• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

just editing some posts here

repost from elsewhere

"...so one's old age finally helps one to turn inwards..." said the goblin adding "...but why turn inwards only after one's old age has forced itself upon one...", somehow the goblin's battle for his mother against her slowly engulfing senility had shown him that much at least, that those who were ill prepared for their own retirement often suffered within the rudderless freedom of it, thus goblin just remarked "...so the real question for me here is how does one turn inwards then, seeing that all on my outside of myself is not mine to keep anyway, that everything other than these thoughts and feelings belongs to a dailylife that invariably takes back whatever it has offered without pity on its part nor choice on my part neither..."
Yes, dear goblin, it's a bitch getting old.

But I, for one, made a deal with the devil decades ago. He said I could live 65 Sammy Davis Jr. years ... or 85 Ken Starr years. Although choosing the former, it's the "trade off" the devil made -- the "what's in it for him" -- that I don't recall.

Live well. End up with the right regrets.
Yes, dear goblin, it's a bitch getting old. But I, for one, made a deal with the devil decades ago. He said I could live 65 Sammy Davis Jr. years ... or 85 Ken Starr years. Although choosing the former, it's the "trade off" the devil made -- the "what's in it for him" -- that I don't recall. Live well. End up with the right regrets.

("...you're a credit to the forum and I like your way of thinking too..." went the goblin agreeing that the point of life was not just longevity now, then adding "...if I write at all, it's to know who I am by what I post, where few other things bar this writing here are allowed one to one's very last...", where once the goblin had written as he should but that was long ago was he was older still, smiling "...pick a topic then, I'll see if I can relate to it then, livewriters need company, it's not like bookwriting where it's only one way...")

repost from elsewhere, written in the mountains, modified for the "what are you thinking" thread

the goblin is thinking of this daylight moon one often sees at altitude with those strange padded clouds that seem some ever deceptive backdrop in the deathlike cold silence around one, broken only perhaps by a frantic mountain crow who, in passing over those ice covered peaks, never shares the goblin's wish to return to the warmth and security of the valley below, and yes the goblin knew well it's warning as it seemed to voice "...goblin, one's at death's door here, they don't return who enter here, where just your being at our door quickens your end too, and how the body pays its price for your courting your death like this, so return now little goblin as you don't belong with us yet...", at which point the goblin's mind raced back to the point where the head mistress had warned the class against the use of drugs, with her exact words in search of your inner man you ruin the outer one, but only now after all these year then could the goblin really reply with any clarity to her and that crow above, saying "...well, it seems that those things which do not somehow ruin the body hardly merit one's reason for living either, where mere "living" in itself was never the point of our being here now, and besides, this transient dailylife was never mine to keep anyway, so now I will descend to that safety of society below, and yes, these mountains are the gates of death with its infinite beyond, but just I wanted to flirt to with death a little longer while she bides her time for me..."


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repost from elsewhere, the "how did you find our forum" thread

the goblin remembers it even now, that fateful internet search then, and how in the late evening everything had just ushered him to his desk once more where, armed only with the strongest of coffees and an aspiring intellect, the goblin clearly understood upon linking up his computer, that what he actually encountered here was some vast void of the internet entered through the tiniest of portals, that is, he was just another IP address on a server somewhere, so he voiced slowly "...funny how the insignificance of the individual is so obvious here, ah but you, o great internet, do not exist without me, or at least without someone to observe you still, simply your realm collapses without these millions of us insignificant selves here...", harry lime's words perhaps, but nothing was ever new then, as the goblin then typed into the google search bar random stuff entering it with a touch of his index finger on the "return" button, the rest was just fate, who knows perhaps it had been fate all along


repost from elsewhere

to the goblin that pleasant picturesque old age homejust seemed like some slow engulfing merlin's cave to him, with those confined within through love ever to pass their last within its walls, and of course his mother, tricked in her dementia, is there in amongst the others who wait out their alloted time, though the though of that bedridden vegetable that she has become crosses his mind often enough, affectionately too, with a tinge of guilt perhaps, as he witnesses what all this has become now, oh and yes, "it was her time", and "it was in her best interests", and whatever one likes to word is as, all true too, but somewhere deep inside the recesses of the goblin's conscience, he knew it for what it really was, it was merlin's cave where one is still loved perhaps but from where one doesn't return


