sno(w) cat serenade, march 13-16, 2020

Gmoose, although I didn’t get a chance to talk to you, I did get a kick out of watching your beautiful Frandee purring around all over the place.

Thank you for arranging to have the Eskelsons come to the gtg, I could have listened to that amazing historical info all day. There was mention of binders full of photos that may or may not have been passed around, I can only imagine how cool those are. Their recollections and photos would probably be the most complete and personal record of Frandee and Thiokol, as well as Bombardier’s entrance into the alpine cat market. Put me down for a few copies on the preorder list if you can nudge them into putting a book together!

Edit- *i posted this before seeing BFT’s post above and would have rather not followed that one! TLBFT gets the award for the most thorough, accurate and entertaining posts!

Sorry we did not meet, and more importantly, that you did not get a chance to ride/drive the Frandee. Next year for sure (I understand there may already be dates set).

The collection of photos and news paper articles are from the scrap book that Ross Eskelsons wife (sorry I do not know her first name) put together. Scott and Rhonda Eskelson gave me that book to always keep with the Frandee. There is some incredible history in there, some day I will get it scanned and put on the forum for all to enjoy and learn from. I will bring it next year if you or anyone else would like to look through it.

They also gave me some information on the Thiokol Spryte 201 that I purchased a couple months ago.
fyi, yes we did do some T-shirts and hats,

the Frandee - GMoose was the poster cat for the hats and t-shirts and the tucker mafia had their own t-shirt...

your snow cat queen

Well it was rather embarrassing for a humble man to have the likeness of his Frandee on the hats and shirts. However, what an honor, not only for me and my wife, but more importantly for the Eskelson family that came to the event. I cannot thank PP enough for the great gesture. Thank you from Gmoose and Ms. Gmoose (as named by Blackfoot Tucker)!
Here is a track quiz: Which machine made these tracks. Hint #1: Looks like they are 32 inches wide. Hint #2: Looks like there is a 1 inch wide flat face in the bottom of the track. Hint #3: Looks like the differential pumpkin was dragging between the sets of tracks. Hint #4: Looks like there may be some wood grain in that impression. Hint #5: The photographer (Ms. Gmoose) is partial to the owner.

A lot of tracks were made in the snow around base camp, everyone was having a ball.

Who has the best caption for this one, Gmoose (Frandee), Mikemikelle (Imp), and Logger1965 (Tucker) talking after an 11 mile trip to the top of the mountain up Baker Creek.

How about:
Mikemikelle "I am telling you two tracks rule", Logger1965 "bullsh_t"
5 Snow tracs, 1 snow master, and one resting driver:

I learned that it could be important to your health to carry a carbon monoxide detector in your snow trac.

Way cool machines, and what a fun group!






Ms. Gmoose, Gmoose, Lynn Eskelson, Scott and Rhonda Eskelson (with the Frandee Sno-Shu of course).

I believe the real response was "Don't argue with me!! Pontoon Princess said you need to have a 4 track cat to lead the pack to the top of the mountain"
Mill666er's 443, even though it has two to many tracks, it was still one of my favorites, something about the flames.

Check out the forest service approved spark arrestor on the exhaust. Rob also taught me a bit about half links for the tracks and hardened steel parts on the pontoons.



Mikemikelle's home made trailer, cool rig, very well engineered and fabricated. He even got to haul a payload on Sunday, a small snow scouter thing that JimVT brought.

I saw people videoing some of us riding the scouter, can anyone post one of those videos?


Grandpa (Frandee) and Grandson (Imp).

Did I mention that we had a great time, if not I think you can see it in these pictures.



Sno-Surfers 542, I got to drive this in McCall a couple years ago, my first Tucker I ever drove. Just found out it has the Jeep tornado 230 inline 6 engine, the same as what I am rebuilding for my 542 cab forward.

Some WOW factor here, show room quality restoration. Heard he is working on another one, not sure about that, but that is what someone said. His wife (sorry can't remember her name, Lxxxxxx) drove the Frandee, she was definitely the best at spinning cookies/donuts.

All I can say about this Tucker is POWER HOUSE. We were with it when we did the 22 mile out and back. I bet it could have towed us all out at the same time. Those tracks must be 3 ft wide.


I know I'm late to the party but we had a blast. Big thanks to PP for all the time and effort organizing this get together, the location was awesome. Also a big thanks to everyone that came. It was tons of fun getting to hang with everyone and we can't wait to do it again. As usual we didn't enough photos, but here they are

Was the welder needed for this outing? BFT missed "Best Rolling, Fix Anything, Repair Facility".
I think just one bogie wheel flat, a random 1" roller found, some gas in oil which I think was remedied. My understanding is everything moved in and out under it's own power.
I think just one bogie wheel flat, a random 1" roller found, some gas in oil which I think was remedied. My understanding is everything moved in and out under it's own power.

most serious damage was 2 boggie wheels destroyed on a tucker rubber track, it also had 4 more very well worn wheel/bearing near failure, and the damage was only discovered once loaded on the trailer Sunday late afternoon.

everything else was no big issue, just added to the fun, excitement, and a little ribbing (poking of the bear) and the best mobile snow cat repair/rescue rig, sadly, saw no service.
What is up with 4Track's L/H rear pontoon orientation in post 341 above? Just an illusion??

LOL, this has the ASC system, which allows for the rear pontoons to be steered independently of the front, Gmoose cab forward has the same system on his 542, currently under restoration.....

