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Rusty's thought of the day thread

I love the bit in the letter thats states" you have 2 days to remove anything you want from the car"...letter dated the 10th of this month and got it today the 15th.....thats the child seat and ect outta the window...wankers.

Bloody car is a 2 hour drive away to...o i forgot i have no car me stupid.
thats what i love about the ins companys. they give ya a chance, but they give it to ya too late! if its a 2 day period of time, then they should CALL NOT MAIL IDIOTAS!
Facts....we and Mrs Galv been paying 20 years for insurance....never once had to claim of our ins....never once someone else claimed of our ins.....hey presto when we do it takes forever....should have just said fook it and banked the money instead of paying ins.

I blame the USA.....seems a simple solution :yum::yum:
Tree up and drink flowing soooooo

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58CJih1iYC0&NR=1"]YouTube- Don't Stop Me Now[/ame]

Are you over the Giants getting plucked by the EAGLES yet? They are on their way to matching the Steelers this year.
Man that whiskey last night hurt my head....today my mouth tastes like the bottom of Amy Winehouse's Knickers......gonna throw:puking:


Should i attempt round 2 :whistling:
at least 2 rounds more -- one to kill the memory of last night and the second to help you not care what tomorrow's hangover will be like...
at least 2 rounds more -- one to kill the memory of last night and the second to help you not care what tomorrow's hangover will be like...

I trust you so i will.....should i also i have one for you my friend??
SDFGSFDGSGFD #^###%^%$#^%##%^## FG SFD 54W5W4 G54G wg% $GW5424


how botu a triple shot of jager for me myself and i and 3 beers of your choice, galvi?>!
their excuse btw: the printer is broken. whoop dee do i dont give a shit! its called pen and paper, read a history book. they did everything before, and they can still do it now!!!
yeah thats just it. all the lazy ****s who have become so dependant on their computers to do their job for them, and when our 'techologically advanced' job-doers-so-that-we-dont-have-to-ourselves machines fail, the systems goes down adn everyone is screwed!
i mean i understand that alot of thigns now CANT be done without a machine, but come on. a printer. something that writes for us. we cant live without? cant function without? how the hell do these people wipe their own ass ffs.
o Rusty....my wife just cooked me some peppered burgers with red onion....in bread rolls with salad and pickles on the side......double cheese....man these are damn good.
Congrats....call her Galvy:biggrin:

Hows Mom and Dad coping??

actually, I was planning on calling her wolf-girl - probably leave less mental scarring...
Mom & Dad are still exhausted and in shock I suspect.
She is supposed to go home first thing tomorrow, so it'll be interesting, since the parents moved into my basement back in July.