• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

just editing some posts here

can you not behave.

"...well I do do my best to behave here..." ventured the goblin resting his chin upon his hand thinking it over now before suddenly continuing "...in that none of my posts show any malice intentionally, only that I behave in such a manner that is befitting to my nature I suppose, though enough about me here, so how about you now, how do you see your posts luvs if I may ask then, I mean I saw that you have a talent that could get you a readership even if you lack focus and probably don't see the need for it, such a pity when one only lives once now, no they won't read books by looks of things, so just what are they reading mostly plus how does one square this circle then is all I'm pointing out here perhaps...", at which point the goblin looked over the text to feel for its picture just like he went over the text to test its fluidity, smiling "...a sense of audience and a feeling of deadline too, what more could any one goblin want with his coffee in the bistro this morning..."

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repost from elsewhere, the "what are you thinking" thread

the goblin was thinking upon this growing debt again that was now overtaking the system thus turning most people into fighters out for their own survival rather than their becoming family units, that job trust in light of this upside-down demographic pyramid had became something increasingly discredited, "...somewhat understandable though, where people live longer having fewer children, for the resulting demographic equation is obvious..." ventured the goblin continuing "...and yet most people still want things as they were before, as do the money markets too, propped up by ourdearmedia where they place such faith in green shoots, and turnarounds but the demographic equation just laughs at them still as the fundamentals go unchecked in their continued downturn...", strangely, in writing this post the goblin had suddenly remembered an observation he had made almost thirty years ago, recounting "...it was a simple conjecture on my part in my youth, that in a communist counties finances were their undoing, whereas in a capitalist countries demographics were, and yet, at that time, I was only somewhat sure about the former, but sadly now I live in an age where the latter has become self-apparent too, just ours is to witness I suppose..."


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repost from elsewhere

How do you have so much time to make so many long posts?
"...simple..." replied the goblin, continuing "...one soon learns that most things in this life are either mere distractions or obligations, I mean in the end all that one actually has of oneself are one's thoughts and feelings, where one's health, one's wealth, one's family and friends are not promised to one at all, only that this life is merely an assumption of certainty is it not, but this fact really sinks in through the pain of losing someone quite unexpectedly, then one realizes the truth that nobody actually has any more life than anyone else, meaning it's time to put everything into one's posts while one still has that time to do so, for this life is not twice where the cutoff point is simply whenever..."


repost from elsewhere, goblin doing "swot the bot" again

Please admin can this thread be removed to the padded cell forum, where the previous poster will be given a nice back to front coat and and a lovely hot cup of sedatives. And he can mumble on quietly to himself, without disturbing the other residents.
"...hello, this is an automated reply, thank you for posting to goblin's fabulous edit thread here ..." went the cordial voice of goblin's fully automated reply to spam machine, continuing "...unfortunately, the goblin whom you are seeking is not able to come to the thread at the point though if you would to leave yet another spam, please leave it after the "off my planet mortal MYAHAHAHAHAHAHA" signal, thank you..."


this life is merely an assumption of certainty

This life is merely an assumption of uncertainty?

Quality time is not all forums and post quantity as that will only last for those that read forums and partake in forumland for a period of time. :sad:

I read but often just ignore and soon forget what does not have meaning. I do find some value in some of your posts as I can see you put a lot of thought and personal feelings into your writings which are often misunderstood by many. Your expressions of inner thought via the goblin is the way you are able to hide your thoughts, feelings and identity from others. :biggrin:
"...only that this life is merely an assumption of certainty is it not..." voiced the goblin
This life is merely an assumption of uncertainty? Quality time is not all forums and post quantity as that will only lasts for those that read forums and partake in forumland for a period of time. I read but often just ignore and soon forget what does not have meaning. I do find some value in some of your posts as I can see you put a lot of thought and personal feelings into your writings which are often misunderstood by many. Your expressions of inner thought via the goblin is the way you are able to hide your thoughts, feelings and identity from others.

