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sno(w) cat serenade, march 13-16, 2020

Mike Mikelle,

Thanks for the pics, and the laughs.

I've made multiple texts to WBJ1 about how great The Serenade was, and he has just about committed to making next years event. Of course that means Scott and I will have to get Snowzilla done. That’s a tall order as this is it’s present condition (axles were removed from both Snowzilla and Thundercat to install Eaton E Lockers).


Thundercat is almost completely reassembled. However, Scott and I have been talking about some additional modifications, which of course means taking some steps backwards as part of the process. Both modifications are labor intensive, and right now the plan is to get Snowzilla finished before any new Thundercat mods. We will make Sun Valley next year, and I guarantee we won’t show up with another stock-engined Tucker.

There is also a vicious rumor Blackfoot Tucker is acquiring a machine made by a foreign manufacturer. (No, Tucker hasn’t moved their production offshore.) I will neither confirm nor deny that rumor...
mikemikelle, you are one crazy catter, think you have picked up the flag and going as fast as you can, fun story telling and can't wait to see how this fictional story ends, pretty sure the fix is in, thiokol wins in your make believe world....

really fun story telling and I am on the edge of my seat, more please...and yes, they are all named Scott, you really should get yourself one...

Blackfoot tucker, you have lots and lots and lots and lots of work to be ready in 358 days !!! fyi I vote for you to paint WBjr's rig PINK, better get a couple more Scott's

thank you again to all that came, what amazing group of cat friends...
Was the welder needed for this outing? BFT missed "Best Rolling, Fix Anything, Repair Facility".
Thankfully no welding or trailside repairs this trip out, but I wouldn't know how to act if I wasn't driving something with a welder bolted on:17875:

No video but here's a picture of Gmoose on the little snow bike/ski/sled


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Thanks for posting all the great photos. I strongly suspect credit for those should go to "Ms Moose" (I think that was her preferred form of address) as I'll bet she took them... Please also convey my thanks to her.

Ms. Gmoose did take most of them, and there are many more to come in the next couple of days as I get time to post. I will pass along the thank you.
Both those machines are badass! And Fast! I had no luck trying to catch you on the way down and was clocking 15 MPH.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

About half way down my brakes were getting way hot from steering, we could smell them, when I stopped to check them I could have fried on egg on them. I should have installed the steering ski for that ride, it would have been perfect for that groomed trail. Glad l pulled over and had you pass, I slowed down, some of those edges were much steeper than I would have wanted to go over.
About half way down my brakes were getting way hot from steering, we could smell them, when I stopped to check them I could have fried on egg on them. I should have installed the steering ski for that ride, it would have been perfect for that groomed trail. Glad l pulled over and had you pass, I slowed down, some of those edges were much steeper than I would have wanted to go over.

Dont' give it away, that's Chapter 3
….. wow,... nice job guyz & ladies !! and M/M ,.. great narration on chapter 1, …. all super looking Cats. :thumbup: glad everyone had a great time ! ! looks like a great crowd & beautiful country ! rrally bummed the ''strep '' throat & bronchitis (& covid 19) ,... kept us away . the ''wifey'' was looking forward to the Idaho ''experience''. WELL ,... that;s it.... just gonna have to build a spare Cat & leave it out there , somewhere,... to jump in & take part.... :smile:
We have officially affixed the memories in the east from Sun Valley! Probably bring the model J.Tucker and Mrs next year.

Few other epic cat trip locations hidden in there.

We have two pieces of folk art coming together to earn my awesome sculpture mineral rights. One will be on permanent tour from pontoon gathering to gathering to gathering... The other will capture the group for the next one that can commit!


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it is official

Sun Valley, Idaho

March 11-15, 2021

okay folks

I have a block of 25 rooms reserved for our group, we will be able to make reservations early fall of 2020, be best when I post the reservation code (just like this year) to make them quickly, so if we need more rooms I will be able to get them, good news is the room price increase was only 5 dollars per room per night. King bedroom will be $225 and 2 queen bedroom will be $245, plus tax and fees, still a very good rate for any lesser resort.

FYI, before the china virus struck we had reserved 38 rooms, I am certain we will have that many rooms again if not more,

there is more than enough great areas to cat about, 4 different areas all within 50 miles, about an hours drive, to adventure in, quite sure this coming event will exceed the experience of this years, lots of mountains to be climbed to their tops

this fall, there will be a complete schedule of activies will be posted, if you have any suggestions, they are more than welcome...

be safe and take care


your snowcat queen
Mike Mikelle,

Thanks for the pics, and the laughs.

I've made multiple texts to WBJ1 about how great The Serenade was, and he has just about committed to making next years event. Of course that means Scott and I will have to get Snowzilla done. That’s a tall order as this is it’s present condition (axles were removed from both Snowzilla and Thundercat to install Eaton E Lockers).

View attachment 124760

Thundercat is almost completely reassembled. However, Scott and I have been talking about some additional modifications, which of course means taking some steps backwards as part of the process. Both modifications are labor intensive, and right now the plan is to get Snowzilla finished before any new Thundercat mods. We will make Sun Valley next year, and I guarantee we won’t show up with another stock-engined Tucker.

There is also a vicious rumor Blackfoot Tucker is acquiring a machine made by a foreign manufacturer. (No, Tucker hasn’t moved their production offshore.) I will neither confirm nor deny that rumor...

Hey Blackfoot Tucker, tell us about that Thiokol that is hidden back there in this photo.
Rhonda Eskelson driving the Frandee when the steering ski was attached on day one. When I met Rhonda that morning she started to cry she was so happy. I think we all made the Eskelsons day(s). Thanks to everyone for making them part of the group!

Hey Blackfoot Tucker, tell us about that Thiokol that is hidden back there in this photo.

That's "Porky", Scott's Thiokol 1200C wide track. It earned its name when loading it on a trailer. It literally lifted the rear of the pickup truck off the ground.


Here's a pic of his other machine, a 4VL.

Headed up the mountain, about 11 mile trip up if I heard correctly. Six of us went up on day two, I was at the very back.




Headed down, the IMP lead the way:



Stopped to let the Frandee brakes cool down, why didn't I take the steering ski this day, live and learn.


Well that is about all the photos I have to share. Gmoose and Ms. Gmoose would like to thank everyone for the great time. See you all next year.

all fixed, great photos...

and thank you again to everyone that came and now sharing their fabulous photos


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Hey folks, I hope everyone is well, most of us are hunkered down to some extent. I think we squeezed this trip in just in time.
I threw together this raw, largely unedited video of the Serenade for you all.
We sure had a great time catting and chatting with everyone. Of course several folks we didn't get to chat enough with but makes for a good reason to come back again next year.
Not sure if our season is over yet but we are getting some new snow and it might be the best way to socially distance ourselves for a bit. If the weather gets nice again I might have to go on an early snow camping trip to Adams or something. Kids are out of school for probably the rest of the year and my work will screech to a halt for a bit so we will make the best of it for a while.
Stay safe, stay healthy and I'm looking forward to seeing all the projects people will be getting done during this shut down.