Thanks for posting all the great photos. I strongly suspect credit for those should go to "Ms Moose" (I think that was her preferred form of address) as I'll bet she took them... Please also convey my thanks to her.
Missed the T-shirt moment above, but Lil Captn and I also had our klan t-shirts ready. We'll have to bring them next year, being how there's already a plan. :thumbup:


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Something I didn’t mention in my earlier post was the number of wives who came to The Serenade. I was surprised how many came, and was hugely impressed at how great they all were. A really fun bunch that added greatly to the experience. I genuinely feel I won the lottery with my (second) wife. Well, there were a lot of other lottery winners at The Serenade, too.

I mention this so those who are considering making a future Serenade should also consider including their wives when planning the trip. I can say unequivocally they would be most welcome.

Hey Snowcat fans-

Chapter 1- The Sun Valley Snowcat Serenade

While some of you were stuck at home to watch NASCAR last weekend, or sulk about the lack of snow, or hid inside due to the impending doom created by the importation of that poor Chinese knock off of Corona.....a bunch of us gathered to witness the snow trials. Thee Competition! That's right, the winner take all, 2nd Unvitational Trials of Soiled Conservancy....put on by Royalty, and attended by actual Snowcat Royalty.

Fans flew in from as far away as New York and Massacheesenips, and everywhere in between. Competitors (and Snowtracs) from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, California, Colorado, and the oldest one was even from B.C.! No not "Before Christ", A.D., well, maybe A.D.D., but not quite A.D.H.D., but from the Hockey homeland, British Columbia, in an Oregonian machine, but legal because the speedometer (slowometer) was in Kilometers per Hour (which averaged out at 12.....yeah, KPH, so like 8 in America).

The honored guests were Snowcat Royalty, the brothers Eskelson, direct heirs to mad cat inventor and low PSF genius, Sir Ross Eskelson (their father). Yes, the brainchild of the 2 track snow cat, imitated to this day, but never duplicated. These two were all smiles, for they had three ponies in the race, which were all favored machines, the number #1 contender (Frandee Snoshu), #2nd in points (Red Hot Imp), and a new spit polished Sprite spilled out of some shop in Salmon. All three were inventions of their Father. They literally had no chance of losing!


Scott Eskelson was all smiles, knowing the family dynasty was well protected, and the win was virtually in the bag

Hosting (and the full planning) of the event was none other than Pontoon Princess, our own Royalty. Additional events of Pomp and Circumstance were also included (horse drawn sleigh rides, fancy dining, pizza parties, bowling, etc.), plus lunch was provided both days at the event. All attendees were grateful for her mastery of the festivities. The event was so big that the local stores were emptied in Sun Valley, Ketchum, and Hailey, no joke. It was something to do with the Corona sponsorship. My opinion, they were poorly prepared.




Attendees gathered for the lunchtime festivities both days

Well known Forum names attended this herding: Pontoon Princess, Track Addict, Backyardski, Snow-surfer, Blackfoot Tucker, Logger1965, Archmage, GlacierSean, Mikemikelle, Gmoose, , Ktalley, Mill666er, JimVT, Cidertom, poijnty chops, Mother Tucker, 4Trackcat, 1boringguy, it’s all about downhill, and many many more …..

Loads of tension hidden behind all those smiles. Their handles were as varied as their machines and their attire, obviously in effort to throw off the competition. Examples like Blackfoot Tucker- feet weren’t black, but his sidekick’s eye was? 1boringguy- Not so boring, turns out he owns 3 machines, and he and his beautiful babe took a bird to Boise had a baby boy in-between events. Serious dedication!



There was a large contingent from the heavy favored Tucker brand (To clarify- not heavily favored, but heavy favored, meaning those who like a bit of "extra" in the trunk). Both rubber tracks and steel tracks, 2 doors and 3 door models, older, newer, mid-engine, front engine......and as expected, the illegal engined! Yes, long time forum contributor, Blackfoot Tucker, with his sidekick Scott (why are they always named "Scott"?) had their hotrod rigs disqualified before even departing the P.R.O.U. (Utah), due to outlawed repowering. Yup, the hopes of the Tucker fans were dashed, Thundercat and Snowzilla were both out. Another young hopeful had arrived in the wee hours, from Veil Colorado, Archmage, but proved to be too Tuckered out from attending the Colorado Snowcat Jamboree the week before. It was reported later on that he was so distraught afterwards that he was cooking leftover hotdogs on the side of the road on what appeared to be his spare pontoon? Can’t make this stuff up!


Behind those smiles- The Ruthless “Blackfoot Tucker” and his sidekick Scott “Black eyed Gorilla”, trying to look so innocent- Definitely not as confident without their corked cats, “Snowzilla” and “Thundercat” . Those Utah folk always have that “friendly on a bicycle” look, but watch out!

Sort of on the down low, but another source of tension was the fact that two of the powerful cat families were represented. Both the Tucker mafia and the Snotrac mafia were seen, Dons and Enforcers. It’s thought that the whole event may have been a ruze to throw off the authorities about some meeting between the big bosses. Turns out one of them has crossed over into the others territory, and may now own three of them…my lips are sealed. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe the meeting was about how they were going to deal with the boundary dispute.

The Snotrac mafia had a huge show of force with six machines present. It was obvious they were not playing around. They were still up to the same old tricks though, complete with “breakdowns” and “equipment failures” to throw off the others, but still manage to make it to all the events? Sir Scott Eskelson wasn’t having any of it, and donated “fuel Additive” to the fastest Trac’s tank to help with their so called “problem”. Think he said it was a real sweet blend, newly developed out of some cane byproduct? Shows true integrity by helping out the adversary….and also from Utah.


Sir Scott Eskelson spotted “helping out” a rival rig with some sweet new fuel additive

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 - more action and suspense, competition details, close calls, accidents......and remember "Rubbin is Racing"


