a native american "last post" thread

nice pic. i am not as good with words as you brother Goblin. i sometimes stumble and my spelling oops when i have time i sitdown and write a few storys
the goblin too, was a bad speller of sorts, a dyslexic then, so he had to repost often across many forums, just to correct our those bugs in whatever he wrote, saying "...anyway, what matters is not what the others read here, no, only what one wants to say to oneself by it, why, because in years from now none of this will be remembered and yet one will have mastered this medium in one's own way, that's both the goal and the reward of posting for me..", somehow the image of the native american, in that film starring johny depp dead man, sprang to mind here, the parallel of it then, "...incredible wasn't he, somehow one could see what the author was getting at by that character then, that a powerful intellect, indebted to literature and poetry, feeling that fate had offered him this role of sending off to the next world a white man who happens to be called william blake none other than his favorite poet, an action of no base logic, nor self interest, nor personal gain neither, just something seeming correct to him here..."


73 301 2381
repost from elsewhere, just sharing again

the goblin was having a problem with "me" as he saw them, perhaps the goblin was looking at the old fart now, but, at least, the goblin was still free of medusa, and would never turn himself to stone like the old fart writing in his dailylife had done, saying "... surely then, it's far better to remain unknown as this goblin here than "all set in stone" as some well known author, or as that known person in dailylife...", simply their minds mused over the image of someone ever saying "see that person over there, well he's actually that notorious goblin on forumland", and then noting the observer's sudden and apparent disappointment, but the goblin would laughed at it, saying "...just serves you right old man, because you've seen madusa's face in your dailylife now, ah but not me though, no I'm alive and free for as long as you let it be..."


repost from elsewhere, just sharing,

I can't be bloody bothered to make myself look pretty right now but I've got to because quite frankly, I look like a boy.
"...no no no, first you just need to be yourself with him without makeup on, and then if he shows interest, amaze him by reward him wearing makeup at times, otherwise you'll force yourself into a corner here, and you'll be fretting over something as unimportant as those looks that most men don't really care about much..." mentioned the goblin looking out over the frozen rooftops of the cold city of geneva now, "...ah yes, my beloved city of vanity isn't it..." he joked at it too, but either way then, he still had to go out into this cold now, no different from those hunter gatherers of old he imagined, the same old palaver in this same old stone age manner, adding "...look, if men only cared about beauty then by most women would be far more beautiful by it, but no, mostly a man wants a woman whom he feels comfortable with but that'll be our well guarded secret perhaps..."


repost from elsewhere, a bit outdated now

"...ah now, you should always be careful about an introduction of some new notes somewhere..." said the goblin thinking about north korea's new notes at this point, continuing "...well if it is just knocking off two zeros off the number, for example, if 100 won now becomes 1 won, then it is good in practice..." , in fact, many countries had done exactly this to no ill effect here, "...ah, but when an upper limit to which one can then covert one's old money into those new notes is added on top of it, in this case something working out at the equivalent of 750 dollars per person, then it is a clear case of the government impoverishing it own citizens by wiping out their savings...", and somehow the goblin equally feared the three other options open to any country in a crisis, "asset freeze", "forced loans" and "confiscation", adding "...and yet most people just want this comfortable status quo of today to continue so to speak, don't they just, and no, the end of the world is not nigh now, but eventually there has to be a correction at some point for the world is swimming in ever increasing debt, though who one wonders would like to spoil the party by pointing this fact out openly here, well certainly not ourdearmedia now..."


repost from elsewhere, a native american "last post" thread, upon the film "dead man" staring johny depp

that a powerful intellect, indebted to literature and poetry, feeling that fate had offered him this role of sending off to the next world a white man called William Blake, an action of no logic, nor self interest, nor personal gain, just something seeming right to himself here..."
um... William Blake and Native American Indians? Wow my history skills suck I guess... or something was totally missed elsewhere...

