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Rusty's thought of the day thread

sounds like me with darts.
I'm all over the board until I've got a pint of stout in me.
(speaking of which - you should try to find some of the Schlafly "Extra Stout - Irish style" -- mmmmmmmm....... not at sweet as Mackeson's XXX, but ever so much tastier than bottled Guinness)
my thought...

12 years of bottling up shit and not talking make Galv a pissed off Man

Dont bottle up shit.....trust me.
so your a lot like me. I never fight with anyone, I just bottle it up. I think a drink or two would help if I would just have one or two.

Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.....:doh:

I might have miscounted the other night... I started with 8 cans in the fridge... u take away 6 and there should be two left... I am OUT of beer.... me thinks that six was really 8 the other night.. :pat: