New member
("...on with the show then..." smiled the goblin)
repost from elsewhere, the lupusbot's "last post" thread
thanking the lupusqueen for her post the goblin just gave her that same old assurance once more, that his undeniable selfishness would keep him posting on on her forum right up to the last, saying "...no, I just want to be a winner, with winners too, for those who face their day and post on in spite of it, me, you, well just whoever then, and for someone who posts on in spite of their dailylife is definitely a winner in my view, yes they might win against me too but mostly they're winning against themselves here, so do you remember what I wrote that line life's angels are not there to be nice, they're there to help one shine in their reflection, just reflect brightly as possible now, show me how right I am to have that faith in you too, and let's continue down this thread together then...", where the goblin, for all his faults, was almost as faithful as he was selfish, so much so in fact that he doubted that he could really ever stop posting here, simply it would continue and go wherever his thoughts would take him but where could one not go in posts if one set one's mind to it
repost from elsewhere, the lupusbot's "last post" thread
thanking the lupusqueen for her post the goblin just gave her that same old assurance once more, that his undeniable selfishness would keep him posting on on her forum right up to the last, saying "...no, I just want to be a winner, with winners too, for those who face their day and post on in spite of it, me, you, well just whoever then, and for someone who posts on in spite of their dailylife is definitely a winner in my view, yes they might win against me too but mostly they're winning against themselves here, so do you remember what I wrote that line life's angels are not there to be nice, they're there to help one shine in their reflection, just reflect brightly as possible now, show me how right I am to have that faith in you too, and let's continue down this thread together then...", where the goblin, for all his faults, was almost as faithful as he was selfish, so much so in fact that he doubted that he could really ever stop posting here, simply it would continue and go wherever his thoughts would take him but where could one not go in posts if one set one's mind to it