"...yes, in the film, that native american in the film is brought up by whites, and although he, as an actor, is over shadowed by johny depp as the dying white man, the story is really about someone being moved by something alien both to oneself and one's culture now, it is mirrored in its way by that "dance with the wolves" film too where it is the white man who is in a dilemma of crossing cultures this time, but perhaps the parallel ends here then..." mentioned the goblin who also noticed how often the native american, being thought of as more spiritual than the white man, was portrayed as an angel of death, as in such films like "one flew over the cuckoo's nest", and now in "deadman" here


reposted from elsewhere, just sharing

I spy a goblin. In my catmint induced space ... for I am afterall only a cat .... my nose twitches .. I smell decaff coffee ... dear, sweet little goblin, fear not that it is poison ... like as not it is just regular branded coffee full of dangerous and harmful additives...made by humans...for humans .. and in their infinite kindness no longer tested on animals (or indeed dear goblins) .. but tested on themselves.

"...so now my feline friend, would you have me drink some non poisonous coffee instead, so that I would live a little longer by it..." asked the goblin, breaking off for a moment to ask the girl at the counter for yet another cup, then adding "...ah, but the point of this life is not one's longevity in it, no, the point of life, if there has be one that is, is to grow ever more aware of it...", while outside the bistro, the winter's rain fell intermittently throughout the goblin's day off, "...well perhaps not then, no perhaps today we can delve into some inner awareness instead...", yet the rain was not amused by the goblin's comment, nor perturbed by the goblin's opinion on this matter neither, it just ignored the goblin entirely and just rained down as it must


repost from elsewhere, an american "last post" thread

another week another monday another day another time another place another me
"...ah no, never "another me" then, for I'm the only constant throughout, everything else passes again and again perhaps, yet one only passes once through..." mentioned the goblin in passing too


repost from elsewhere, the "Christmas tree" thread

"...well, each year up goes the same old artificial tree again..." mentioned the goblin in passing, continuing "...where I suppose it just marks the passing of the season for me now, where once long ago it had been a potent symbol of some wondrous expectation within me, no not that I mind at this point my seeing through the workings of the trick where gifts miraculously would appear at its base, and yet, somewhere inside of me still, ever this spell of it's excitement expectation and pleasure remains, as if in looking at this tree once more, all those childhood and youthful ghosts of christmases past were simply summoned back once more by this one artificial tree here..."


74 308http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2420
repost from elsewhere

"...funny how in writing that other post about the artificial christmas tree that I put up each year, those bittersweet memories of past christmases had just crossed my mind, of people gone, of houses lost, and of other cherished memories quite beyond me now..." mentioned the goblin reminiscing for a moment then continuing "...and I remember too, my grandmother relating how she hated dreams because the moment she woke up she was blind again, well it's something like that I suppose, this growing old is about being brave isn't it, yet maybe I'm wrong then, and just occasionally with christmas it might be good to "look back" grateful to be able to "look on" today for who knows how often we will be able to "look forward to" tomorrow...", and one day the goblin too would just join his ghosts then, yes he knew that he belonged to them eventually, smiling "...so merry christmas then, where a merry christmas is good and proper, agreed, yet all that doesn't make it any easier to accept one's growing older..."


repost from elsewhere

I guess that is why sex is often used as leverage in a relationship and women feel they are giving up more when giving their bodies to a man, but men don't really get it, because they are thinking the women are enjoying it as much as they are, and so think they are also doing the woman a favour by sleeping with her. In reality the woman is using the sex to try and secure the relationship, and don't understand why men don't appreciate what they have 'sacrificed' for men

"...interesting post..." remarked the goblin who knew too, that the older he became the more that act's outcome grew uncertain, while his inner stirred emotions too, became increasingly complicated by those very compromises that you mention there, "...so, for me at least, this internet has changed everything, in that, if I agree understanding that she is only doing it to secure the relationship as you put it, then this alternative, of relating anonymously upon forumland just seems both more prudent and more honest towards myself then...", probably explaining why the goblin preferred an inconsequential meeting of minds on forumland than all that deception and those responsibilities of dailylife relationships, where for his other nagging need, there were always those girly sites where urge once quenched he could then return to his writing again, saying "...my emotions do not get the better of me, yes but this compromise too, is hardly something that I'm proud of either..."


