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Rusty's thought of the day thread

We need to know what is it?

P.S. I have a secret stash of brandy at work.... Drop a bit or a lot into the coffee hehe :yum:
I think Rusty is teasing me....i shall not give up til i am happy to the meaning.

Rusty....so....whats a "hoem"

Maybe we will never know?

P.S. Im at bloody work on xmas eve! Not happy and want to get out of here asap! grrrrr!
Damn! Guess that alarm thing worked! You posted at the exact same time as I rang the alarm for you. LOL Get to work and get it over with. The state needs your taxes to buy more salt.
eh, tis all good. not like i never give you crap, chief! :yum: i was just in a sore mood yesterday thanks to my 'good buddy' here at work givin me shit because hes a pissy git
Don't let work interfere with your partying!Don't let work interfere with your partying!Don't let work interfere with your partying!Don't let work interfere with your partying!Don't let work interfere with your partying!Don't let work interfere with your partying!
Guess I will have to check the police blotter for Rusty's name! Someone down there did steal a big Santa the other day.
Ho Ho Ho Rusty was a very good boy this year and got the hangover from Hell.

I shall use the power of my mind to get him to post....

Hmmmmm ding a ding a ding dong hmmmmmm come in Rusty.....Galvi calling Rusty