(the goblin's mind was on fire now, while smiling euphorically to the words "...writers write, readers read, but us livewriters..., guess we're cheats in our way for we feed to be fed here, much like you have done now, kane's raccoon post was near to the mark then...", in fact, thinking back now the goblin had thought death was the only certainty really where life was ever that uncertainty here, yet since no one could live like there was no tomorrow they simply assumed that that tomorrow would be a continuation of today then, just that they fitted so well into their dailylives that they thought it as their all, till either the noticed the truth for themselves or had the wild card dealt to them thus waking them up, still smiling "...feel free to post here whenever the need or mood takes now, keep me company still, for the night is young as they say...", where yes the goblin was young in the night still for he didn't much like the light of day anymore)

repost from the goblin's blog

"...something stronger than now remains,..." and with this bland belief the goblin faced the life to come, somehow the goblin could not believe that all this had no point, the nursing home, his mother's dementia and the ebbing of the tiem remaining, all this should at least mean more than just "now", perhaps the goblin should have said "...something stronger than me remains..." but it was hard for the goblin to imagine a future without a "me" or a "now", in other people perhaps but not about himself, his vanity invented loopholes that his reason couldn't accept, just goblins it seemed were no different from the rest of us


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repost from elsewhere, the "what are you thinking" thread

well, for one example then, the goblin was now thinking of the government's pension system and equating it to that illegal pilot game again, where the newer members simply paid in their dues to the older ones there, and seeing that, like that game then, it was only really sustainable as long as new members kept joining in, though eventually though the pyramid would collapse if and where the receivers grew to outnumber payers as in the case of an ageing populations of most nation states, so the question for the goblin now was simply one of how to word his thoughts a in a way that was both amusing and clear, saying "...in fact, no idea is actually new in itself, nor is it really one's own idea neither, as ideas are just inanimate concepts that anyone can hit upon with a bit of thought..." he paused, looking over what he had said, and then continued "...no only that, in wording out any idea in my own way the idea becomes both me and mine to me, doesn't it...", just it was as if the goblin followed the path of his thoughts with his pen now, and, regardless of what he actually wrote, where it only returned him ever to his the journey to self each time


repost from elsewhere

the goblin always appreciated this forum then, saying "...just I need to be near people where I am not fighting at this point but I'll go back into the fray there later...", simply today too, the goblin had got himself banned again, explaining ",...sometimes the temptation to play "swot the bot" upon landing somewhere is just too great, sometimes it's just what I am that's not accepted...", in fact, the goblin was never rude, and helped anyone who wished to write to do so, only that it was his journey to self here where somehow it seemed to be paved with felled bots by now, saying "...oh and the shame of it all, where I am so gentle by nature promise MAHAHAHA..."


80 368 2863
repost from elsewhere

me i am going to be cremated, like patrick swayze and paul newman,and i told my hubby i want my ashes
sprinkled out to sea with lots of rose petals

the goblin knew that as a persona he himself could never die as such, saying "...guess one day I will have to sprinkle the old fart's ashes somewhere too, where by then these posts will be as those rose petals you mention there perhaps..."

repost from elsewhere

My comment was about untimely death, as the last year ended with that and sadly the new one began with that too. Which gave me cause to remember other untimely deaths, of lives cut short.............

the goblin just repeated "...funny, how often it turns into some a trade-off then, simply of some newfound sad awareness replacing one's previous hazy happiness here, and how one wishes that the death hadn't come too, and feels somehow cheated in this exchange then, only that it has happened now and that one is so awake by it too, so aware then, simply reminded perhaps that this life owes one nothing, ah no it never did owed one anything at all did it..."


