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Rusty's thought of the day thread

the only reasn we tried them is because they were a free sample at Sam's club - and they tasted a LOT better than any frozen waffle I had ever tried before then.
of course, my homemade ones are pretty tasty, as well...
thinking of, that might make a pretty decent supper tonight along with some scrambled eggs and a jalapeno sausage or 2...
Proxy thought for the day (since RS didn't post one).
TGIF - and "too much week, not enough weekend"...
even worse - the day after you buy something that can't be returned, it goes on sale for half price.
Even worse........... You buy what you consider a bargain one day and the next day you wonder why did I buy it as it fits no useful purpose and fills no real needs in your life..........:w00t2:

Kind of like a hurry up wedding in Vegas when you are totally intoxicated.......:unsure:

actually im a Gilbey's drinker. never tried the bombay sapphire. how is it?
no idea - had someone try to poison me with gin once and have never been tempted to repeat the mistake.
Got some Tanqueray's in the cabinet though in case you ever come to visit. :D

OTOH, if you were talking single malts over 12...