• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

just editing some posts here

repost from elsewhere

You do get out and about a bit do you buddy ? Smell the flowers and all that... Sometimes I worry for you posting intensely in a almost manic obsessed manner. Just sharing my feelings mate, cos I care

the goblin thanked the poster, and agreed that his life at this point was very forumland orientated where his dailylife in comparison just seemed mercifully uneventful now, saying "...yes I do like those things that this dailylife offers, but nothing really gets my mind going quite like all those responses across from those many forums I am on, where either I am helping someone enter into to this livewriting world, or replying about some current topic like now, or just fending off those trolls again, where each of which engages me at a depth that my dailylife, for all it's necessity even, simply doesn't...", while outside, it was raining and the captain had commanded her minion to fetch groceries again, plus the bedroom needs cleaning too, plus the goblin's coffeecup was empty now, but fortunately there was that postholics anonymous meeting tonight, online of course, where raving craving addicted posters could relate their ever losing battle to their postalotism with texts and underlying matching pictures again, adding "...I guess I live life to be able to reflect upon it, I mean not much point of having one without the other is there..."


repost from elsewhere, the trolls site's "last post" thread

"...wow, my very own troll fanmail, a great start to whatever..." went the goblin, who felt he should explain something saying "...well no, I suspect that the real difference between you trolls and us livewriters is that whereas you trolls try to get banned from forums, succeed, and get banned for it, us livewriters actually try to remain on those forums, fail, and get banned for it too...", where alas deep meaningful posts written by personas in third person with matching pictures have yet to meet their full level of appreciation on most writer's forums it seems


90 121 865
repost from elsewhere

Feel free to post in the fun section as long as it's relevant to the topic. But I'm afraid livewriting is considered spam in the other sections, because we don't really know what you're talking about half the time.
"...thank you for such generosity where it'll only in this thread here, promise, and just as you see it now..." replied the goblin who agreed that some of his posts were somewhere intellectual in nature where their not being understood was nothing for anyone to feel overtly ill at ease about, no the goblin just intended to add some contrast here, with posts that were narrated and illustrated in a manner that he imagined would meet the expectations of forum post readers, saying "...btw just curious now, but you do know don't you, that there are more readers across forumland today than those reading books still, where a rethink of the your styleless posts might pave the way for those readers to approach your books more...", no, the goblin meant well, just that by now everyone somehow knew that the goblin had a different agenda, one that went somewhat contrary to the writing norms of writers, not least the part that that seemed posts first and foremost

Methinks the goblin feels too highly of himself ... and his style of writing. Reading someone's free-style pieces, at its best, is an experience of hospitable comprehension; at its worst, a tedious drudge searching for a point.

The pictures are swell. But the goblin's prose often makes my eyes bleed.

Just sayin'.
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Methinks the goblin feels too highly of himself ... and his style of writing. Reading someone's free-style pieces, at its best, is an experience of hospitable comprehension; at its worst, a tedious drudge searching for a point. The pictures are swell. But the goblin's prose often makes my eyes bleed. Just sayin'.

"...ah now, the reader comes along for the ride as no one is ever asked to read my posts..." replied the goblin thanking Kane for his comment though, and knowing too, that Kane was learning fast now, while the goblin himself just weighed his words again before replying cordially "...where after a while you won't even notice the way it's written, but perhaps too the question to ask yourself is whether the way you are writing on this forum is advancing your persona or holding it back now, join the dots a bit, for example do you really think that I haven't experimented with writing styles before I settled upon this one here, where due to the number of reply notifications I can barely keep up with my email inbox as it is, but the whole point is never how a post is received but how it is replied to where I am not the only livewriter now, no I'm enjoying your company, and besides, a reluctant readership is somewhat more flattering than praise even..."

repost from elsewhere

"...somehow the temptation is always to meet isn't it, to reveal oneself, post one's photos, etc., but for me that seems as cheap as facebook is, for what I really want is to be able to share my thoughts and feelings to the full here, and how can I possibly do that if I have to keep in mind who might be reading this now..." mentioned the goblin who seemed to be growing ever more anonymous as he posted on, adding "...besides, that which one reveals of oneself just dates one too doesn't it..."

