• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Rusty's thought of the day thread

Hey, Rusty - look at it this way.
$4-5 a pack for smokes vs $12-16 a case for beer -- if you quit smoking that's an extra case or 2 of beer a week! (or a liter of Jager or S. Comf)
I can help you Quit smoking.....every time you lite one up think of "Amy druggie twat scum Winehouse".....that could make me Quit life false stop:yum::yum::yum:
Caller on line 4...Billy

hey guy's i need help....im on work experience and my Boss said to go out and paint the porch and all i can see is his Porsche....is this what he meant i dont want to let him down on my first day???

fragile goods on board.....

:D :D :D :D :D


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man, if you're gonna tell us you drink a lot of beer, at least drink beer -- not tasteless water substitutes...
There was more taste and substance in one bottle of Spiffy's Imperial Stout than in both of those boxes of "beer"...
even when I was a broke and starving college student, I would opt for 6 decent beers over 12 cheap ones -- at least when I was going for taste.
OTOH, as a machinist in my 20's I would have 1-2 cans of Oly Gold Light when I walked in the door from work, because it was cheaper than gatorade and didn't taste as bad. (Beer is GREAT as an electrolite replenisher)
well the Keys just plain rule for the price, and the MBL isnt bad either. i save my craft beers, (dundee, Erie, Hop Hog,) for myself. the MBL is for company :D
well the Keys just plain rule for the price, and the MBL isnt bad either. i save my craft beers, (dundee, Erie, Hop Hog,) for myself. the MBL is for company :D

If you REALLY want to save $$$ on feeding beer to company, buy some Zima. Some folks will feel sorry enough for you that they'll bring you beer so you don't have to drink it! (the others will turn it down - so one 12 pack might last an entire summer!)
If you REALLY want to save $$$ on feeding beer to company, buy some Zima. Some folks will feel sorry enough for you that they'll bring you beer so you don't have to drink it! (the others will turn it down - so one 12 pack might last an entire summer!)

zima's been dead for at least a year.
PROOF that my tactic would work!
go find a crusty, dusty case of it in the back of a liquor store and you'll never have to supply your hard earned booze to another deadbeat!
Girls drink "light" beer! Get yourself a case of Old Milwaukee pounders and do some real drinking. That is for Friday morning when you get off third shift. By afternoon you can hit the state store and do some real drinking.
Colt 45 or Mickey's Big Mouths...

Boy if that don't bring back memories. When I was around 15 and the law was 21 I had a neighbor that would get me a case of Colt 45 in the 16oz cans. That was more than enough for a 4 people in a car to have fun with on a Friday night. Ok I admit there was some left over for Friday night too.

Eventually the law in Minnesota changed to 18. It made it easier for us under 18 to get it without being carded.
