New member
repost from elsewhere
"...well, a lot depends on what you really want to get out of your posting here..." started the goblin, welcoming the new member to the forum, continuing "...simply, I would start out as a normal poster making friends and chatting for a couple years, and then, if and when you feel you have done some posts that are worth keeping amongst them, I would start to store them away somewhere, as that makes this posting all the more meaningful doesn't it, after which, you'll need to repost those stored posts elsewhere too if only to air/edit/backup them, and finally you might wish to add pictures to your post as that is how one gets good at illustrating...", in fact, the goblin had really appreciated the poster's question now, but then remembered that no one was forced to take their own posting seriously now, but the goblin saw his own posting as a journey to self here, and what a wondrous adventure it was all turning out to be
Hey. I'm pretty new to forums and anything like them, so I'm hoping for some friends. ^^ Anyone with any advice that stems beyond that which can be found within the helpful posts from the admins would be awesome. Thanks to anyone in advanced who posts.
"...well, a lot depends on what you really want to get out of your posting here..." started the goblin, welcoming the new member to the forum, continuing "...simply, I would start out as a normal poster making friends and chatting for a couple years, and then, if and when you feel you have done some posts that are worth keeping amongst them, I would start to store them away somewhere, as that makes this posting all the more meaningful doesn't it, after which, you'll need to repost those stored posts elsewhere too if only to air/edit/backup them, and finally you might wish to add pictures to your post as that is how one gets good at illustrating...", in fact, the goblin had really appreciated the poster's question now, but then remembered that no one was forced to take their own posting seriously now, but the goblin saw his own posting as a journey to self here, and what a wondrous adventure it was all turning out to be