repost from elsewhere, someone who had posted a music stream by satie

the goblin loved that piece by satie, saying "...quite haunting isn't it...", while softly outside the quiet night too slowly reminded the goblin that he should have been asleep by now if not before, and yet, in reposting his posts here, he had got caught up in their editing again, where once more those little typos clearly had all the hallmark of that whyly dislexsick fairy upon them, and where not her actually, the likes of ambiguity, contradiction and vagueness vied for the goblin's attention here, "...ah yes, I'm quite mad..." said the goblin about it, continuing "...indeed, but not just any old madness will do for me it seems, no each studied madness has to retain a conveyed continuity throughout for it is to be credible to its reader, for like hypnosis, it's all suggestive here and only works through one's imagination upon a willing subject...", the goblin knew there was more, but the thieving clock and the sandman were quite adamant in their calling out "off to bed with you goblin, for tomorrow you'll regret how you hadn't slept sooner", yet the goblin had long realised that there was always a regret wherever choice is concerned, or else there wouldn't be a choice that is, simply he continued editing on regardless of the late passing hour, just it seemed the lesser of two regrets



repost from elsewhere, the "can this forum survive" thread

Yeah, the goblin is just like that raccoon that goes thru your trash every night. It keeps coming back, night after night after night. Ya' can't decide whether to trap him and locate him, or just shoot his pesky ass. But no way are you gonna' make it a pet.
"...your best post yet..." smiled the goblin noting how xxxxx's posts too were clearly on the ups now, adding "...I would put it more that I'm a creature that one likes to chase at times, only that in chasing me one grows those very attributes that slowly turns you into that which you are chasing here, for only one such as I catches one such as me if you see what I mean..." where forumland was both vast as fast and far to forgiving for one's own good, especially if one didn't finally see that it was never what one posted at all, that which would all be forgotten soon enough anyway, ah no, instead it was that ability to post that came with the practice of chasing goblins across forumland perhaps that made the poster noteworthy, smiling "...just no forum I'm on fails, why, because you've read this far again haven't you where your ignore switch will not abate your curiosity towards this one bit MYAHAHAHAHA..."

repost from elsewhere, the lupusbot's forum, the last post thread

Lupusbot is back! Pain is still hanging around but it needs to go away...perhaps if I quit over using it on this keyboard might help! I'm so glad you didn't forget this board. I'm bringing everyone back here from xxxxx website as they will start charging in July.. Now I'm last.. I won!

"...yes you did win too, but do not win for my sake, come whenever, post whatever, as I really wouldn't have it any other way now..." replied the goblin, adding "...you see, this thread is only meant for real winners, and what I mean by "winning" is just not giving up, nor or giving in, to one's dailylife here...", so the goblin knew that if he posted to please xxxxx, it would be so fake that he would just fail, no, he too was on his journey to self here, saying "...elsewhere I am either a famous livewriter or just a vial troll depending on who reads me, yet here I am just your friend, so win through this and I will be here when you post now, and here when you don't even..."


repost from elsewhere, an american "last post" thread

"..still making me think xxxxx..." said the goblin loving it, adding "...but what if there were a slippery slope here, where it simply starts off as something innocent and acceptable enough and then descends as something more sinister...", of course the goblin was now thinking about the swiss in their recent "no" vote, thus banning minarets from being built in switzerland, "...for example, an analogy then, what if some forum were to first throw out all the trolls, then to move to those who use bad language, from there to those who posted nudity in any form, on to the those whose opinion are too radical, etc., until only the admin and his clones remained, in short what a "narrow minded" forum it would then become in the end, albeit one that might well have reached those aims though a consensus or by democratic means even at in this case...", simply the goblin was thinking back now, to how correct and enticing same type n*zi message must have sounded to mr average during the pre war depression years who, when faced with the twin burdens of a hyper inflation on the one hand, and political impotence on the other, wanted something done, so the goblin merely concluded "...lets pray then that this minaret vote here was just a "one off" then, or conversely let's worry about who might be next then on their list now..."