repost from elsewhere

I like your thread goblin
"...nah, this isn't my thread either, it's just an edit thread here, anyone can post to it..." replied the goblin who wanted to openly share this thread then, saying "...the trouble with me is that there are two of us, one me who writes directly between brackets where things generally fall foul to those slings and arrows of outrageous dyslexia, and then there's that other me, who reposts stuff that has been clearly ironed out with some matching picture added, basically the publishing me, against the posting me perhaps, where both mes have their merits/demerits then...", simply, the goblin, in his madness, actually believed that it was a journey to self here, and yes, it was true that the goblin had seen through his dailylife facade for the rat-race it actually was, and yet, instead of "stopping to smell the flowers on the way", now he was writing about those same flowers then, as if the rat-race had been replaced by the rat's very own "freestyle composition with matching picture in less that 50 words please" benchmark here, yet either way, the rat just scurried on it seemed totally unable to stop itself


90 34http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 263
repost from elsewhere

what would you do if you had no job/money/commitments to anyone or anything?
"...I'd find a job, earn money, and make commitments to someone or something..." replied the goblin, adding "...why, because to retire is to give up, but no matter how old I get I will never relinquish things, no I'm going to crash out of this life at full throttle with the regret of not being able continue from that point onwards, ah no, life is not about longevity now, it's about sacrificing oneself for those one loves isn't it, for we all have to go some point..."


repost from elsewhere,

"...I've just come back from a forum where 957 people are viewing my post, but so what, doesn't mean that their forum is any better than this one here, no it simply means that they have more idiots than we us..." mentioned the goblin, knowing that the reader didn't exist until he or she posted in their own right their own words, adding "...me, I like a forum that isn't too big because on a slightly smaller forum one gets to converse with others better, where on that forum for example I keep myself to the writing section precisely because there are too many members there, oh yes, just doing casual posts is such fun until one sees that time itself is laughing back at one like that, where, even if nothing and no one is actually real here, one's writing does exact one's own thoughts to oneself in a commitment that mere thinking never could, ah no, mere reading is not enough, one must word it in one's own way or one becomes just another reader here..."


205 36 278
repost from elsewhere, the trolls forum, the "are you a true troll" thread

and so the thread had petered out to it usual conclusion of no conclusion, insults had been exchanged, barbs to counter barbs too, but no meat per se, nothing to actually prove it as case true or case false on to case closed that is, "...so trolls, how does one prove the brightness of a troll then, that is, where the idea in itself doesn't seem very bright to begin with, surely the brighter one proves oneself to be the more stupid one looks by it...." mentioned the goblin over his coffee before work, in fact, it was as if somehow this exact same paradox faced the goblin too, in his dailylife, that of one's being held up to one's own expectations each time, where surely one isn't what one has


repost from "last post" thread, elsewhere

I'm pretty separated from my "dailylife". Very. Two lives. Two faced.
"...welcome to the world of our adulthood I suppose, where most adults retain their independence by not assimilating on the inside that which they compromise to on the outside, just that the older the person becomes the more that gap widens..." mentioned the goblin, explaining on "...for example, look at the difference in speed of speech between some 20 year old and someone who is 40, or how one can't get the older person to radically change now, how inert he seems towards the pulls of dailylife and ourdearmedia being quite wise to it, having established his own set of inner values instead...", in fact, this inner independence goes headlong against society's need to have one fit in, and to care about creating one's home and family and wealth too, which probably explains why neither the media, nor one's schooling for that matter, ever told you that dailylife is a self-perpetuating social assimilation program, one without which this society would simply collapse into individuality, whereupon the goblin just reminded himself again of something, saying "...so all my actions are a compromise on the outside where ever this dailylife will have its agenda for me, yet because I know it to be true, establishing my own set of values on my inside is part of my journey to self through posting here..."


