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Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh.
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lol no, just enjoyin the snow! they haven touched our roads yet and the wind's pickin up again. gonna be driftin like crazy. ive got properties to shovel/snoblo tomorrow too! ugh
yup! and some helpful fella plowed my drive for me. plowed the snow up to the back of my cars. so helpful. so me being the intelligent, pantient guy i am, i rammed the 3 foot pile of snow with my car. not the best idea ive had lately...
unbeknowst to me, the upstairs neighbor took the shovel with her when she left. also my rock salt, so i had no way to remove the snow. after the car got stuck i had to go borry one from the neighbor next door
Wow it snowed much more there than here! All we are left with now is horrible ICE everywhere! I nearly skidded down my path when I walked out the door this morning Its all a bit mad here! Luckily no one saw except my cat and he just gave me a look and wondered off so I saved myself hehe!
no! but yes i am cheap. but now shes gone and i have to. usually theres a hired kid that does our walk, and i never bother with the driveway, we just drive over the snow, but since its plowed in, i cant do that this time lol
That is not bad compared to 93. I ran a bunch of nurses back and forth to Leaders/ Manor Care and It was all I could do with chains on all four wheels in my one ton to get down the streets in D-town. The girls were desperate after being stuck there for 3-4 days. They could not leave till I hauled somebody in to replace them.
Well come over when we have a good storm coming off the lakes and I will show you snow where folks lose the first story of the house till spring. You keep the tunnel open to the front door and the plows and huge snowblowers run non stop.Weather Elements: Lake-Effect Snow Climatology in the Great Lakes ...
well i finally removd the car after back breaking labor and an evening in the cold. but i came prepared. i had the two thngs a snow removal professional should not be without. a shovel, and a snow pile full of beer.
Where are you at this morning Rusty? Too much snow and too many beers? You need to man up cause it is gonna be a long winter! Or find a kid who wants to make some money shoveling. Remember a few bucks less for buying beer yields a whole lot more time for drinking it.LOL