76 314http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2454
repost from elsewhere, just sharing

the goblin sits in the bistro again, readying his brain for "take off" that is, "...ah, just a little more imagination and I will be out of here in my own world once more...", though meanwhile he just looks at the group of middle aged men chatting and drinking away next to him, dismissing them as somewhat old school, "...ah now, there but for the grace of forumland goes me then..." he types into the slot observing them still, while the white wine remains ever their preferred medium of escape it seems, adding "...their choice I know, and perhaps it's the same escape we all seek too, our escape from dailylife, though tomorrow they'll just be back here once more, while I'll be editing this portrayal of them I guess, this is, of their drowning in their drinks only to be flung back onto some shore of sobriety afterwards in some senseless repetition, at the same altar again, that same ritual, with exactly the same result too...", not that this shore of sobriety was very forgiving for that matter, for what did it ever offer one instead now "...and besides, what does this life owe anyone anyway..."asked the goblin once more as he escaped away onto forumland in his turn


repost from elsewhere, someone who, after ten year, had finally bought that jukebox she wanted

the goblin could relate to xxxxx's post now, for in his past too, there was a simple seaside fryup place with a jukebox in the corner, where the goblin would place his few coins to the hear "sitting at the dock of the bay" once more, the only song he seemed to like amongst the choice he remembered, while outside the place, that blustery day would simply pass in its uncomplicated course, "...I think at that age I had little concept of either the passing of time, or the value of money, I, much like that blustery day then, was just there without any consequence it seemed...", afterwards, the goblin would stroll back between that old defiant seawall and unsettled turbulent beach, over sea grasses and sand dunes, cross heaps of pebbles that as if chorused his quick steps of those last childhood days with a springy crunch each time, somehow the goblin was racing the approach of evening time in a promise to be home before nightfall he recalled, for the word "late" in those days only had one meaning, yet today it's only its other meaning that comes to the fore whenever the goblin thinks back upon it

sitting on the dock of the bay otis redding


75 316http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2475
repost from elsewhere

the goblin thought he was thinking now, saying "...the trouble is that I could equally be "not thinking much" and my life would still pass just the same...", though the goblin's dream last night had been of a naughty boy of about 6 or 7 years old, who had, as if in a dare then, entered his parent's house, and walked up to the goblin and said "hello" and then retreated being followed out into the garden where unfriendly neighbors were angry for causing such the commotion amongst them, or ill will, or whatever then, "...well that's just what you get for suppressing thoughts I suppose..." mused the goblin to himself thinking about it now, continuing "...ah yes, but it does seem pretty obvious as to who that little child in my dream really is though, and yes, he's played that same prank on me a number of times now, and sometimes, like in this case when it's being "dad's time" now, I just know he's going to play the same prank again, while at other times he just suddenly appears out of nowhere and takes someone away with him, oh I guess I should just accept him and his prank too, but he often gets the better of my emotions whenever I haven't seen his coming, for simply he comes for each of us in the end..."


repost from elsewhere, the "what are you doing" thread

the goblin was casting spells with his pen, saying "...well it only has to please one person, but even that won't happen if I'm too timid about it...", while outside the bistro though, the snow fell upon little puffs of smoke below rising out from the huddled mass of a few remaining smokers who drank their coffees at the tables provided for them as if in some defiance to that anti-smoking rule within the bistro now, and also in defiance too, against that continuous snowfall it seemed, in fact the goblin admired their courage even, saying "...well, if they ever wanted to look cool by smoking, guess they've succeeded all too well at this point..."


repost from elsewhere

"...so the passion just comes to its climax each time, and then I'm stuck back in my reality once more..." ventured the goblin to the muse over the coffee table in his usual bistro now done up in christmas style now, continuing "...so I am no longer sure what really gives me the most pleasure here, oh yes, I have those needs, like everyone else has, which can be relieved by indulging myself, yet they only seem to return me back to myself afterwards and always at a price too...", somehow to the goblin it was the same for drink, as it was for food, and for those computer games too, in fact for whatever then just everything returned one, but the muse just looked back at the goblin till, after a while, she opened up her empty hands to him saying "...well now, that does rather betray your age here goblin, I mean, if you really do understand at this point that "everything returns you to yourself afterwards", then simply you've swapped your previous delusions for your present day disillusions, which admittedly is progress all the same...", and, although the goblin could follow her logic clearly, he could never quite tell if she wasn't actually laughing at him too