repost from elsewhere

the goblin quickly confessed to their being reposts, explaining "...a livewriter writes a post like a normal poster does, but then he stores it after that first posting, knowing that each time he reposts it he will edit it slightly...", something a bit like van goth's sunflowers where he did eight portraits of them, saying "...the writing in third person is merely an indulgence on my part, simply a need perhaps, both to know what obstacles writers face when writing, and a wish to become fluent enough to counterbalance the onset of that old age later, and the matching picture is more or less that same type of indulgence again...", no, the goblin felt that the livewriter was just a pokemon upgrade of a normal poster, where, apart from this obvious storing and reposting of posts then, together with the constant trickle of output too, and that of having a recognizable persona, there was no difference between him and anyone else here


repost from elsewhere, the "what does it take to be a writer" thread, and how to get banned from a writer's forum too

One must, however, understand the importance of proper punctuation of grammar, as the sole presence of a vocabularic mind or thesaurus will bring a writer nowhere. One may be a potential writer, but that one cannot become a fine writer if their writing lacks the charm of storytelling. It is difficult for a reader to comprehend when the words are welded together as a dictation or rant, with no apparent end to the madness. There strikes a fine line between continuous run-on speech and separation of thought. It is of improper style for an author to shove verbs that supposedly describes the verbal actions of the speaker in midst of their soliloquy. It is unnecessary to announce the speaker has recently "added" or "mentioned" or "noted", a sin especially amplified by the repetition of such unique words in such paragraphical proximity. The aforementioned is a common mistakes budding novella-type writers will make, often if they had not read a book that displays the correct usage of words. It hurts the eye of an experienced writer.
"...well yes, I guess writing correctly is how most people start out upon forumland, but then they wise up as reality strikes home and one quickly sees how people won't read those posts for their longish all well written well intended same old blandness, especially where they were then tucked away in some well meaning blog too..." replied the goblin who continued "...so instead of me fooling myself in some blind adherence to some dunce mantra of good for books means good for posts too, something to date that had utterly failed me, I decided to try out various writing styles till finally I settled upon this one, one which had an added bonus of hiding my age too, where now my posts are actually read, why so, well probably because I am not mistaken for the old fart I actually am, nor for some unapproachable finicky hair-splitting grammern*zi...", in fact, what the goblin was into livewriting now, so he followed those very same rejected novella-type writers whose style seemed both questionable and imaginative, for theirs was the readership after all, perhaps even moreso for their non adherence to those disappointing bookwriting rules, adding "...look, care to link me to a thread that has a high hitcount equating to readership written in the correct way you are actually suggesting, stuff written in ever so correctly worded posts complete with full paragraphs and full stops, etc, but till you can link me, you'll just have excuse me doing posts my own way for the results you so evidently see across forumland..."


xxxx 127http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 924
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repost from elsewhere

"...hi everyone, yes sorry, still squatting on the thread here..." said the goblin who was taking a break by visiting his old folks over the weekend in england, something the goblin did often enough always remembering to gently shout at the top of one voice, slam the door when entering the room and risk of being slowly drowned in tea and lemon cake, "...more tea..." comes the voice from downstairs followed by a the ghost in the silence that seems to still say "...and have you done your homework, had your bath, and brushed your teeth yet..."


repost from elsewhere

"... well. I guess I can't really keep track of my posts, but at least I can repost some of those posts on another forum like here in a neater order..." answered the goblin looked across at the plume of smoke ushered sideways in the breeze, the day was beautifully bright and inviting, yes it was that, but it was that for a wrong reason the goblin felt, as a ghastly cold awaited anyone reckless enough to go out to the bistro on this very early morning, and yet again the goblin's choice, he surmised, was a stark one indeed, either to "stay home and get roped into a series of household chores by the captain" or "swim it through the bitter cold to the bistro where he could still be called back by telephone" so, as always, the goblin's mind made a quick checklist of probable chores against another list of possible excuses while wondering if running a bath would stir the antagonists from their beds on this "Sunday lie-in", somehow the bath would be a deep one he imagined