repost from elsewhere

what a beautiful place forumland is turning out to be, felt the goblin, who was dealing with so many consecutive threads at once now, saying "...well this is exactly why my dailylife is a thief, and why one's journey to self here is no game at all, no, other people's deaths should make one reappraise one's priorities a bit, and yet, time and again, one delays that appraisal for those more pressing matters of dailylife because one's dailylife continues around one in distraction, what of it, well I hope that in posting, which is facing this slot here, grows an awareness in all of us that everything is a mere assumption of certainty, that life is ever momentary owing us nothing...", in fact, gnostics didn't pray, nor would the goblin for that reason, but his mind was focused on the big picture still and he wouldn't let it pass without looking upon the importance of it, saying "...both birth and death are two very thin moments are they not, reminding one that something wonderful is ever close at hand, no, nothing to actually believe in, yet everything to know about, surely one's journey to self is not some set religion, it's just a evident result from feeding the slot like this, that of facing oneself in posts and of seeing what comes out of it, just a journey then...", "...wait, they'll suspect you're mad now goblin..." went those voices in the background once more, "...and as if they didn't know that much already then..." replied the goblin, adding "...but at least now they'll know why I continue this journey in my madness..."


repost from elsewhere, a writer's site

"...ah now..." started the goblin, continuing "...wouldn't it be more true to say that for every one person who opens an ebook these days, simply hundreds more are just turning up upon this internet in some form or other, so much so that even some of the best authors have dumped their publishers for going directly with amazon, why, because you have to ask yourself where your readers will be...", no, the goblin wasn't saying that books were in any way dead nor dying, the goblin was not arguing that the internet would entirely kill off the books in the way that television had mostly killed off the radio, but what was so evident to him was that the internet was turning book reading into a residual market share, so the goblin continued "...simply the standard writing ways as we know them are becoming something residual now, where if that is so, here is your chance to get into livewriting then, and no, there are no set rules about how one writes in one's posts upon forumland here, with no gurus to help you neither, instead there is only you figuring out what works for yourself, but then again isn't that just a wonderful freedom too, for here we are all equal where if you're interesting enough, people will flock to read you, and forgive whatever writing style you choose, whereas if not, you might write as correctly as you wish but still your hitcount, something that doubles up as your readership here, will be as minimal as your posts deserve...", in fact, anyone reading this post stood upon the threshold of their writing in posts too, no nothing came between them and this forumland here, it just took determination then


81 372http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2899
repost from elsewhere

the goblin liked everyone here, saying "...you are what you post where actually there is nothing stopping those others too, from posting something really interesting that is, only that there is this undercurrent across forumland out there of oh well, since everyone else posts like a moron, then I too, must post like a moron now", simply that was MTV's tactic all along, as in oh please do accept me, because I'm just another moron like the rest of you are...", in fact, that's how fashions become cliques that reject those who don't buy into them then, "...and today folks this moron fashion is predominant on forumland is it not..." mentioned the goblin seeing it for what it was where he for one was not going to buy into it, no, he would post for himself and be damned for it too


repost from elsewhere, the goblin summing up a livewriter in his view

"...what you see here..." the goblin started then continued "...is simply one's persona made up of four components, their being one's "username" "avatar" "writing style" and "content"...", yet the goblin suspected that it was all too complicated to explain in one post, only that livewriters tended to keep everything as uniform as possible across forumland, perhaps as a self marketing ploy but more likely just as way to keep things simple in their reposting habit, so the goblin opened up a bit, explaining "...well, the username has to be uncommon enough for it to turn up one's other threads when googled as mine does, though not too difficult for someone not to remember it, the avatar, in my case a penguin, expresses both my current linux os with its anonymity here, where this writing of writing in third person simply forces the writer to choose a mask, a goblin in this case, which lastly leaves content where the content is the most crucial part of all the components, for without it everything else becomes meaningless...", oh and yes, the goblin had been right, for he hadn't explained the half of it, which didn't really matter because normal people ever read this far neither


repost from elsewhere, the goblin editing posts on what he thought was a dead forum