repost from elsewhere

the long departing bus homewards now, the goblin just lets the text type itself again between his mind and his laptop, as a wave of slowly typed words are, written, wiped, rewritten again in some slow repetition until a residue of what the goblin really wants to relate here remains for all to see, that is, while the music is Ravel's piano concerto mov 2, a deceptive piece that starts off normally enough only to slowly break into something deeper, deathlike even, and certainly appropriate to the view of those stepping stone like silent still gathering rainclouds that the goblin has fixed his view on now as all below seems to shoot by out of goblin's focus and consideration, and somehow the scene seems set, "...slot, perhaps I shouldn't have asked dad, no choice there I felt, I mean how long now until and who inherits, etc that is...", "...goblin, if it falls on you to clear up things afterwards, you have that right and should know everything...", the clouds thicken in their gathering darkness, everything else continues its ignored whizzing course, but the music has changed at this point from the normal piano to the orchestra, something bigger is afoot, something is taking over the piano then "...well slot I think it's going to rain, it will be for real this time, quite a show don't you think...", "...goblin, it's so easy to be cheap here, you're not cheap I hope, you have to live with yourself after he's gone, all that you did and gave to date would be cheap if you fail him now then, the end will crown it goblin, think about it goblin, you're lucky to even know in advance, you can prove yourself here...", the piano breaks into unrelated high notes, it's erratic now as if drowning, certainly wrong, the piece is breaking up or into something else then as the rain breaks too, and still the scenery, ever out of focus, whizzes by under the encroaching storm that had to pass overhead, the piano tinkers into a deathly silence


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iErAAnR0Pyw&feature=related"]Ravel, Piano Concerto in G - Mov II Adagio assai (Martha Argerich, 1990) - YouTub[/ame]
repost from elsewhere

whatever happiness the goblin had was tempered by a certain sobriety and by his growing acceptance of the actual uncertainty of his future, all something understandable even, explaining "...you see, the further back I go into my past the more I seemed to hold sure upon a lie, perhaps knowing it was just a lie all the same, and yet I believed in its simplicity as one would believe in either god or santa, and even now, that child in me craves for that lie that the rest of me can't or won't accept any more, the child craves its american dream still with those safe perimeters of work, family and home...", where all along any belief was a measure of one's doubt too, since it showed that one didn't know for sure, where now today this sobriety of his age has simply shown the goblin that the american dream had been a façade and that nothing is either that simple or that certain, yet that belief had still been comfortable compared to this sobriety of today's understanding that all is uncertain except for one's own exit, whereupon the goblin, concluded "...and, although I can't interpret any of this present day sobriety as happiness as such, which it isn't, at least I am grateful to be able to accept what remains of my life for its uncertainty then, an uncertainty made all the more real to me for being tinged with unhappiness even..."


repost from a goth's site "last post" thread,

lonely hearts page:

wanted, "would be goth" seeks female company for deeply depressive emotional lamentations upon the nature of death, melancholic visits to nighttime graveyards, and general makeup sharing, if at all interested please contact ben s bernanke care of the board of governors of the federal reserve


repost from elsewhere

"...ah, that's much better, I've now done all her requested chores and more...", said the goblin somehow knowing his wife, the captain here, will still complain though, either that something else was not done, or that whatever was done was not done well enough, well that's on a good day then, otherwise she might complain about both, which was perfectly acceptable to the goblin because if she actually thanked him, then the goblin understood that he'd then have to phone the hospital to say that his wife was not herself at all, and thus must be very unwell indeed, and whether too they could quickly send an ambulance around then


repost from elsewhere

the goblin enters the bistro, heads for his usual seat and there in the corner is a couple who pay a moment's strained silent close attention to the goblin's entry into the scene here, the goblin tries to give the impression that he is not interested by simply making his actions of setting up his laptop clearer than usual, as they, in their turn, return to themselves in a conversation that will become more and more romantic as they lower their guard again, their infidelity is clear since married couples in bistros invariably talk shop and are indifferent to others