repost from elsewhere,

"...no one is immune from this, and despite of what ourdearmedia broadcasts I don't think other countries can remain afloat if america is dragging them under..." mentioned the goblin regarding the currency war, adding "...so the television coverage owes us the truth in my view, and yet instead of giving us the facts about the true extent of this global economic downturn the media is just being used to prop up its fake status quo, loathed to even remind us of just how bad things really are in fear that we'll simply swaps over channels in dismay, so no news is good news perhaps, yet really bad news just becomes too unmentionable to mention, where we are just as much to blame for seeking our own reassurance from the media as media is for giving us only that which we are willing to watch from them there..."


repost from elsewhere, same thread as before still talking about writing

"...well I promised to return this morning then..." mentioned the goblin in passing, yes, while also feeling heavily those moments till the kettle would boil in the unlit kitchen alcove once more, "...first the coffee, then the post, that's my way always..." voiced the goblin reminding himself that there was no need to rush, far from it, each post had to be in tune with his muse's pact, continuing "...or else, what's the point in writing at all, we know that, don't we slot...", the slot just opened its mouth again where by now it barely needed to say "feed me" to the goblin, saying instead "...goblin, when you look at the posts, you are with the others and it's all fun and games, but when it's your turn to write you are alone with yourself, that's all, so discard all those external motivations to write as writers do for their cheapness that makes you cheap like them, forget trying to please too, instead, think of your writing as your journey to self here, and write to know who you are by what you post while you still can, oh and while you're at it, do hurry up and make that coffee goblin...", the harlequin felt the need to add the settings again even if the dull advancing day hardly seemed worth mentioning at this point, preferring instead to point out the fact that the sun today still ruled in the bright sky, even if the moneygod ruled the city of geneva below it trapping everyone in its reality, leaving the goblin to contemplate whatever he might post next, his sole freedom it seemed, where there was no rush he knew, after all, the post would just come in its own time if it came at all


38 131http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 964
repost from elsewhere, the troll's forum "introduction" section, the goblin doing the welcome then

the goblin welcomed the new troll, saying "...your inability to make coherent posts gives us ample proof of your meriting a place amongst us, where I am sure that the other members here will be only to happy to bend over backwards to help you fit in now, if only because I imagine they don't want to bend over forwards to help you fit in that is..."

repost from elsewhere, the trolls site again

"...thanks..." repeated the goblin at everyone at the trolls site, somehow the goblin felt torn between the trolls on this thread and the ghosts of the past in the back of his mind "...ghosts, I would like you to meet these trolls who communicate in weird images, heckles and provocative material..." the ghosts smile, and then, "...trolls, meet my ghosts who communicate in past images, heckles and provocative memories..." the trolls smile back, introductions over, he lets them get on with it now


repost from elsewhere

in fact, the goblin always hid himself behind some lax grammar usage, saying "...no, here it's ever and always what one posts of oneself to oneself isn't it, as I very much doubt those readers are ever going to fully understand one anyway, if only because clearly these words remain mere representations of oneself here, but that's the whole joy of this livewriting on random threads, where simply one corrects the originals in their reposting across forumland each time, again and again and again, till the final residue becomes you to yourself by it, or as near as one can ever get to oneself through mere words that represent one...", "...ah, so that's your goal there goblin, no we all thought that you were just mad..." went a ghost in the background, "...well ghost, what's sanity here anyway, I mean how else is one going to go about doing this posting lark without first understanding that none of it will make any sense in those dailylife terms, a madness perhaps but just because dailylife is reality doesn't make one's reality one's sanity now..." replied the goblin to a ghost who had wondered off again, yes funny how their apparition seem always to be in those unguarded moments


