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What are you doing today, II

Replanting a lot of our flowering perennial beds over the weekend. Probably planted 3 dozen or more ferns and Hostas.

Picked up another 40 plants today. Corals Bells and Hostas, for shade areas. All 1 gallon pots. Somehow I think I might be sore for the next few days.

Round 2 of moving mom this week. I went and hauled a couple loads of yard and shed stuff the other day. Today was closing day which was interesting as mom is basically doing a trade plus cash for her place. Mom and dad had bought a 5 acre property with a 37x67 heated shop and a 2 bedroom house. She's been trying to sell it since dad passed away in 2021. This guy wanted to buy it but needed to sell his place first. They agreed to a house swap. The place mom is moving into was built in 87 and is in great shape. So we were basically moving mom in the house as the other owners were moving out. Kind of a $hitshow but we kept it organized. Lol
I've been packing up and shipping our stuff for two months now to clear the building for the landlord. Nice co-operative woman who gave us literally two free months to get gone.

Loaded the 6,000 lb Seabold 48" flatbed cutter today. Plus, another 4,000 lbs of SS steel, carbon steel and aluminum, old DC motors and gearboxes.

It is bittersweet, but a victory that we got it done. One week left of clearing personal stuff, loading my big 24 foot dump-bed "Big TEX" trailer and hauling it all to Hippie Ridge where we start a new life of Quasi Retirement.
Finally, I get to work on my boats.
Picked up some windows for a greenhouse we will be building. Did a lot more planting in the flower beds, that included digging up some and transplanting, plus planting new plants. Lots of watering of plants too. Much more to do.
Just got home from 2 nights at a provincial park sleeping in tents with my scout troop. Today I have physio then I'm bringing the fifth wheel over to an rv repair shop to have a ladder installed on the rear of it.
We're in full on mosquito season. Just moving the old fifth wheel in the yard. I have it listed for sale but have a couple things I want to do on it. I've been busy helping mom move. This afternoon I have to make a trip to home depot to pick up some lumber for some repairs to mom's new place. She's getting the whole inside painted and getting the back deck and fence repaired. Apparently I'm also inheriting her 31ft motorhome to store in the yard and dewinterize it and fix some roof caulking that's cracking before it leaks.

We're in full on mosquito season. Just moving the old fifth wheel in the yard. I have it listed for sale but have a couple things I want to do on it. I've been busy helping mom move. This afternoon I have to make a trip to home depot to pick up some lumber for some repairs to mom's new place. She's getting the whole inside painted and getting the back deck and fence repaired. Apparently I'm also inheriting her 31ft motorhome to store in the yard and dewinterize it and fix some roof caulking that's cracking before it leaks.

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Northernredneck 1

Mosquitoes 0


A buddy had a handheld version of this thing last weekend at the camp I was at. It creates a bug free zone within 15 feet only a couple minutes after turning it on. This one is battery powered. My buddy's was butane powered. It works great.
Bought a used 5000lb hydrofoil for the whaler. Going over to the Marina to determine if it needs hoses or anything.
Doesn't need hoses. That's a good thing. 70 feet of 1" hose not needed to buy.
Had to change the docking side, which requires quite a few 1/2" fasteners to be removed and some heavy steel moved to the opposite side. Then had to move the guides in to fit the Whaler. Removed the bunks, removed the bad wood, and bought 2 16' treated 2x6 and some carpet to cover them. That's tomorrow job, along with prepping the tubes for a pressure test.
Hopefully have the Whaler in front of the condo by next weekend.
Would love to see some pics of the Whaler.
Here's a few.
I installed the Garmin depth finder, a MB Quart stereo, a battery kill switch. Replaced all the decals and stripes. Compounded and buffed until it shined like new. Bought the shiny wheels. Wife made the carpet. Replaced the steering wheel. Had the key diverted cable changed.
When we bought it, the previous owner had relied on the oil injection system, which failed, and the destroyed the engine. So we have a nice new engine.
Removed the injecting system and mix the gas. No chance of melting an engine from the wrong oil mix now.


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Looks great. A fun addition to your stable. Congrats.
We have day four of our high school fencing camp today. 9:30am to 2pm. I already 'done' with it. Just putting in my time. In fact I'm leaving early (which I pre-arranged).

This afternoon I'll be going to Chicago to Melen's condo to try to get the last of the major work done with my buddy and his son. If we get the major work done then the only thing left to do will be trim, paint, and ordering the counter tops. I think there is an 80+% chance we finish the major tasks.
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Sitting ALONE at camp with my feet up drinking a beer and eating BBQd pizza. Not a single other soul out. Much needed night of r&r. I may head down to the boat in the morning and take the cover off and go wet a line. The family is coming tomorrow after work and school. The camp is silent aside from the birds chirping.
I could be doing worse things today. Some much needed r&r.

I was a little teary-eyed earlier. My grandfather had made this anchor out of an old axle about 50 years ago. Dad had it for years. I recently inherited it. Dad had a good length of rope tied to it that appeared to be in good shape. Sadly I discovered that it was brittle and sunbaked as the line snapped as soon as I went to drop anchor. Oh well. Can't do anything about it now.

