This will be a great restoration Brian. But of course, I would have a couple of comments. You can ignore/take seriously/laugh at as you please.
I was just thinking of the stress that body movement, vibration, etc would put on the radiator inlet, and wondering if anyone makes a bellows hose that short. Of course, as it heats up it will soften, but age will stiffen it up considerably.
And for another random thought...a story. I bought a very used Chevy bottled water delivery truck in Fresno CA. I was following it home while a friend drove it. On Hwy 97 about 10 miles south of Kalamath Falls, On a nice straight stretch, I noticed a black spot on the road. Thinking it was just a tar patch I didn't even swerve and ran over it. Not a tar patch, It went click click. I was a little confused then about 100 yards farther on the truck lost all its anti-freeze, more confusion. My friend felt the vibration and stopped on the side of the highway. The clicking black thing was a fan blade. The unbalance tore the water pump into many pieces before going through the radiator. Just another fun the tow truck was lifting the front I happened to be standing near the front tires. As it went up, the bottom of the tires swung inward about two inches.
The tow truck driver set me up with a great shop in K Falls who replaced the kingpins and put all the other stuff back together. It must have been a reasonable price, I don't have a clue what it cost, and I never had to do anything else to that rig. I put a dump bed on it and used it for about 8 years for filbert harvest.
SO, I applaud your choice of a NEW fan.
Could have said I'm a fan of the new fan.