repost from elsewhere,

"...the point my friend..." the shark's voiced seem cool, sardonic even, "...is that we just need some fall guy here, nothing more, you know, someone who leaves all their details out there on the forum for others to see, their photo in the avatar for example, so we do the rounds, join in the fun so to speak, gain their trust now, and sting when we want, so that when the police, or any of those other authorities, come looking for us they'll find our fall guy instead, where we'll be miles away by then while he'll have a lot of explaining to do, it's that simple, goblin this internet is murky waters and if they want to swim with us sharks drawing attention to their true life selves like that, that's their lookout, think of it, we could be leaking secrets, we could slander someone, commit fraud, blackmail too, honestly there's no end of things you and I could get up when you think about it goblin, it's that easy now...", yet the goblin didn't reply, though the idea of identity theft quickly sank in, where the ease of it's perpetration seemed almost sinister in its temptation now, so the goblin let the shark continue his sales pitch for a while sort of blessing his own anonymity here, though the goblin also knew that he'd have to warn the others before it became too late for them


repost from elsewhere

"...it's a slow process but "facing the slot" somehow has me biting the hand of this dailylife that feeds me..." joked the goblin not really laughing since the goblin also knew he was at dailylife's mercy too, "...the magician's trick is to have me think that the object is where it should be, only to surprise me by its being elsewhere..." the goblin sought for the right words now, saying "...I have often fallen for dailylife's tricks then, these little distractions that turn out to be worthless in the end, whereas once in a very rare while I can actually make out that magician behind it all..."


39 45http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=68805 324
repost from elsewhere

the goblin's madness continued with the goblin explaining "...in the old age home next to where I live, I always see two types, those "fighting on" types, and the other "letting go" types, but their lesson here goes largely unnoticed by society in general, where they're just ignored, hushed up, and tucked away like this, but all the same, it is something so simple, simply, that if one is lucky to live into retirement in relatively good health, one had better take into account the meaning of remaining mentally active, and socially engaged too, before one gets there...", in fact, the goblin felt by now that he had seen, just too many unprepared old people mentally rot and flounder in an enviable situation of "retirement, rest and freedom", simply because they hadn't the slightest idea what to do with themselves, making the goblin sum things up by saying "...naah, it's not rot in hell at all, actually it's rot in heaven..."


repost from elsewhere

"...there is room for both madness and sanity on forumland...", mentioned the goblin now, adding "...ah, but only the madness will be remembered, the rest makes too much sense to even think about, where both tragedy and comedy are felt because they go against one's sense of what should be, resulting in either anguish or laughter..."


repost from elsewhere

in fact, the goblin could accept the loss of most things in his life, where simply the longer he lived the more likely that those losses would increase as they have now, saying "...when I was young I had everything though I didn't know it at the time, where their loss today has grown this awareness in me, and yet, I can accept all these losses, and those others too, that no doubt old age will bestow me later, perhaps all except for one that is, for I hope that I will never lose my sense of humor then, for the show must go on now, but as long as I can smile I can go on with it..."


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repost from elsewhere

"...it's funny I always like those pin-up girls pictures of yesteryear more than their n*de counterparts of today, somehow it just reminds me of that "all the fun of the seaside" of my childhood now, where one bought naughty postcards from the kiosk as a dare, and everything just seemed a lark, and strangely unreal, adventurous even..." mentioned the goblin feeling old tonight, hating the wisdom of his years, wanting just five minutes of his youth back, saying "...so I will probably buy a naughty postcard from the kiosk this summer when I visit felixstowe ferry to scatter mum's ashes into the sea there, and how strangely fitting those two actions seemed together, as mum would laugh I know, yes she loved the seaside too..."


repost from elsewhere, the goblin on a woman's interest "last post" thread, paying his respects

the goblin just filled in a bit, knowing that he'd have to keep his voice down to do this here, saying "....you see, on forumland you'll meet many strange and wonderful creatures, but perhaps none quite so terrifying perhaps as those raiders of the lost depart, yes those "housewives of the third age from women's interest forums"...", the goblin quickly looked over his shoulder to make quite sure he hadn't been observed at this point but then continued "...no, they're just everywhere and one false move now, one miss placed word even, and they'll just descend with a barrage of posts without mercy...", in fact, they were avid readers and the goblin had learned to show respect towards them at every juncture, indeed they could be very persuasive and always seemed in the majority too, then suddenly the alarm rang out, that dreaded slim witman music blared forth, as the goblin hit the post button and slipped back into the night in the nick of time



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSsJmrI2XFg"] protect yourself, recognized the warning signs, this has been a public service announcement[/ame]
repost from elsewhere