Freaking weirdo.
"...well I never, if it isn't xxxxx returned here then..." went the happy goblin surprised by this chance encounter now, but then adding "...and to what do we owe the pleasure of this courtesy call back to here I wonder...", where the goblin for his part only needed resting places to revamp his posts each time, feeling that that here too was somewhere perfectly secluded yet not so it seems, saying "...yes funny creatures humans, they always see things in such simple terms of forum membership, whereas I have seen literary hundreds of forums come and go in my time, so to me I'm alone storing these posts upon places that I can both create edit show and store them...", which was all true enough, plus the goblin took note other people's comments too if any, just that their company never changed that equation here, that of "the number of posts that one wishes to air/edit/backup is ever set against the duration of time remaining", smiling "...I mean, don't you ever notice yourself in all this posting, and how it's as much your equation now as it is mine then...", just the individual was measured against the time remaining

repost from elsewhere

the goblin didn't drink, or more truthfully he had shared a glass of white wine occasionally, feeling too, that his brain needed saving for the future, a flawed logic he suspected since it somewhat depended upon an assumption of a tomorrow that might not be, yet most people did die with much of their potential left unused and with their money still in the bank, saying "...yes, I am poor though not because of what I actually possess, more because I don't know how long I'll need it now, so one carries this responsibility for one's future by holding back and saving on..." and the longer the goblin anticipated his life to be simply the poorer one became by it, somehow that line old young is old long just seemed apt here, saying "...no only in my childhood did I ever live for today, so the me now is one that lives projected into the future, ah but at least that's better than the me who lives in the past I suppose..."


repost from elsewhere, chatting with another livewriter at homebase

Looks like you are contagious Flea, as I have had my first "Locked Thread" this evening

"...well there are more forum/venues on forumland than there are stars in the night's sky, so let them see somewhere else what they missed out upon..." replied the goblin in a comforting tone adding "...and besides too, forums are like gigs where one doesn't know how it'll turn out till one lands upon the thread/stage itself, but that's the challenge xxxxx, and the reward too, like when one finally steals the show as you have done elsewhere already...", but a livewriter simply journeyed across forumland not being tied down by anywhere upon it, adding "...me, I'm doing about ten landings this week, some are promising, most seem dead losses though, but it's all practice though as I am trying to correct my two weaknesses now, first that of my playing "swot the bot" even if those prats deserve it end even if some of my best putdowns originate from it, and that other problem of going too fast in a wish to air/edit/backup my posts, something like causing indigestion due to their being fed too quickly then...", anyway the goblin simply knew that most admins were territorial by nature and quite authoritarian in practice, so their "double posting" rules with those other little oddities had to be allowed for until it was clear that the asking price was too much to remain, where then alone one moved on without the slightest regret whatsoever, whereupon the goblin explained "...yes, their locking your threads, deleting your posts, and booting you out too, are all their prerogative there, yet your responsibility is not towards those transient forums anyway, no it's towards the integrity of your posts while those posts are you by them then, ah but having pointed this much out, you'll still need those forum/venues to perform on, thus land as we do and become livewriters by it..."


repost from elsewhere, the trolls again "swot the bot" time

Are you telling us to get out of your thread................? I feel discouraged.
"...not at all..." replied the goblin, who in the end somehow realized that he was actually teaching the trolls how to write, yet where not there were those pictures and smileys that they could post instead, adding "...more popcorn bots, so now would you like me to be your mentor or tormentor here, either way then, don't we both know that there can only be one goblin at the end of this..."


repost from elsewhere

Wouldn't it be better to commit them to paper, or some more permanent or enduring medium?

"...ah now first off nothing is ever safe whichever way it is stored, moreover a drawer has no response, and as long as it is posted over many forums eventually one will come across a reply that makes me think, much like yours has, though thinking alone is never enough for me, no it has to be actually made into a post to get that thought right with a picture to convey its image too, and then both text and picture are reposted to air/edit/backup it across forumland..." mentioned the goblin who, much like calling over some giant forumland forest, has perfected his own call then while listening out for the calls of others here, adding "...well yes, from the outset the forest perfects the calls of those creatures who would call across its canopy, yes, but the forest also grows the nature of those creatures too, so much so that forumland simply changes those who would remain here into those personas you now recognize by their being much as you read then, for what you write writes you back..."