Drive up to Sturtevant again this Friday. Last Friday drove up and picked up a brand new Heatnglo 36" fireplace that was just discontinued. A $3500 unit, 500 bucks. While there. He told us he also had one of those new thin ones, a 33", that a contractor misordered. That was a $4300 unit. 800 bucks. Since I only had my SUV, I could only take the first one last week.
These are for the vacation rental home we are preparing. So two brand new fireplace(propane) for 1300 bucks. Gawd I love saving money!
While up in Wisconsin, both times, drove up to Kendor's, a marine surplus place, and bought some stuff. On the way back, both times picked up a bunch of fresh cheese curds at Mars Cheese Castle. Man are these cuts squeeky!
This time we had lunch there. 9 bucks for a huge Italian beef sandwich. Very good. Glad we stopped there for lunch.
Yesterday, before going to work on our hydrofoil again, did a detour to a few garage sales. A guy put out his dinghy for sale next to one of the garage sales. A very nice west marine 10 foot dinghy. With 9.9 electric start outboard, and the trailer it was on, 750 bucks! I can sell this thing right now for 2k, and may at the end of the summer, but it's just what I need while attaching the hydrofoil to my dock. Talky about being on the right place at the right time. I had just sold our old dinghy with a 1995 Johnson on it, no trailer. For 1100 bucks a month ago.
Retirement is grand!


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Let's see. I was mudding drywall to patch a botched quartz countertop installation I discovered at 8am. Then switched over to emptying out most kitchen cabinets and beginning to remove them. Then we brought in an old shelving unit to store stuff while the kitchen is finally under demolition. By 11:30am, I had gotten as far as I wanted to on the kitchen and looked outside at the lawn and decided to mow a small section where the inlaws are going to be parking their rv when they arrive later today. An hour later I had mowed roughly 3 acres. I decided that the mower deck needed a good cleaning so before finishing up the mowing I stopped by my pressure washer and gave it a good rinse. Since it was clean, I figured why not paint it.

After I got done painting the mower deck, I turned my attention to the garden which needed tilling to prepare the soil for planting. That took a couple of hours in the hot afternoon sun. By 4pm, I had tears dripping where tears shouldn't be dripping from so it was time for a shower and cook dinner. That's been my average day lately. 😆 🤣
Probably a not too much day but I will likely be busy all day doing it.

I have 5 large perennial flower plants that need to get into the ground. I purchased 40 1+ gallon size plants and got 35 planted on Monday. 5 should have gone into the ground yesterday but it was a rain day so I worked on some inside projects. Rain has moved on. I want the plants in the ground today.

I also need to work on some trim for the house, prepare some trim pieces for the Chicago condo, and a few odds and ends so I have plenty to do. Nothing major, not impactful that anyone would notice. But plenty of stuff that needs doing.
Roof work started today. Yesterday, the damaged sections were being reframed/replaced. All of the decking has been replaced and I feel that work should be completed by tomorrow just in time for the weekend. It was, however, a costly investment but worth it. In a few years, I'll part ways with the place and find myself a new pad in another state. TBH, since dad died, I don't really have any reason to stay anymore. Hit the six-month mark last Thursday, just before Father's Day. It still sucks.
Finished tearing out the remaining cabinets and counter top in the kitchen and delivered them. Who'dve thunk that I could sell 22 year old kitchen cabinets for 6k within 12hrs of listing them for sale. I reconnected our dishwasher temporarily until the new cabinets are installed as I really didn't want to wash dishes by hand.
I was SUPPOSED TO BE resting today as I've been running my a$$ off lately. I started off by driving to the city for an appointment then stopped at a store quickly before returning home to hook up to my mother's enclosed cargo trailer that was half full of garbage and hauled that to the dump. Unloading sucked in the afternoon heat. Then I towed it back to her old place so they can load up a few remaining things from her recent move. Then I drove 20k south to help mom pick up her motorhome and bring it back to my place to dewinterize it and go through the systems. One of those days.

I'm heading out to camp alone tomorrow morning for the night for a break as apparently it's not possible here.
I have finally retired!
I'm still working 3 days a pay period prn, but my benefits kicked in.
Last few weeks I'd been training nurses to take over full time.
It's been both a joy and hell sometimes too.
Today, Kasey moved to State College PA permanently to live so she can resume nursing for her RN in the fall.
Jeff drove a U-Haul while she followed him.
She hated driving on the turnpike, but they got off on an exit shortly after.
Last I spoke to them, they're going out for dinner, then he's going to his hotel so he can sleep.
She moved in with her friend Peyton.
Just about at the end of shutting the business down.

The last three months have been a day today grind to evacuate the building after twenty three years of filling it with work, materials and life.

Today I put virtually the last of it on my 24-foot flatbed trailer.

Next week I will clear the building of pallets, scrap metal, and the last load of machinery to the new owner. And be done!The company that bought me out keeps calling for help on projects they have sold but don't know how to produce well. I make a little money as a consultant/mechanic, but it has continually delayed my progress at the old plant.
I have finally retired!
I'm still working 3 days a pay period prn, but my benefits kicked in.
Last few weeks I'd been training nurses to take over full time.
It's been both a joy and hell sometimes too.
Today, Kasey moved to State College PA permanently to live so she can resume nursing for her RN in the fall.
Jeff drove a U-Haul while she followed him.
She hated driving on the turnpike, but they got off on an exit shortly after.
Last I spoke to them, they're going out for dinner, then he's going to his hotel so he can sleep.
She moved in with her friend Peyton.
Congrats PG. All the best in your new adventure