("...thanks for keeping me company there Kane..." went the goblin now appreciating squerly's upside down text too, before repeating "...no I'll do my best to entertain you still, for I have thousands upon thousands of posts to my anonymous name it seems, yet many need rewording, while still others need rewriting, while most just need airing for their own protection, air/edit/backup then...", yes air/edit/backup was ever the trail left by a livewriter)

repost from elsewhere

the goblin too, felt he now had to put a little bit more into his posts, perhaps the goblin would do a few more depictions then, somehow he was not seeing what he saw for what it meant, saying "...depictions force one to describe it, which in turn forces one to look at it more closely...", the muse was watching, her trick was either to give the idea to the goblin outright, or to jump in half way through his text and change everything to her liking, which admittedly was normally mad enough to have the goblin running behind her to trying to keep up with the beauty of it, simply, she was like one's granny doing a poll dance, where one doesn't want to actually look, nor miss it for the world


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As off the goblin wasn't bad enough ... now we've got ghosts.

("...those ghosts multiply with time then, where writing is not about selling books, it's about settling accounts with recounts now..." mentioned the goblin enjoying his stay here, adding "...actor who don't become the part aren't very convincing, same goes for writers, and for livewriters too...")

repost from elsewhere, on birthdays again

"...ah yes, it's true that those birthday gifts do help one to remember the giver long after its context has moved on from this world..." mentioned the goblin who often looked back to his childhood days with a strange fondness mixed in with some total regret too, explaining "...for example, I remember flinging my school cap over the bridge into the river from the the train on my last at school, where I wish now that I had kept my school cap even if also understand that if I had kept it, then I would just be regretting having not performed that school ritual back then...", simply the goblin's was pondering upon the line perhaps we owe it to our past not to forget it, and to our present not to waste it neither, for who knows what future is owed to us still, saying "...at night, at times, those dreams of my past dance before my eyes once more, as if their ghosts are attracted by my pen, and amongst them my childhood birthdays are ever vivid, but perhaps that was what the ritual was all about anyway, a means to create fond memories worth far more than the gifts themselves then..."


repost from elsewhere

And as for our history, I don't see how it will repeat itself. Unless we go into a great depression and have ourselves a WW3 to get ourselves out of it, which I don't know about you, but I'd rather avoid a WW. We've had and our having too many wars already...

"...ah now, there was no war in 1933 either, but the economic collapse is probably coming..." mentioned the goblin again, thinking america was in far bigger trouble than they were actually letting on, remembering that joke "if a lady says no she means maybe, if she says maybe she means yes, and if she says yes then she's no lady" or conversely "if a politician say yes he means maybe, if he says maybe he means no, and if he says no then he's no politician", saying "...well our dear media is probably a mixture of politician and lady here saying either, what they want us to hear, or what we want to hear now, in fact they'll say anything to keep us watching without paying undue attention then..."



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyePCRkq620&feature=related] some fun, click me [/ame]
repost from elsewhere

How are you going to conquer forumland when you keep getting banned from it, though? lol. Aren't you about out of writing sites to post on? Or do you post on all kinds of random sites?

"...ah now, if it were ever easy I wouldn't even try..." smiled the goblin, who fed on whatever posts came his way, from wherever too, adding "...mind you, let's be generous here and accept their reasons for banning me, so writers rehash their ideas, and threads veer off on tangents too, both traits of trolling and spamming perhaps, and yet, as long as I am read across everywhere, what does it matter what happens to me somewhere, for it's forever forumland isn't it...", where the goblin was not to be trusted, oh yes, he was still conquering forumland sure enough, where those bans were only to be expected as proof of his refusing to compromise his style, saying "...I think the line goes as with those "last post" threads, so in forumland too, for one just keeps going, yes "last post" is a silly game I know, and yet really it's the only game going when one thinks about it, to win in style as an individual against all previous posters..."