"...what it's to be ceasar, sand or grain then..." remarked the goblin aloud to himself actually, surprisingly ceasar's voice from the back of the goblin's minds had quickly answered "...oh just get sand goblin, the plebs can survive this famine if they're distracted enough, besides what good is their bread to them without some circus to go with it...", and somehow, on hearing that, nothing seemed changed, rome was still "bread and circus", where sand for the arena took priority over grain for bread, "...so goblin..." ceasar asked back "...think anything has changed since my day then...", "...well not really ceasar, though these days it's called "media coverage" but it's just sand all the same..."


repost from elsewhere

why the pretense, you're not really a goblin are you
“...perhaps, but perhaps I am very much myself by this persona here too, online is like on-stage isn't it...” replied the goblin suspecting that by now his persona was well known across many forums whereas by contrast, beyond his direct family, his dailylife was left purposefully devoid of intimate contact, those complications then, saying “...ah my grandmother had been right when she first explained that the older one gets the less people want to know you, so one soon learns to get along without intimacy in dailylife for fear of rejection, whereas if anything, on forumland the exact opposite is true, for here at least, one isn't some old person, nor any other type of person for that matter, no, one is and will ever be merely an unprovable persona of some alter ego behind it for all one's words to the contrary, and, since a persona is just a recognizable mask without clear identity, perhaps the real pretense is trying to cling on to that which has no right to be here, namely that which one cannot prove, one's externals then...” in fact, the goblin even felt that the old fart's aging in his dailylife was making the goblin persona even more credible to him, forum/venue thread/stage and persona/act, thus by that default alone his persona was ever his emerging reality within this virtual reality, smiling "...just online is on-stage humans, forumland is a devil's playground where you swim with the sharks, and where you don't know who is reading you, moreover, what you write cannot be retracted later..."


repost from elsewhere

"...most of human interaction, and resulting conversation, is just saying that which is expected of one so that one can get back to more important things like daydreaming or reasoning other things in the back of one's mind..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...so why challenge, thus becoming ostracized in doing so, any expected norm where instead one can remain hidden in full view by playing the expected part and by saying those right words too, where perhaps 99% of one's whole life slips under the attention radar like this, and where 1% is actually retained in some memory form through some aroused emotional awareness towards it, sighing "...so perhaps too, one lives a life that one mostly forgets..."


repost from elsewhere

Is it just me, or are people not buying and reading books like they used to do?
the goblin thanked the authoress for her question, replying "...yes, I'm afraid that it's much as you say where you're mostly correct there, in that, given the choice between reading someone's ebook or conversing with them directly here, they might be forgiven for choosing this rapport now over the time it took for them to try their luck on downloading that ebook now, though perhaps if someone's posts were noteworthy, they might then download something else by it's author,...", though the goblin himself had no books, he was only his posts he promised, continuing "...alas, we don't see eye to eye, where my writing in posts is annoying everyone it seems, yet if I actually were to agreed with your observation there that readers are indeed moving away from books more towards online interactive content, then I'd be a fool to ignore it, or at least not take some interest in its development...", where for example the goblin kept his eye on the hitcount, explaining "...so now, when one can create a thread that gets a high hitcount, read readership here, one should at least admit to oneself that one is doing something right, where unfortunately when the hitcount doesn't budge then one has to admit the opposite is the truth, why, because whether it's someone's books or their posts, it's still same person behind both, an author of posts where I'm a livewriter by it...", yet the goblin meant well by what he had written here, indeed he was trying to be supportive now, where if not he would have remained quiet letting this contempt of posts continue


99 54 388
& then, luvs woke. she decided she was slightly hankering fer a snack, & despises auto-correct. a snack she got. too lazy & tired to get a pan, she simply tore into a frozen ravioli & drank half a jar of tomato sauce. there was garlic in that sauce. onion, too! she cheered~ then she poured a drink & was soon shown to her resting chambers. then her kitties jumped on her as soon as she drifted to snooze.

