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Rusty's thought of the day thread

hell ive had a pitcher of coors lite, at least 5 shots of southern comfort, (yum btw,) :a bottle of molson XXX and on my third can of Key lite. so im feelin ok LMAO :yum:
I'm home all day...done my invoices....sun is shining....lawns are cut...may make a late lunch and go outback with a Cold Beer:clap:
Jokes aside you want to be careful...you will be amazed how things catch ya up and bite ya on the Ass.
If you want to end up like the Hoff then well thats your choice m8.

Hold on he has crap loads of money :yum::yum::yum:
I hope this aint you in 20 Years time:sad:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIPrJmzG7Ss"]YouTube - Marillion - Sugar Mice[/ame]
this is gonna hinder my porch project progress...

a stray firecracker came back onto my porch saturday evening...

its my table i have for the porch...


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yeah i was gonna re-do it anyway so that it would hold up better to the elements. i just wasnt plannign on doing it NOW. and what you cant see in the picture is a tidbit of damage to the siding. the same part of the house that caught fire last time