repost from elsewhere, advising an admin about how to the rounds

the goblin too was an old hand at this, saying "...to be honest I don't really see it as the forum and the admin at two things apart anymore, more like the admin becomes the forum's mask when visiting...", though the next bit seemed hard to explain, so thinking upon it the goblin ventured "....imagine yourself as a performer then, this thread being your stage, and this forum as your venue too, in other words "you are playing once more on this stage here on this forum", well imagine too, if one built up such as admin-persona that the moment that one landed somewhere, the members there would then associate you with your forum again, almost as if that "that forum being here by your being here" where your persona plays the part of your ambassador doubling up for your advertisement too, just something recognized by the others without undue advertise as both you and your forum together...", so the goblin had boiled persona down to "username", "avatar", "writing style" and "content", where each of those components he kept uniform throughout for the widest possible recognition here, simply they're being the same each time and everywhere too, "...yes self marketing perhaps, or a leaf from mcdonalds methods book even, but remember too, that none of this makes any sense without coming up with that content to go with it all, thus "content" is crucial here, but content should be matched by association, one's other talents then, for one plays a mixture of both ambassador and visiting act by it..."


repost from elsewhere, the troll's forum their "last post" thread

Psssst xxxxx get out of this thread, we aint allowed in here .............
"...no silly, of course you're allowed in here as we do need very light relief from time to time, besides, I'm still thinking over and appreciating that other deep posts now..." said the goblin, suspecting that his reply to that would have to be in the morning then, concluding "...and so, without further ado now, I leave this thread in the more incapable hands of lesser mortals, with this signboard here that reads warning, the views expressed during this interval of my absence might be are those of trolls, and as such, do not necessarily constitute the views of this forum whose views in all probability are even worse, thank you..."


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repost from elsewhere

in that, the art reflects the temporary natures of our own existence. So I concede, the same may apply to your own endeavors.
“...well then...” started the goblin again, having thought it over now, continuing “...the great thing about being anonymous here, is that these posts, by that default then, belong to forumland now, so whatever happens to them really isn't my concern anymore, where instead only their creation concerns me still...”, the goblin was simply explaining that, at best, he would become a known unknown, but that, at the very least then, it would have been an adventure by it


82 382http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 2980
("...yay 3000hits, suppose I am what I am then..." went the goblin grateful to everyone though)

repost from elsewhere

being anonymous the goblin wasn't sure if it was social networking as such, but he posted across dozens of forums daily, saying "...well, for me at least, facebook seems a writer's nightmare, something like "hi, my name is adolf, oh, and guess what, I hang out at walmats too, eat at mcdonalds where I do my internet, here's my photo, all my dumb details, the films I like, my PSP3 games then, oh, and take at look at this, my heavy metal tattoo on my bum, and my signed poster of bing crosby himself, aren't I amazing, oh please do accept me as I have enough superficial paraphernalia or whatever for you to like me now"...", where perhaps the first thing a writer should actually be, is free from all that crap, just honest to himself each time..." simply the goblin was saying, that whenever he had grown close to someone on forumland, it had been solely on the merit of their words alone, for what else of them was really here now, they were, until they appeared in real life that is, just as anonymous as the goblin was, quite unable to prove anything about themselves then


repost from elsewhere

"...ah yes, that problem of one's being some finite self upon this infinite we know as forumland here..." voiced the goblin alone with his thoughts this gray sunday morning, continuing "...so perhaps a livewriter writes for himself alone with the integrity of the works being foremost in his mind, accepting that it can't be everywhere and that everywhere won't accept him neither, something good in itself since forumland offers both a wide choice of forum/venues to begin with and frees one from undue concern over the outcome, in short, the posts are submitted to the forum much in the manner as a writer would submit his work to an editor, yet only a fool would rely solely upon that forum alone, for how else could one become known across forumland, how else could one get a fair range of appraisals, how else can one edit and revamp one's posts repeatedly, and how else can one safeguard against their loss too, without being across as many forums as possible..." continuing "...thus by what I've said now here becomes yet another venue of one's many venues to air/edit/backup one posts across forumland, yet the venue gains the content of it too, win/win then...", in fact, the goblin was now on some of the most unlikeliest forums/venues going for exactly that very reason then, smiling "...no I get turfed out some places while other places close down of their own accord, not that that really matters for always I continue posting elsewhere again since one only lives once I guess and there's nowhere else to to..."


