i read a line or two that named an un-named 'luvs'.. then i got bored. sorry, goblin. snooze is better than that.
("...nothing to feel sorry about..." replied the goblin appreciatively, adding "...no, you're welcome to keep me company like this, so on with the show now, still got to edit them whatever the reception I guess...")
repost from elsewhere
the witchdoctor marked the money that had now returned to him again, saying "...see goblin, this way they always returns to me...", the goblin, who had been sitting nearby, didn't know what to believe but the logic didn't seem right at all, and yet here were those notes now, "...oh, it's not just money goblin, it's most things one wants and those one doesn't want even, I mean ever thought that it could be that "that those things you have now, actually sought you out", and that, "that those things you want now, are looking for you still", if so, then the question then is how to call them towards you, spells then, prayers perhaps, oaths even, so what do you think is really at work here my goblin friend...", the witchdoctor smiled as if remembering something, and then continued "...let me guess now goblin, my guess then is that your logic would have it that this blood here is to indent my memory of course, that this sacrificed animal was to jolt some deep feeling within me, and that the music together with the smoke was to elevate my mental state too, because that's what you see here of course, isn't it goblin, but in the end you're thinking that it is only me calling out for it to be, well maybe it is then, I can't prove anything to the contrary, but then again just look back at your own past goblin and count the number of times it has somehow seemed more than a coincidence that something has happened, as it has happened, when it has happened, and just when you seemed to have called deeply out for it too...", the goblin didn't directly reply to the witchdoctor who just continued dipping a lone finger into the warm blood again before touching each note in a slow deliberate manner, till eventually, with the last note that is, the witchdoctor just stopped, looked back across at the goblin again, and directly said "...you know goblin, the real difference between us is that your reason tells you that one can't just call something towards one, so you drown before the boat sinks in my view, whereas I keep calling everything towards me regardless of what my reason thinks..."