after returning to her chamber as 'morn blessed us (once having chosen unscented bath, as she figured that her peppermint spray ought suffice in a battle of spritz) she emerged &, then she went grocery shopping & got kitty food & pens. they were on sale. so was sunscreen, & so were notebooks & pencils. she is 1 normal woman. yep.
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& then, luvs woke. she decided she was slightly hankering fer a snack, & despises auto-correct. a snack she got. too lazy & tired to get a pan, she simply tore into a frozen ravioli & drank half a jar of tomato sauce. there was garlic in that sauce. onion, too! she cheered~ then she poured a drink & was soon shown to her resting chambers. then her kitties jumped on her as soon as she drifted to snooze. after returning to her chamber as 'morn blessed us (once having chosen unscented bath, as she figured that her peppermint spray ought suffice in a battle of spritz) she emerged &, then she went grocery shopping & got kitty food & pens. they were on sale. so was sunscreen, & so were notebooks & pencils. she is 1 normal woman. yep.

("...a most definitive post indeed..." went the goblin appreciating the company and the individuality of luvs's post too, then adding "...a bit like painting then, where one learns to unlearn almost everything eventually, why, because like with most things perhaps, the ones that are actually remembered are the ones who had what it takes who went against the given norm...", and with that the goblin was simply looking forward to luvs's next post of hopefully many more to come)

repost from elsewhere, the "how often do admit your feelings" thread

"...I suppose I do admit my own feelings whenever they overwhelm me..." ventured the goblin, adding "...where often too, I'm just left sparing with my ghosts and fighting their past battles over again, and yet doesn't that only reinforce them to my own detriment, so will I ever learn to leave my ghosts alone, yet who can ever leave their past be if one plays with one's pen like this..", somehow as the goblin thought upon it here where he couldn't avoid the simple truth that whatever you write writes you back, saying "...so writers live shared lives, they see ghosts, and hear those voices too, moreover, they possess their characters and are possessed by them too, so now, do you still want to become a writer here where I'll befriend you and help you where I can, but when those readers have finished reading your whatever, and after they've recognized your talent, and even paid you well for your pains, they'll just walk away leaving you stuck with your shared life within you still..."


repost from elsewhere, new, the "who do you love" thread

"...well now, they do say opposites attract, so I love just the captain as she commanded..." confided the goblin not knowing if humans would understand such intricacies here, then adding "...though I suspect her true love is actually her housework, to which I make some accommodation true, but only where and when my cloak of invisibility has failed me, otherwise it's a body that goes through the motions to a mind that goes through its elsewhere, no she probably thinks that she married some potted plant stuck fast to the laptop, or whatever fanatical housewives interpret livewriters to be, but she'd probably admit that it's ok, after all talking to plants is supposed to be good for one, so I'm her lost cause I guess, yet I'd be utterly lost without her too..."


repost from elsewhere

why don't you post elsewhere on this forum goblin
"...well that's because I'm very selfish you see, for example I'll never tag a thread merely for the thread's sake, nor for the forum's sake neither, no, each post I do has to be truly meant by me in my selfishness..." replied the goblin promising to be here though, adding "...also it varies but it's something like thirty forums, so you can imagine the number of notifications, ranging form involved praise to outright hostility, between the likes of writer's forums, to dark stuff on goth forums, on to supporting courageous lupusbots on their forum too, etc., etc., with all of them asking me exactly that exact same question where I have to apologize to each in turn by saying that there's never enough goblin to go round...", in fact, the goblin only did about one post a day, one that he then reposted many times before it came close to its finished state, concluding "...so perhaps each repost is like an evolution of its original where the more one redoes it the more streamlined it becomes still, and yet it all had to be an exercise in self honesty to reveal one's muse through it lest the tagging of threads would blur her into inconspicuousness, simply you see me by this, my selfishness to its full then, sorry..."


repost from elsewhere, daylight saving time

"...ah, look at the miss set alarm clock watson...", holmes pointed across the bed "...ingenious..." watson replied continuing "...so the zombie we found at the writing desk came from that...", "...yes, and most probably the masterwork of luvs'riarty and the forumsforum gang again, a fiendish ploy to stop him from posting most likely...", "...I say holmes, this just isn't cricket, what's ever to be done I wonder...", "...no time to explain now waston, we must retrieve the thread here before it falls into their hands...", "...by jove, brilliant idea holmes..." as their steps quickened towards the goblin's computer


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