76 319http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2497
repost from elsewhere, someone talking her past bad relationships

the goblin enjoyed xxxxx's post then, but wondered why anyone needs a relationship, if and where that price is just too high, saying "...surely if it is just someone to relate oneself to, then our internet is quite adequate in its way...", in fact, the goblin accepted his own situation as married with children for what it was then, but he also knew deep down that he could probably get by if it were otherwise, saying "...well, I guess I could live both in a relationship just as could get by by alone too, where neither are ideal, and where both are simply compromises with compensations..."


repost from elsewhere

"...friendless is not friendless, for jesus is your friend..." repeated the goblin, adding "...well yese, and where not though, there's that thoughtful nigirian guy who keeps emailing you that that you have inherited a fortune, oh and his friend too who wants to do wonders for your lovelife with viagra pills, and let's not forget those banks that want to loan you money, and yet others who offer holidays and all types of things, so there you go then, you can't complain that you're lonely ever again, as yes, "for this internet age is all about bringing people together..."


repost from elsewhere

The internet cannot make your skin tingle with joy, nor put its arms around you and share the joy or share the burdens in life. The internet will never make me smile or scream or Wink like a real man does.
the goblin agreed that this internet could never be one's reality now, one's dailylife then, for it was one's virtual reality after all, yet didn't one's dailylife too eventually go south now, so the goblin simply explained "...whichever then, but one day we will be old and ugly in this dailylife these because our aspirations are quite transient as if slowly slipping though our fingers ever further away from our youthful prime...", in fact, the goblin's relationships had been truly physical once, but at this point he felt it was time to prepare himself for his "by self then" future, admitting "...only young once I suppose, yet once was probably enough for me...", and yet, compared with the old fart's future that look bleak, the goblin's future looked most opitune, continuing "...ah yes, guess one will just have to be brave it out in dailylife, as one can't go back to being an innocent child or some willful youth, no, this wisdom eats through those happy aspirations of yesteryear and leaves sobriety in its wake, so I guess I'm just more awake and aware today towards my dailylife there, hardly a fair compensation agreed but still better than pure innocence I guess, yet one's persona upon forumland here doesn't go south, it leaves dailylife behind and goes wherever you would will it by the practice of your pen there..."


repost from elsewhere

I've been on a WW2 kick here lately watching all sorts of shows and documentaries about it and n*zies and stuff.

the goblin was thinking of that term "moron" knowing that most people would equate it as a medical term of someone with down's syndrome perhaps, thinking wrongly that the word had originated from that source then, where in fact, it was a term had been invented in 1910 by henry h goddard, a leading advocate for the use of intelligence testing in societal institutions including hospitals, schools, the legal system and the military no less, "...ah, the advocate of eugenics in america now..." started the goblin, continuing "...established the intelligence testing program on ellis island in 1913 too, not forgetting the immigration act of 1924 it lead to, and president calvin coolidge's comment upon signing it of "america must remain american"...", but the goblin also remembered this was universal here, not just germany or america now, everywhere had some sort of segregation in place, "...goddard also publicly supported race-group differences on army IQ tests (army alpha and beta) during world war I, and claimed that the results showed that americans were unfit for democracy even..." breaking off to conclude "...the paper was then used repeatedly to defend the various "scientific racism" movements worldwide, of which one country in particular latched onto its findings with a vengeance and evolved it even beyond those then norms of "institutionalization" and "sterilization" here, so in fact, the first victims of the n*zies were these very same morons then, as if once more, some slippery slope, which had started with a gentle plausible curve of well meant good intentions that is, had then turned evil and hideous beyond imagination here..."


repost form elsewhere

So... You're saying the Holocaust was America's fault?
"...naah, I haven't mentioned the holocaust, nor faulted anyone neither, as for the post was simply that of eugenics and the liquidation of persons deemed of low IQ here, so please don't read into it stuff I haven't written there..." mentioned the goblin "...besides, I think it's clear that the nazis would have done what they did regardless of whether their IQ testing method came from america now...", no, the problem for the goblin here was more one of those intentions again, where certain ideas can look so beneficial at the outset only to lead to dire consequences later, where for example a parallel could be drawn with something like the kirkpatrick doctrine on the one hand and with the neoconservative doctrine on the other, in that they too suggest that a beneficial end justifies any means to it, and then the goblin just voiced "...oh yes, those two again, the former being "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kirkpatrick doctrine and the latter being "divide and conquer" neoconservative doctrine, and a fat lot of good they do any country that tries to implement either of those two then, since former results in a "pact with the devil" and the latter results in "mistrust all round"..."


