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Rusty's thought of the day thread

So the boiler in the pic is for house heat?
Yes it is. The boiler is rated for 500,000 btu output and is piped to the house in insulated underground pipe. A simple Taco pump runs continuous and transfers the water to the propane boiler in the basement. From there other pumps run to the air handler, hot water heater, snowmelt and pex under floor radiant heat. I can stay as warm as I want!:clap: I don't shovel snow except a little slush on the back patio. Everything else is skid loader or plow.
what i heard, they didnt name any stores, but you KNOW it was them greedy twats at wal-fart.
but Amazon does not participate in that shipping hiking! shop Amazon! **** walmart! its funny, because ive been sayin it fer years, BLAME WALMART!
I am going to stay out of the Walmart discussion as I dont know much about it really??? LOL! Never even seen one apart from on tv haha! But I heard about the scooter satans in Walmart though haha!
I am going to stay out of the Walmart discussion as I dont know much about it really??? LOL! Never even seen one apart from on tv haha! But I heard about the scooter satans in Walmart though haha!

Walmart are the owners of Asda.....so think Asda and you got Walmart:thumb:
daaaa da da DAAAAAAAAAAAA have no fear, people of FF! captain obvious is here!
galvi's alter ego
if you liked those, youd probly be laugher yer arse off if you read the whole thread :yum: .. its my thread and i still laught my arse off when i re read it

So your now taking all the credit smart-ass.....you know the thread is nothing without me:yum::yum::yum:

In fact it's nothing with the pair of us:yum::yum::yum:
I think he will be tied up with snow removal for a while. Or he said F it and walked down to the legion.
I have not been to the legion for a while. Might go there for dinner tonight, ours has great food. Good idea.