repost from elsewhere, an american "last post" thread

meanwhile, back at CIA headquarters agent joe is carefully monitoring al qaida's secret website at his desk, thinks "where's mac with my coffee then" as he starts reading through the new posts for subliminal messages, and then reads you infidel, may a thousand scorpions sit on your bum, your goblin days are numbered, this is my "last post" thread, it is written, then agent joe looks up at agent mccoy who has come in with his coffee, says "...look, you take over mac, I'm beat, I need a break and to get my mind off this..." whereupon turning to the second screen showing the CIA's site, jo sips his coffee, feels better, and then clicks upon the "new posts" button, and then writes listen buddy, there's no way this thread is yours goblin, yet somehow the goblin is always supportive, just that he liked sending people upwards


repost from elsewhere

the goblin remembered coming across the very toy in the flea-market that he had always wanted in his childhood, and in that way at least the flea-market to him seemed very much like a sea that often washed things up from his past, the goblin picked up the toy, took a long look at it and then finally put it back as if to let it drift away till next time then, saying "...well, I suppose my growing old is like this letting go then..."


repost from elsewhere, just sharing

the goblin just wished to reassured everyone here, by pointing out, that while most psychopaths were normal people, save that they were slightly smarter than most, with perhaps some minor behavioral lapses from time to time, they were nothing like the goblin here, who felt himself to be somewhat more unbalanced in his approach all of the time, stating "...there you go, see, you have nothing to worry about me now..."


repost from elsewhere

"...ah yes, teenage romance..." remembers the goblin "...something about baying to the moon and promising that there will never be any other moon but this one moon forever then..." but to this goblin today that was all so many moons ago now


("...a thousand hits now, a wager of ten thousand hits by christmas too, I'll fail of course but by how much is the fun of it..." ventured the goblin mad as ever
repost from elsewhere

the goblin looks up from the laptop out the window where the cold but sunny chamonix afternoon shows a man with some muscular disorder erratically trying to help himself up onto the curb from a wheelchair where his carer hasn't quite got the knack it seems, so the goblin thinks nothing of it till the carer succeeds in getting the front wheels up and where in her first step it hits the goblin that she too limps badly, after which they then cross slow clumsy loving glances at one another and then laugh happily on their way together as it nothing had happened, that is, as if they were no different from anyone else, which of course they weren't any different, save perhaps that the goblin had now caught a bit of their happiness in his post here he felt, yes goblins often stole from life like this, "...we're not to be trusted you know..." whispered the goblin again with a smile


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repost from elsewhere

"...you say you cannot win but no, anyone who posts wins here..." said the goblin, adding "...it's just that life moves on so one has to keep winning against oneself each time...", the goblin's mind went back to the reading mervyn peake's trilogy gormennghast, and seeing the author fighting parkinson's disease through his lines, so the goblin just explained it, saying "...well, the end is the same for us all, but I am going to that end winning against myself, winning the unwinnable perhaps but still winning while I still can..."


repost from elsewhere, the "what are you thinking" thread

the goblin is thinking of those ghosts in the past again, and how stupid it is now to try to justify himself to them, saying "...what can one ever do otherwise to what one has done, yes there's are always observations with hindsight but none of them will ever change what happened...", yet even now those ghosts of the past just seemed to have their palms outstretched towards in goblin in their wish to be paid off, "...so what coins do I place upon your eyes to pay that ferryman there to send you on then..." asked the goblin into the silence of that piercing stare once more


repost from elsewhere

once more seated between his coffee and his computer, slowly the goblin closes up his latest "today" and places it neatly into his past now as yet one more "today" in a line of so many "todays" stretching back to a point beyond his own memory even, where his mind, having a quick guess of how many memories he must now have memorized by now against some rough total of "todays" he has lived, feels cheated at how little he actually remembers of his long life, even if he tries to deflect the self-resentment with a quick retort like "...alright, but what does anyone owe their past anyway, and how can someone pay it back in kind now...", while outside, upon the cold wet street, as if to echo the goblin's pensive reflective mood inside himself, the morning's rain had just continued unbroken on through his "today" on up to this now late evening moment, until in the end, and upon giving up too, the goblin simply said "...well I guess we owe it to our past not to forget it, but how we do so easily forget our past where we don't fight to remember it.."


repost from elsewhere

the goblin finds himself watching the US open tennis match between two contestants, one of whom looks like a runaway farm tractor and while the other resembles a man in drag, "...well actually I am all for the reintroduction of women in woman's tennis..." concludes the goblin looking on