77 324http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2536
repost from elsewhere

the goblin was simply recounting here, the scene today of two men dragging the dead stag by their ropes across the snow, and how a clear trail of red marked their slow progress, and of course the people on the mountain-train looking on were so dismayed at it all, so the goblin had to explain something to them, saying "...folks, it's the hunting season where only the males are killed, and where those trappers, since there are no big predators left in the alps today, play the part of the wolves now...", in fact, it was almost too easy to forget that most of the animals of the forest met their deaths at the jaws of other animals, adding "...oh yes, nature might be beautiful and picturesque to look at, but it is still cruel all the same..."


repost from elsewhere, another moment in the past then

so the new year just had the goblin noticing how that distance between his children as they were and himself now had narrowed over the years now, though not so much in thoughts or emotions here, more simply that they had aged, as the goblin had aged too, as if mirroring one another then like a tadpole that had come to resemble its parent frog then, "...no, not that I want it or them to be tadpoles still, only that those little children of my early years have long gone now, and it was a horrible shock to wake up one morning and actually notice how much it had progressed then, between those little ones, where one once had at every step on the way to explain, and even fight, to get them to be responsible here, and these responsible near adults who today need no prompting about their future..." mentioned the goblin at a time of year where these differences just become more evident it seems, adding "...so the sudden shock gives way to an acceptance but the past progressing in the present is always bitter/sweet is it not..."


repost from elsewhere

the goblin loved his wife and children then, but at times reminded himself of something, really that there were no certainties beyond that of one's eventual decline and inevitable exit here, saying "...any one of us could be next, to die or to suffer something that is...", in fact the goblin's workmate, the one who was so looking forward to his retirement this year had just had a cerebral hemorrhage, so the goblin simply counted his blessings once more, repeating "...say what you will, to me at least to live is to win, and yet, to be able to post too, well that kind of doubles that winning in my view, where neither one's dailylife, nor this internet for that matter, owes one anything, and perhaps by just reminding oneself of this simple fact from time to time makes our short duration together all the more important now..."


repost from elsewhere, the "what are you doing" thread

the goblin had been editing, simply weeding out those pictures that no longer came through while going over the texts again, saying "...the easiest way is just to start up an edit thread somewhere and repost stuff to it then, where most of the pictures reappear if one transfered the link from a dead album to one's own photo album...", where somehow the goblin always looked generous until one knew his motives were quite selfish, but one had to be selfish on forumland, simply selfishness had a staying power that selflessness hadn't, "...it's like most things I suppose, the effort has to be both constant and selfish for it to become one's nature and worth it, otherwise one simply slips back into how one was originally, so here's to my defiance to the last I suppose..." mentioned the goblin seeing how far he had come from where he had first started out from, a lone dyslexic, and all so aware that one day it would slip into one's past and vanish, exclaiming "...ah, but that day is not today folks and not today by a long chalk too..."


78 328 2573
repost from elsewhere

the goblin was thinking about the term he had coined icy dicey which was basically the four letters ICDC as in "inflationary caused devaluation of currency", something that although one will never hear it mentioned on the media as such, was exactly what is happening now, saying "...you see, if you can't actually pay back a debt but you still own those printing presses, you can always devalue the debt though inflation here...", exactly what russia did after the fall of the wall, and guess what then, the fed this year has printed more dollars than at any point in its previous history, "...simply, one only has to carefully avoid those two extremes, of either "hyper inflation" or "deflation" that is, while distracting voters with stuff like "climate change" and "terrorism" now..." mentioned the goblin at it, and somehow icy dicey seemed aptly put he felt, in that it was a very risky policy indeed if the masses ever cottoned on to what was happening to their pensions and savings that is