repost from elsewhere,

why bother

"...ah now I can relate, as you humans do often try to get by by not even trying I suppose, and thus feeling able to avoid any commitment to those big questions, but somehow perhaps their individuality too bars them from letting so easily and just becoming as superficial as everyone else seems, a doubt that they are somehow deeper, and perhaps it's from this inner depth and resulting dissatisfaction that one's journey to self starts in earnest then..." ventured the goblin whose journey to self was in his writing then, explaining "...that's all, where what I do in no big deal really, just that it's the only deal going though, unless one wants to give up and get by without even trying..."

repost from elsewhere

It's late ...insomnia has hit (darn menopause)....and time for bed. Tried to find something witty and interesting to say...but only have Miranda Lambert's "Dead Flowers" rolling around in my head.... Ohhh...it rhymes!

the goblin sympathized, and felt it only fair to explain something, saying "...at childbirth women are mommyfied, at menopause matronized, and at death deified perhaps...", in fact, the goblin loved women always, but was only too happy that his wife had had become a matron now, noting that before that it was rather like being married to some moon phased schizophrenic, with her ever so politely saying "...sorry darling I just feel my once a month is coming on..." and somewhere in the depths of the goblin's mind is a flight attendant is scrambling over her microphone "..your attention please, we seem to be heading into a slight patch of turbulence, we've run out of fuel and I think I saw bits of the engine falling off too, but please just return to your seat and carefully fasten you safety belt and pretend you haven't noticed, oh but l if we do crash at least you had her warning if it helps goblin..."


repost from elsewhere

Double postmuch?

the goblin always liked xxxxx thinking he was one, if not the only one, smart on that other forum, in fact, the goblin always backed up his stuff elsewhere, for even here too was in part a backup of some other places now, so the goblin spelled it out again, explaining "...you see, cross posting, which agreed does look like "double posting" or even "multi posting" here, stops both censorship and dataloss in their tracks, I mean imagine if I made a post that I didn't want to lose on a forum, then imagine too, what would happen if that forum unexpectedly folded, or more likely booted me out, game up, the post is lost, whereas this way, I don't worry at all, as I have a copy for myself that others can always see elsewhere..." simply, the goblin was saying that if one cared for one's posts then perhaps it better to repost them within some air/edit/backup criteria, concluding , "...oh yes, forumland airs your works for sure but it shouldn't ever be trusted to keep them for you, where forums like individual trees in a forest, sprout up and topple with annoying repetition...", somehow the goblin felt that xxxxx was joining up the dots of this plot then


repost from elsewhere

nice pic, pinches it
"...take that which you want as all that I have is everyone's..." replied the goblin, who in his turn had pinched it from somewhere else, saying "...ah but such is the bounty of our forays into forumland yonder is it not...", which admittedly was easier than his facing that other question of "so ok then, which forum has banned me today", "...ah, but one only loses when one gives up..." replied the goblin, adding "...so each post is a win of sorts, whereas to keep on posting across forumland till one's very last is a triumph indeed..." in fact, the goblin often wondered if he wasn't posting more for the pleasure of his ghosts in his head than for any potential reader on the forums around him now, concluding "...well yes, those readers are ok I suppose, but just like the forums too, they do come and go somewhat, whereas my ghosts, well let's just say that their apparitions can be relied upon to haunt me still..."


83 388http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 3058
repost from elsewhere

I will always be 'going through the motions', but 'holding back' a little, because my heart is not in it.

the goblin too, didn't know whether to put down to his ongoing age or to his writing perhaps, but he was growing ever more detached from his dailylife in his sentiments at least, saying "...funny, but maybe all this writing in third person has turned me into a third person by it, as in the difference between me and my surroundings...", where the goblin often joked that his motto was actually anonymous on the internet, invisible in dailylife, yet how piteously evident it had all become by now, even if it did seem the price of one's freedom of expression here, for how could one ever be both honest and known, saying "...no, it's one or the other now..."

